
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Michelle Obama at the State Dinner

What an exquisite dress! Michelle Obama was stunning in this special gown designed by Naeem Khan, a perfect choice for the occasion.

Fabulous in its own right, the gown's beauty was magnified by Mrs. Obama's dark gleaming skin, toned body, and simple accessories (I suppose one could argue that multiple gold and diamond bangles aren't all that simple, but they worked).

Her look was elegant, sophisticated, and glamorous, befitting of the red carpet beneath her feet and the occasion!

Her choice of an Indian-American designer was thoughtful too.

Isn't it unfortunate that two shameless social climbers seem to have stolen the moment?

Photo By NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images


  1. I agree, I was so upset by the social climbers crashing the party! Who do they think they are?! Royalty?

  2. Today's Washington Post had an interesting op ed article by Anne Applebaum. Titled Social Climbing with a Twist, the article started this way.

    Social climbing is an ancient art, one as old as society itself. The character of the high-society impostor -- the fake aristocrat, the soi-disant marquis, the "professor" with no degree -- has been known in every era, too. Both social climbers and charlatans have been described over and over in fiction. Think of the "King" and the "Duke" who swindle Huckleberry Finn, or of Madame Verdurin, who claws her way upward throughout the course of Marcel Proust's "Remembrance of Lost Time" -- or of the Melanie Griffith character in "Working Girl."

    Article is worth reading:

  3. And yes, many of us were upset, and I suspect for many different reasons. It was a security breach. It was disrespectful. It was narcissistic. And, it appears, it was motivated by money and a desire for unwarranted fame. But what would you expect from someone who sues his mother and father?

    I've been privy to a little bit of local gossip about the couple, and none of it is nice.

  4. i am still puzzled as to how they made it through all the security. I didnt read much about the story but in their photos they looked like people who enjoy the limelight a little too much.

  5. Today, the Washington Post published an article about their business and "charitable" events. Even if there was some "misunderstanding" about their entry to the state dinner, what the Post published was really damaging. You can read the article at this link:


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