
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Armani Beauty OMC3 Giveaway Contest Winner

It's so hard to select contest winners! This time, I handed over the entries to three judges, who reported that they had a tough time selecting only one of the fabulous entries. So, once again, we will award two prizes: the OMC3, as promised, to the winner and a beautiful ArmaniSilk High Color Cream Lipstick in a great seasonal color to our runner up.

Drum roll, please...the winner is Anna S. Second prize goes to Pat S. Congratulations, ladies! Both of you have been notified by e-mail. Hope you enjoy your Armani treats!

Just in case you are interested, here were the top three favorite Best Things in Beauty Armani postings to date (in no particular order).
Once again, I want to thank the incredibly generous and talented Armani Beauty Team at Saks Fifth Avenue in Chevy Chase, Maryland for this giveaway. Don't forget their offer to extend this week's Friends & Family discount to phone customers; you can read about it at this BTiB link.

We will start another fun giveaway this week. Stay tuned.

Photo courtesy of Armani Beauty


  1. Thanks so much:) I am beyond thrilled :)

  2. You have such wonderful giveaways -- it's a pleasure to be considered! Huge thanks for offering such a fabulous array of Armani products. I'm a convert because your reviews! Enjoy, Anna & Pat! :)

  3. Thanks to you both for the notes! I love giving away cool stuff, so we will keep 'em coming!

    Once again, I have to thank Loyd Cassler, the whole Armani Team, and Saks for their generosity. They have provided so many giveaways for BTiB's readers. Isn't it great that they have such fabulous products AND are so nice?

  4. Just got my cream in mail- so excited to try it :) Thanks for the samples as well! I have Saks in my city but I dont think they have Armani counter- too bad..

  5. Hey there, Anna,

    I'm glad to arrived safely and happy you liked your extra goodies! Remember, unless your skin is bone-dry like mine, a little OMC3 goes a long way.

    Some Saks stores don't carry Armani, but you can always call Loyd Cassler or any member of the Armani team at Chevy Chase, and they will help you select and ship to you. Their phone is (240) 497-5206.



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