Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tarte Good as Gold Lipgloss Gift Set Giveaway Contest

Tarte introduced a superb Good as Gold Lipgloss Gift Set for Holiday 2010. I purchased an extra one, and it's getting lonesome here. So, I'm going to give it away to one lucky reader! The winner can share with a friend - or not. There are lots of pretty little glosses in the set.

The limited-edition collection has 15 universally flattering shades that range from sheer to deep, and shimmering to soft. Like all Tarte glosses, these beauties are filled with skinvigorating ingredients, including jojoba oil, mineral pigments, and Tarte's t5 super fruit complex.

How can you enter to win? Just leave a comment here once. After you comment, feel free to e-mail and identify your comment. You can never be too careful about sharing your e-mail address on a blog, so I would follow this second step if I were you (an alternative is to code your e-mail, e.g., myname at gmail dot com, in your comment).

You can "earn" a second entry by tweeting this contest. Just make sure to include "@BTiBeauty" (without the quotes) in your tweet. I will tweet the contest this evening, and you can simply retweet it to earn that second entry. You can earn a third entry by following the blog - either here or on Twitter (any entrant who is already a follower will automatically earn the follower point). I can't track followers through a third-party service, so you need to be on Google's list for me to verify the entry.

The deadline for entries will be Saturday, January 15, at midnight. The next morning, I will use a random number generator ( to select the winner. I will e-mail the winner at that time. The winner will have 48 hours to reply to my message and provide a shipping address. After 48 hours, the prize will be forfeited, and another winner will be selected. Make sure to check your e-mail - and look in your spam folder - when the contest ends.

This contest is open to U. S. and Canadian residents only. I still can't go to the Post Office, but I can do Click-n-Ship!

Good Luck!

Photo courtesy of Tarte


Anonymous said...

I eyed this set at Sephora and was very tempted. Thanks for offering up such a fun contest/prize!

Jill said...

I almost bought this too! I do so love a good lipgloss set.

(Stupid question, but if we use our Google Account can you still contact us by e-mail through that or is the additional e-mail still necessary?)

Glogirl said...

This looks like an awesome set! I love lip gloss!!


Glogirl said...



Glogirl said...

I subscribe to your blog via RSS feed and follow you on Twitter glogirl3


jbrobeck said...

I have had my eye on this FOREVER!

I follow your blog thru Google as jbrobeck, I follow you on twitter as @jbrobs, and I tweeted here:!/jbrobs/status/24206436250689537

polishinsomniac at g mail dot com

Charlestongirl said...


If your Google Blogger account has an e-mail on your profile page, I can find you that way. :)

Pam said...

Hi there...looks like you might be on your way back! I know a lot of us are really glad to see that.

Never tried Tarte glosses but they look lovely. Thnk for agret giveaway!

Jules said...

Another great contest! I hope you're feeling better now! :)

patricia treml said...

Great Giveaway!!

greenvolcomlion at yahoo dot com

Tina B. said...

I love all the gorgeous shades in this kit! So pretty!
treneebarker at hotmail dot com

Tina B. said...


patricia treml said...

I tweeted this giveaway!/prettymebeauty/status/24217332595294209


greenvolcomlion at yahoo dot com

sunchicka said...

Great set of glosses


sunchicka said...



mystylespot said...

Fabulous giveaway!

Jules said...


Erica K. said...

ive been falling in love with tarte more and more everyday <3

erica_kempf at yahoo dot com

Mai said...

This set looks rather tempting :)

I'm also a follower via Twitter as Maimaimaiii

dancinbluegirl90 at gmail dot com

Vanessa S said...

Beautiful colors!!

Vanessa S said...

I tweeted....

Vanessa S said...

I follow on twitter @VanessasSecret4

Andrea said...

I love lip glosses and have yet to try Tarte products, this would be the perfect time. I would share these will all my besties :)

Unknown said...

that is a whole lot of lip gloss :) it would probably take me years to get through it.

Anonymous said...

I have wanted to try this!!


Liz said...

I almost bought this one, but had a hard time justifying more lip loss. Thank goodness for contests! :-)

Cheryl said...

Such a lovely set of lip glosses.

cvierck at gmail dot com

Jody said...

