
Monday, February 15, 2010

Want to Take a Short Survey? Shop at WalMart?

My friends at TBC Planet Beauty in Washington, D.C. would appreciate help from beauty lovers who shop at WalMart. They have asked you to take a short survey! Participate and you will have your voice heard by major beauty executives!

Your incentive? The company is giving away 25 $20 gift cards to WalMart, so your odds of winning are pretty good! All you have to do is click on this survey link. The winners will be announced on March 1. Be sure to include your name and e-mail address at the end of the survey to secure your entry! Winners will also be announced on TBC's Facebook page, The Pink Panel.

So sit back, relax, and let them know what you are really thinking! I did it. Who couldn't use an extra $20 if she gets lucky?

Photo courtesy of TBC


  1. Was working on the survey - which is incredibly long for a survey, and asked a lot of personal questions. After it taking about a half hour, it came to a question about income. I don't like to reveal income online, and it would not give me the chance to decline to answer the income question and move on. Bottom line, I abandoned the survey at 90% complete. $20 for the amount of time they are asking, and the intrusive questions that were getting beyond cosmetics is just not worth it.
    Sorry, would have liked to help, but $20 is not worth my submitting all that personal information online, and not being able to exclude financials.

  2. You must have gone into logic branches I didn't. I'm sorry that happened. If you e-mail me at, I will submit your info to TBC and ask that you are entered in the drawing.

    I also prefer surveys that give us an opportunity to select "do not wish to disclose" when asked about income. Apparently, WalMart wanted to know the demographics of their shoppers.

  3. Hey girls, what gives? I took it and it was short - like only five minutes.

  4. survey only took a few minutes- it wasnt too bad for a chance to get a giftcard :)

  5. I am not sure what happened, but TBC has agreed to enter you in the drawing, Anonymous. So make sure to send me your e-mail address!

    Thanks, Cara and Anna for letting me know your experience was more like mine!

  6. Anonymous, you didn't send me your e-mail address! I want to get you entered for the drawing, so please send it to TBC wants to make good on their promise!

    Thanks to those who did take (or tried to take) the survey. My new friends at TBC do good work, and they let me know how much they appreciated your participation!


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