
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Makeovers for the Cure

The gift of time is precious. Yesterday, a group of makeup artists, spa professionals, and others who made the Makeovers for the Cure event "work" donated their time to help fund the fight against cancer - angels all. I was privileged to spend a few hours at the event, held near Dulles Airport in Virginia. I left more convinced than ever that we will find a cure for breast cancer (all cancers really) with so many angels behind the effort.

I found the event through a @VictoriaStiles tweet (Vicki is shown above and to the right), and she graciously allowed me to attend so that I could blog for the cure. When I walked into the Leiper Stiles Studios - a studio transformed into three rooms for makeup and manicures - the event was underway. Vicki gave me a quick tour and introduced me to the angels who were all busily doing makeup and manicures. It was a warm and welcoming party.

As I wandered from room to room, I asked the same question, "What brought you here today?" Each person told me her or his personal reasons for being there - making a difference, giving back, remembering a relative or friend who had died from breast cancer, and more happily, celebrating one who had survived cancer. Beauty, the focus of the event, was the fun thread that brought so many people together, but it wasn't the first thing anyone mentioned. It was all about giving and a great cause!

Makeovers for the Cure has a unique background. In 2009, makeup artists and other beauty industry professionals across the nation were asked to advertise in an upcoming book to support Cancer Schmancer (a charity led by Fran Drescher) and Stand Up 2 Cancer. Unfortunately, the book publishers were con artists (yep, criminals stealing money that was intended for the cure), and the proceeds of the campaign never made their way to the charities. While the authorities work to bring the scumbags to justice, some of the donors set out to make sure that funds would be channeled to the charities.

Vicki Stiles and Lisa Barnes (shown below selecting nail polish) developed the idea of Beauty Pros Make It Right, a non-profit organization that unites beauty professionals and 501(c)(3) charities to tackle the fight against cancer. Some of those who donated their services yesterday were among those who had been scammed. They were all there to ensure that funding would go to three great charities, Cancer Schmancer, Stand Up 2 Cancer, and Critters for the Cure.

The event was sponsored by a long list of fab people who all deserve a mention!
  • Victoria Stiles (
  • Lisa (LiLi) Barnes (
  • Kathy Aragon (
  • Kim Reyes (
  • Kim Gray (
  • ShaunĂ© Hayes (
  • Brooke Williams (
  • Lisa Carter-McPhee (
  • Celebrating You The Spa (
  • Paint and Powder Cosmetics (
  • Lisa Schultz (
  • Savoir Fare Limited (
  • Capital Party Rentals (
  • Shelley Miller (
  • Jacob Anthony (
  • Sherry Bae Restifo (
  • Rhonda Bishop, Keya Bhagirath Asuquo, and Jason Perkins
  • Daniel Stiles ( - Dan was "everywhere" taking photos
A few of many memorable conversations

Renee Platzer (second photo from top with Vicki) came to support Vicki. She is a nine-year cancer survivor and an ardent supporter of the cause.

Natalie Skotzko's mother is a mammographer, her grandmother had breast cancer, and her aunt is currently undergoing treatment. Natalie is shown seated above left. She had a killer green eye shadow application, and Alloria Carter painted Natalie's nails green to match.

Kim Gray (shown above right wearing a great necklace) is a beautiful woman who manages to do it all - she's a makeup artist, works in ethics, and volunteers her time. She goes to a homeless shelter twice a month to do makeovers for homeless women. She loves to use her talents to give back.

Erica White (long curly hair above right) came to support the cause. She walked in looking gorgeous and left looking even more gorgeous, thanks to Kim!

LiLi Barnes, cool makeup artist shown above in ruffled black top, decided I needed gold on my eyes Saturday. LiLi, I looked great at dinner!

LiLi painted a beautiful smoky eye as she did a makeup application on participant Natalie Weygandt.

I had a fun conversation with Mary Amons (shown below left), reliably rumored to be on the Real Housewives of DC show scheduled to start soon. Mary and I have a lot in common. She lives in McLean, my hometown; we know many of the same people; and we went to the same high school. We didn't get to hang out together in high school, though. I graduated the year she was born. Yikes! Mary is joining Fran Drescher to collaborate on her passion to make a difference for women's health initiatives. She came yesterday to show her support and get a pretty makeup application.

What makeup and nail polish were the artists using? All different types - everything from MAC to mineral makeup, OPI to Chanel, and everything in between. The common thread? The results were really flattering. There wasn't an over-painted woman at the event. Those artists knew their stuff!

There will be more Makeovers for the Cure events. I will be supporting them. If you would like to help, you can contact Victoria Stiles at her Web site.

Photos by Daniel Stiles and BTiB - my thanks to Dan for sharing his photos. You can see the whole set of Dan's event photos at this link.

I have to learn to stop smiling for cameras. Smiling make me look wrinkled - wrinkled, but happy! :)


  1. Sounds like it was a fun event. Please let us know when there's another one in the DC area.

  2. Keep smiling, girl! No wrinkles when you smile just means no Botox.


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