
Friday, December 18, 2009

Lisa Hoffman Lip Moisturizer Giveaway Contest Winner

Congratulations to Erica, Y! She won our Lisa Hoffman Lip Moisturizer Giveaway Contest and has been notified by e-mail.

The Lisa Hoffman Spa Facial Lip Moisturizer ($24.95) is an intensive lip moisturizer - perfect for any time of year, but a necessity now that it's dry and cold. I wish there were a way I could get it to her in time for this weekend's harsh weather.

I want all of you to know how much I appreciated your comments and holiday wishes. I wish I could have sent each and every one of you a prize! What I can do is send you my heartfelt wishes for a happy holiday season and a healthy, happy, and prosperous new year! And promise lots more giveaways in the months to come - starting tomorrow morning.

Come back!

Photo courtesy of DermStore

1 comment:

  1. I'm a fan of lip gloss and lip moisturizers. I have a collection of them at home, actually. I have this one, but I still have to try it out. It currently sits in my make up drawer. My friend uses it and she says it really softens chapped lips especially in this time of year.


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