
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Best Drugstore Beauty: Aveeno Soothing Bath Treatment

Was your skin dry in December? It only gets worse as January yields to February. When my skin is dry, it starts to itch and feels taut. To soothe the discomfort, I use Aveeno's Soothing Bath Treatment ($7.95).

I first tried this bath additive when I was having a bout of eczema, and I've used it ever since. I love to relax in a warm bath, but I know that soaking can be drying. Not with this treatment!

Advertised for itchy, irritated skin, Aveeno Soothing Bath Treatment is made of 100% pure natural colloidal oatmeal — an ingredient long recognized for its ability to relieve itching — that Aveeno mills into an ultra-fine powder. When dispersed in water, this powder forms a soothing milky bath that works as a natural cleanser to provide temporary skin protection and relieve irritation and itching caused by anything, including dry skin, poison ivy/oak/sumac, rashes, insect bites, eczema, hives, and sunburn. It's very gentle and perfect for sensitive skin. Additionally, the treatment is fragrance- and soap-free.

Each box has eight single-use packets (that's only $1 per bath). Get your bath water running, pop open a packet, and slowly pour the contents under the running water. I find the treatment stays a bit lumpy, but I swish the bath water around a bit, and most (not all) of the lumps dissolve. The bath water feels rich with healing oatmeal - without the feeling that you're bathing in breakfast.

This bath treatment deserves its "best drugstore beauty" label. See what you think! You can find it wherever Aveeno products are sold. I know that CVS, Walgreens, Target, Amazon, and all sell this bath treatment.

Photo courtesy of Aveeno


  1. i personally haven't used this treatment but a friend of mine did. she had a horrible skin rash due to stress and nothing seemed to help. then her dermatologist recommended Aveeno and her skin calmed down.

  2. Pretty wonderful! That's what I found when my eczema flared.


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