
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day - A Day of Remembrance

Memorial Day - a day of remembrance - for many filled with feelings of love and loss, honor and pride. Let's pause for a thankful moment this weekend to remember the men and women who died for our freedom.

There was a beautiful, moving tribute in the Washington Post today, titled A Song of Gratitude at Arlington National Cemetery, by Page Johnson of McLean, Virginia. I recommend that you read it at this link.

Here's a short excerpt.

So on this day of memories, I come to tell them thank you. I come to tell them I honor their service and the heritage they have given me. Most of all, I come to tell them that they are neither alone nor forgotten. I will be here for them, in spirit and in deed, and for their fellow soldiers trying to make a safer world so the children of every mother and father can sleep securely at night.

Photos courtesy of and

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