
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Vote for Pretty Powerful Women!

Where else can you vote early and vote often anymore? At Bobbi Brown's Web site, it's time to vote for your favorite videos, all submitted by the semi-finalists in the Pretty Powerful video contest.

I had some extra time today, even though I lost an hour overnight. It was a rainy Sunday, and my body still hurts from the injuries I suffered in my fall. So, I spent some time watching the videos - 15 women sharing how the Color Strips Collection and Bobbi Brown makeup makes them feel pretty powerful. I had a blast! What impressive gals!

I also had a hard time selecting only one, so I voted for two. I won't influence you too much - you will still have to watch them to discover my selections - but I have a soft spot for talented women who are teachers or who overcome unusual physical challenges.

It's important that you go vote. For every vote, Bobbi Brown will donate $1 to Dress for Success, up to $10,000! Dress for Success is a non-profit organization that provides interview suits, confidence boosts, and career development to low-income women in over 75 cities worldwide. So far, only 4,731 votes have been cast. Will you add your vote - or votes - to help Dress for Success?

You don't have to watch the videos in one sitting, like I did. Spread them out this week and make sure to vote. The deadline is March 26. You can watch the videos and vote at this link.

Photo courtesy of Bobbi Brown

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