Ohh looks awesome!


Anonymous said...

I love Tarte and definitely NEED these glosses in my life!


Nina said...

I love tarte glosses!

irina.sagarbarria at gmail dot com

Dlori said...

I, too, kept eying this set of lipglosses always with the intent of coming back to them and purchasing them. I ended up buying so many other things that I never did get this set/ I've seen it at Sephora and it really looks lovely, lots of fun seeing how many looks you can achieve with all the colors. Thanks again for another generous giveaway even when you're not feeling great. I wish you a very speedy recovery and most of all love yourself by giving your body the time it needs to heal itself. You don't want to relapse. We need you here.

kleimanlaw at aol dot com

Dlori said...

I tweeted about this contest on my Twitter page (@DianeLori) and the link is as follows:
I retweeted about this contest on my twitter page (@DianeLori) and the link is as follows:

kleimanlaw at aol dot com

Dlori said...

I follow you on twitter(@DianeLori) and I follow your blog

kleimanlaw at aol dot com

nightowl said...

I love Tarte products.
winit6 at hotmail dot com

waftbyCarol said...

Ohh , enter me in the draw , what a gorgeous set of glosses !
kafa at aug dot com
Thanks for adding me to your bloglist ! Hugs !

Anonymous said...

I was always curious about the lip gloss set GOOD AS GOLD from Tarte as it has many delicious colors!!

Jesss said...

This is exciting! *crosses fingers*

Natty Lite said...

My lips sure could use a make over...


Budget Indulgence said...

Thanks for the offer. I loved your 'Hospital beauty list' post

My email is:

vlo226 at yahoo dot com


Mamavalveeta03 said...

I almost bought this for myself and then decided that I had been so good about sticking to my Christmas budget, that I couldn't blow it on lipgloss. But to win it would be a whole other story!!!
valhoff 3 at yahoo dot com

Mamavalveeta03 said...

I follow you on Twitter @mamavalveeta03.
valhoff 3 at yahoo dot com

Mamavalveeta03 said...

RT'd the contest on Twitter @mamavalveeta03.
valhoff 3 at yahoo dot com

Sherry B. said...

What a gorgeous way to feed my lipgloss addiction! Thank you so much for offering this prize, Charlestongirl. crystesmom(at)yahoo(dot)com

Sherry B. said...

I follow the blog by email. crystesmom(at)yahoo(dot)com

Donna said...

Count me in!

dburrington @ hotmail dot com

MannaB said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

The Sooj said...

Hi, I tweeted!:-) soojeankim at gmail dot com

nightowl said...

winit6 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

These colors look amazing!


Nicole O.

Cynthia.Richardson said...

tarte products are wonderful. I especially love the eyeshadows. I would love to try these lipglosses.

Cynthia.Richardson said...

Tweeted giveaway

Cynthia.Richardson said...

Twitter follower @hofken

mitch1066 said...

oooh love lipgloss!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this giveaway!


Anonymous said...



Shannon said...

I LOVE LIPGLOSS! Haha so fun. Thanks for the contest!

Spencer said...

What a great giveaway! Thanks!

Misa said...

What girl does'nt love lip gloss, esp. a whole set!

Bethany C. said...

So pretty! Please enter me.


Bethany C. said...

already a gfc follower


Lydia said...

Awesome set!

carli feiss said...

I would love to own this! I follow you @CFeiss!

meredith said...

wow, I would love to win this prize....tarte makes great lip products!

Loren F said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! I'd love to win!!! lfior0022(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! Please enter me in the drawing :-)

KathyT said...

It looks beautiful, and I'd love to be entered into the drawing.


Kathy said...

I would love this!


Kathy said...

Retweeted as nowittyusername!


Kathy said...

Following on twitter as nowittyusername!


Lynn said...

Gorgeous colors! Thanks for the chance to win.

rawrms (at) gmail (dot) com

Angela K. said...

I wear lipgloss everyday, so this range of shades would be amazing. I'd be set for a long time, with shades for every occasion!

Thanks for the opportunity to win.


Angela K. said...


Angela K. said...

I'm also a follower of yours on Twitter @BountyHunter338 and also of your blog on Google Friend Connect / Blogger