
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Prescriptives Custom Blends Will Live On

Are you loving Prescriptives Custom Blend foundation or powder? Were you totally depressed to learn that the company is kaput? There's some good news!

While the brand will exit beauty counters at the end of January, you'll still be able to order your Custom Blend foundation and powder online (while supplies last) via the Prescriptives Custom Blend Replenishment Program. To take advantage, visit your local Prescriptives Custom Blend counter in the U.S. very soon and ask for your Custom Blend recipe form. Then register your recipe online at this link and you'll be notified by e-mail when it is available to purchase online in January 2010. It's that simple!

"While supplies last" implies this is not a "forever" offer. If you use Custom Blends, make sure to get your recipe and stock up while you can.

Photo courtesy of Prescriptives

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