
Friday, February 5, 2010

Rethink the Need to Find Yourself

Ready for week 3 of the Rethink What Matters? This week's fun theme is "Rethink the Need to Find Yourself." The first thing that came to my mind? I'll have a lot of time to "find myself" over the weekend, while I'm snowed in! Or, I hope I can find myself if I fall in two feet of snow (or that someone else finds me).

To be serious for a moment, this is an opportunity for you to rev up those creative juices! There are no right or wrong answers with Rethink What Matters! This is your chance to have a good laugh or a revelation - whichever you choose.

I'm thinking about Charlie's sweet, furry love - the moments that melt my heart (as opposed to his "devil boy Bengal" moments). When he's sweet, he's an angel. When he's a devil boy, he goes into the bathroom and knocks my makeup off the counter - just to get attention. Then he smirks as he runs off with a "You can't catch me" or "Find Charlie" parting shot. When he's sweet, he sleeps next to my computer on a pillow. When he's a devil boy, some insignificant (to me) noise spooks him, and he leaves tracks on my arms or legs when he instantly escapes the "jungle danger." What matters is my love for him. It makes me happy, and I hope it makes him happy too.

Head over to Bare Escentuals to participate in the fun! Take the quiz. Who knows? This may be your lucky week to be one of 500 women who will win a Bare Escentuals goodie. As Lady Luck says, "You can't win if you don't play!" At the end of March, one very lucky "rethinker" will be selected for the Grand Prize trip of a lifetime. There are details at Rethink What Matters.

Want to really dive in? Join or follow the conversation on Twitter. Search on the tag #rethinking to find out what others are rethinking. I enjoy following the fun on Twitter. Make sure to check out the Archive too. Can you really have too much stuff?

Photo courtesy of Bare Escentuals

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