
Sunday, September 13, 2009

NÉOLIA Organic Skin and Hair Care Products

Another fabulous Costco find! Not too long ago, I picked up an 8-pack of a body soap I had never seen before. The brand is NÉOLIA, which specializes in products containing 100% natural extra virgin olive oil, and the packaging said the soaps were 100% organic. There were two types in the package - Olive Oil & Shea Butter Soap and Olive Oil Soap - both appealed to me.

It's hard to describe my happiness with this soap! Yes, soap can make you happy, especially early in the morning. This soap has a heavenly, clean, and natural smell; feels great upon use (so creamy); lathers nicely; and leaves my skin soft and without a need for moisturizer after the shower. Happy (with one condition - see why below)!

Gentle and hypoallergenic, NÉOLIA Olive Oil Skin Care products use 100% Italian extra virgin olive oil and aloe vera. They have been proven to be suitable for sensitive skin. Of course, olive oil contains nutrients and vitamins rich in antioxidants. The company makes soap, body wash, hand wash, and hand lotion, along with hair care products.

The only thing that bothers me is that I found out the company is in Canada. Fortunately, the soaps are made in the USA. I have been trying to boycott Canadian companies because the Canadian government condones clubbing baby seals to death for their fur (I just don't understand this because Canadians have historically been more environmentally conscious than US citizens). I hope that companies like NÉOLIA (with a conscience) will also lend a hand to the animals. After all, they advertise that their products are not tested on animals and are free of animal ingredients - they should care.

I went to a different Costco yesterday, and they didn't have the soap. I have known for years that Costco stores carry different products. I'll have to remember to look for this in my usual Costco store. Amazon had this 8-pack, but it's out of stock at the moment. You can also purchase from NÉOLIA, but the prices are higher, and the 8-pack doesn't appear to be available on their Web site.

Photo courtesy of NÉOLIA.


  1. I purchased a huge quantity of this soap in 2006-2007 time frame and then couldn't get it any more anywhere. I found the same 8 pack at Costco in the Dallas area and bought a huge quantity again and boy am I glad because I haven't seen it again! The only other place I ever saw it was at Albertsons and that was in th 2006-2007 time frame. I think there has been some company mergers and splits and so forth causing the periodic unavailability of it. You might want to "stock up" next time you see it. I know I will. This is the best soap ever for my very sensitive skin and I've tried a lot of different ones. Good luck.

  2. I wish I had bought a huge quantity!! I have looked in every local Costco since, and it's GONE.

    I did look up the product and company, and they are still out there - but the per-bar price for the soap is $2.99. I liked my 8-pack price better!

    Good luck to you too! I'll post if I find it again.

  3. Hi

    You will find the 8 pack on they have the best prices and they have a Christmas promo this week


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