
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Let's Help Avon Help the Environment!

Avon Products, Inc. has launched Hello Green Tomorrow, a unique global grassroots mobilization in over 65 countries worldwide. The first goal of this environmental movement is to plant trees in the Atlantic Rainforest, in partnership with The Nature Conservancy. Avon started the campaign by donating $1 million to replant one million trees, which will restore nearly 2,500 acres in one of the world's most critically endangered ecosystems. I'm pretty excited by this cause. What could be more beautiful than saving the earth?

With just a $1 donation per tree, you can join this unique global movement and help save the Atlantic Rainforest today - for us and for generations to come.

The Atlantic Rainforest in South America, spanning the Atlantic coast of Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil, helps serve as the "lungs of the earth." Due to dramatic deforestation, only seven percent of the original rainforest remains. Imagine breathing with only seven percent of your lungs!

This is important to all of us, wherever we live. The rainforest is one of the greatest repositories of biodiversity on earth, with 20,000 plant species, 1,000 bird species, and 23 primate species, many found nowhere else on earth.

How can you help? You can click on this Avon link to donate a dollar. I did! You can donate online or contact your Avon representative. If you donate online, you will receive a weird confirmation about processing your order and shipping, but just ignore that if you didn't order any products.

Remember: small actions add up to big changes. Initial efforts are focused on March through May 2010, and Avon will announce the first milestone of funds raised on June 5, 2010, to mark United Nations World Environment Day, so don’t delay. Don't you want to participate? Give up that extra cup of store-bought coffee today and spend the money to be green.

If you want to learn more, visit Hello Green Tomorrow or follow the conversation on Twitter using the #hellogreentomorrow hashtag.

While you are there, if you decide to shop, use code AVON2010 for free shipping on any $20 order through March 25. I don't think you need it, but the donation shipping code is HGTFREE.

Photo courtesy of Avon

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