
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Armani Beauty Blushing Fabric Giveaway Contest Winner

Congratulations to Clarisse, who was notified by e-mail! She won the Giorgio Armani Beauty Blushing Fabric - our special weekend giveaway contest. Her number was selected by This little blusher will be winging its way to France! I already know where Clarisse lives from the e-mail she sent after she left a comment.

I want to take this moment to thank everyone who entered. I appreciated your Memorial Day wishes. Memorial Day - all things considered - is a time for reflection for me. The majesty of the surroundings at Arlington National Cemetery is pierced all too often by salutes to the recently fallen. I hope for a peaceful world.

Thank you for all your kind notes. I should reprint some of the really sweet e-mails I get from you. I appreciate them! Thank you, also, for reading Best Things in Beauty! Even when I don't see many comments, I know you're out there from Feedburner and Site Meter.

With each contest, I wish I had buckets of money (for a lot of reasons!) and could send a prize to all of you. Keep entering the giveaways; you are bound to win one eventually. The odds are good!

Photo courtesy of Giorgio Armani Beauty

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