
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cosmedicine Medi-morphosis Self-Adjusting Exfoliator Giveaway Contest Winner and Survey Results

Congratulations to Danielle M! selected her as the winner of Cosmedicine's Medi-morphosis Self-Adjusting Exfoliator. Danielle was notified by e-mail.

We did a little survey with the contest. The results were interesting.
  • 33% of contest entrants exfoliate daily! That's once or twice a day. Wow! Many of those who exfoliate daily wrote that they have acne.
  • 16% exfoliate 3-4 times/week, and another 16% exfoliate 2-3 times/week. That means 32% of you exfoliate 2-4 times/week.
  • Another 16% exfoliate once/week, and 11% exfoliate less frequently than once/week.
  • 6% don't exfoliate.
One entrant who doesn't exfoliate at all sent a reason that tickled me. "My skin doesn't like to, and since we have a strained relationship, I try not to overstep our boundaries."

There you have it! These numbers don't add up to 100% because all entrants didn't "confess" their exfoliation routines.

Exfoliation removes dead skin and dirt, keeping your skin cleaner, healthier, and glowing. How often you should exfoliate depends on many factors, including the type of exfoliator you use, your skin type, and how you skin reacts. There are no hard-and-fast rules - only guidelines. Those with oily skin can usually exfoliate more frequently than those with sensitive skin or eczema, but the type of exfoliator is critical to frequency. Try to use the most gentle product effective for your skin. Talk to your dermatologist about it. Don't injure your skin. And make sure to moisturize after you exfoliate!

Thank you for entering. We will start another giveaway contest tomorrow, so stay tuned.

Photo courtesy of Cosmedicine


  1. LOL, that was a funny and cute quote. I have oily skin and honestly, I only exfoliate once (maybe twice) a week. Usually if I try more than that my skin can get a little irritated :(

  2. My motto is, "Listen to your skin!" There's nothing pretty about red and/or irritated. You make a great point! I exfoliate 1-2 times/week, and that's plenty for my own skin.

    That was a cute e-mail! Had to share it.

  3. Congratulations Danielle! I hope this products works wonders on your skin! :-)


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