
Friday, April 9, 2010

Can Makeup Bring on a Spiritual Moment?

Can putting on makeup be a spiritual experience? Makeup artist, Carmindy, thinks so! Carmindy is makeup artist for TLC’s hit TV show What Not to Wear. She writes books on beauty (the latest is Crazy Busy Beautiful), and she has created a line of cosmetics.

In the April issue of Guideposts, Carmindy describes the defining moment when she knew she was fated to be a makeup artist. It's a really nice story and explains why your makeup artist might just be better than a therapist.

In Carmindy's own words...

How did I know I was meant to be a makeup artist?

Well, sometimes the course of your life can be clarified in an instant, a single transcendent moment when you discover how your God-given gifts can make a difference for someone else. A light goes on, something clicks inside. Your path is clear.

That’s what happened to me at the Westminster Mall in Southern California when I was 18. I was working at Merle Norman Cosmetics, doing makeovers, showing women how they could look their best. A flattering shade of foundation, a little eyeliner, a different blush, a bit of reassurance, and they could see themselves with new eyes.

Of course, I was supposed to sell Merle Norman products too, but I ended up more interested in the women themselves.

You can read the rest of Carmindy's revelation at Guideposts! It's a sweet story and explains why great makeup artists are passionate about their work.

Photo courtesy of Guideposts

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