
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

You Know You've Spent Too Much on Makeup When...

Does there reach a point at which you know you've spent too much money on makeup? I may have reached my moment over storage, but yesterday, when a thick shopping bag broke open from the weight of all the products that were stashed in it, waiting for permanent homes, I wondered about my "secret pleasure."

Do you have an ending for this phrase? You know you've spent too much money on makeup when...

If you do, please add it to the comments. This could be fun!

Photo courtesy of


  1. it's not possible to have too much makeup! seriously, you know when you spend five minutes in the morning trying to figure out what blusher to use.

  2. When your husband says we need to build an addition to the house!...

  3. That one got a rip-roaring laugh, Fab! Good thing I don't have a husband.

  4. When you can't find something you just bought.

  5. i actually am more addicted to skincare- i have lots of makeup but i usually stick to same colors so there is not much need to spend on shadows, blushes, etc. What i would love to invest in is- good foundation (still looking for that one), concealer (YSL Touche seems the best so far) and mascara (I love Telescopic by L"oreal, so i dont spend much on that). I am still searching for good foundation that will cover acne and large pores :)

  6. Anna, have you ever tried the Cover FX foundations? I hear they are good. I haven't tried them - no real need - but I hear they are good. You might want to read the reviews on Makeupalley or just Google Cover FX.

  7. Kari, your husband has given me ideas! I have always fantasized about adding on to my house (if I win the lottery). A beauty products room! That would be so cool. I already had the clothing room in my dreams. Now I've added the beauty room.


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