
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Will You Try LATISSE?

LATISSE is an FDA-approved prescription lash treatment that will make your lashes longer, fuller, and darker. Developed by Allergan, LATISSE makes lash growth possible because of its active ingredient: bimatoprost. Although why it works is not known, research suggests that LATISSE increases the percent of hairs grown during - and the duration of - the anagen (or growth) phase of lashes. Bimatoprost prolongs this growth phase.

The LATISSE model is the beautiful Brooke Shields. You can see Brooke's "unretouched" before and after photos at this link to the LATISSE Web site.

LATISSE is a once-a-day treatment you apply topically to the base of your upper eyelashes. Patients in a clinical trial saw results in as few as eight weeks with full results after 12 to 16 weeks. This simple routine produces results.

So, other than the cost of a cosmetic treatment, what would keep me from using it? Not the small percentage of side effects - all drugs have side effects in some people, and they are usually reversible. LATISSE may cause darkening of the eyelid skin (which may be reversible). Scarier for me, LATISSE may also cause increased brown pigmentation of the colored part of the eye, which is likely to be permanent. I like my blue-green eye color, and I don't want to take the chance of changing it. If I had paltry lashes, I might have a different attitude, but...

For brown-eyed men and women, increased brown pigmentation isn't a big deal. I'd like to know what you think. Would you try it if it were free? Just let us know in the comments.

Update: The poll I had up earlier had few voters, which means these results are inconclusive.
28% Yes
14% Maybe
57% No

Photo courtesy of LATISSE.


  1. No, I will never try Latisse. The product is derived from a drug used to treat glaucoma. It was by accident that the side effect of increased lash growth was discovered. I believe that any drug that has the power to alter the color of your eyes is dangerous and too risky to use for the cosmetic benefit of increased eye lashes. The eye is a delicate instrument, affected by food, medicine, and personal activities such as smoking, etc. Who knows what damage could be triggered by this beauty product. I would hate to use a product for vanity purposes, only to find down the road that I have created a medical problem in my body or - worse yet -my eyes. For those of you who decide to move forward, make sure you have your eye care specialist monitor your vision and eyes on a regular basis so that you have no surprises.

  2. My thoughts too, Anonymous, but some of the brown-eyed gals at work said they would try it in a heartbeat. I'm very protective of my eyes - maybe because my Mom has no sight in one of hers.

    Think about how many women have died from general anesthesia during cosmetic surgery. You have to wonder if they were fully informed of the risks, but decided to proceed anyhow. I agree that those considering LATISSE need to know the risks - maybe get a second opinion too.

    Thanks for the thoughtful comment. We have to take care of each other!

  3. No way!! I thankfully have naturally long lashes, but even if I had short, stubby ones, I wouldn't! The thought of putting something like that near my eyes freaks me out. And the fact that it can change the color of your eyes?! Really scary! I don't have brown eyes, and I don't want them!

    Just not worth it to me...there are plenty of great mascaras out there for those ladies who need some help in the lash department.

  4. I'm with you, Emma.

    Last night, I finally got my October Allure, and there was a short blurb (not an ad) minimizing the risks and praising the results. Worth a read, even though it didn't change my mind.

  5. Charlestongirl, how many women have died under general anesthesia while undergoing plastic surgery? Who has those statistics? I would love to know so I can educate my patients...

    Emma, if you had really wimpy lashes you would know that mascara can only do so much! I think you would be singing a different tune!

  6. Maureen, the proportion of individuals who die during general anesthesia is low (Thank God!). Perhaps those with a loved one who died during elective surgery are more sensitive to the risks. For them, one is too many.

    What all men and woman should weigh is the risk vs the benefit of general anesthesia for elective surgery, and they need to do that in consultation with a very good physician. Many cosmetic procedures can be done using "twilight" anesthesia, which has a low risk profile.

    Maureen, you can get the understated statistics for the U.S. from the federal government. All health care providers know where to find them. Don't rely on lawsuits, where only selective evidence is introduced.

    What's important at BTiB is that all readers' feelings/opinions are respected. I respect yours, which seems to be a bias toward Latisse, and I hope you respect Emma's - perhaps the polar opposite. There are plenty of women pleased as punch with Latisse, and I've got friends, as I mentioned, who would love to use it.

    So, we live on wondering what the next pharmacological improvement will be. Where there's a market, there are always researchers planning the next best thing!


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