
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Carmen Dell'Orefice - Class is Forever

One of the most beautiful models on earth, the ageless Carmen Dell'Orefice continues to inspire and amaze me. How on earth could she be 78 years old? Look at her at 77! Perfect features: eyes, nose, cheekbones, mouth. Gorgeous hair that makes me yearn for silver gray. Yes, I know about Photoshop, but she is real.

I need to order her 1985 book, Staying Beautiful: Beauty Secrets and Attitudes from My Forty Years As a Model, available from Amazon. I think she's even more beautiful than she was then.

Quoted in People nine years ago, here's what she had to say about her beauty routine.

HAIR: She highlights her gray locks four times a year "to lift the color."
MAKEUP: To even her skin tone, she wears more foundation than in her younger days.
SKIN: Since undergoing a dermabrasion procedure at age 37 to peel away sun-damaged skin, she has been receiving silicone injections to smooth wrinkles. "If your ceiling is falling down, don't you call someone in?" she says. "I apply the same principle to myself."

While we have better wrinkle injections today, I think her advice and looks are timeless.

Photo courtesy of Rolex, another inspiration. Carmen's beauty routine courtesy of People.

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