
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Best Things in Beauty News

Hi readers,

I decided to try shortening the daily feed to include only the first part of each posting. I'm sure you savvy Net users already know this, but you can click on the link for any posting that interests you and read the rest of it on the site. By clicking on the site title, Best Things in Beauty, you can see the full front page, with all the newest postings.

I understand that some people like this approach better, but please let me know if you would like me to go back to the full posting for e-mail subscribers. I aim to please!

Thanks for your continued enthusiasm.


Postscript: I hate the way this looks in the e-mail, with no spacing between sentences. Maybe I can figure that out. On top of that, Blogger died (literally) right when my e-mail feed went out. It appears to be back up now, but for almost an hour, Google bloggers were an unhappy group. Sigh...Makes me think I should just change back to a full feed. Time will tell, and your comments will help me decide.

1 comment:

I love comments, but please do not insert hyperlinks or direct references to your or any other Web site. Those will be deleted. The comment feature is not intended to provide an advertising venue for another blog or your commercial site. Additionally, off-topic comments will be deleted at my discretion. I will NOT publish comments critical of me or other readers. I don't write this blog to argue, but rather to come together to enjoy our shared love of beauty products.

I am moderating comments. If there is a delay in publishing, please forgive the delay and know that I will get to comments and publish those germane to the feature where they are left.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.