
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dr. Nicholas Perricone Cold Plasma Giveaway Contest

Congratulations to Rose Mary!

The generous folks at Perricone MD are sponsoring a Best Things in Beauty giveaway contest for a fabulous skin-care treatment: Cold Plasma ($150)! You read at Best Things in Beauty that Dr. Nicholas Perricone won a 2009 WWD Beauty Biz Award for Prestige Product Breakthrough of the Year in the skin category for Cold Plasma. I have been using both Cold Plasma and Cold Plasma Eye, and I am impressed with their performance. I'm happy with the way my skin looks!

This revolutionary treatment is designed to help enhance your current anti-aging routine through the power of "biochemical individuality." Cold Plasma works through a patented ionic (i.e., charged particles) suspension carrier system that allows your skin to "extract" from Cold Plasma’s formula according to your individual, unique needs. This personalized system, called biochemical individuality, is a self-selection process charged by phospholipids, major cell membrane components. Phospholipids are fat derivatives that help lock in moisture because phosopholipid bilayers have hydrophilic (attracted to water) heads facing outward and hydrophobic (mix poorly with water) tails facing inward toward each other. The phospholipids in this formula help direct needed nutrients where they can be effectively used through the cell membrane. This means that if any of the ingredients aren’t needed, they just won’t be used. Pretty cool, huh?

Beyond the unique delivery system, the key ingredients/technology behind this product include:
  • Advanced neuropeptide technology to give anti-inflammatory effects, which assist in slowing 10 signs of aging;
  • DMAE to help stimulate nerve function, thus causing muscles under the skin to tighten, providing a lifted and firmer appearance to sagging skin;
  • L-tyrosine, an amino acid that brightens skin to help radiate a youthful glow; and
  • DHA, an essential amino acid, to support the preservation and hydration of skin.
All that without parabens, fragrance, sulfates, mineral oil, fillers, or artificial colorants!

So, how can you enter to win this award-winning product from Dr. Perricone? Two steps. First, leave a comment with this posting explaining why you want or need Cold Plasma for your skin. After you comment, feel free to e-mail and identify your comment. You can never be too careful about sharing your e-mail address on a blog, so I would follow this second step if I were you (an alternative is to code your e-mail, e.g., myname at gmail dot com, in your comment).

The most compelling entry will win. Since I'm such a softie, I will enlist a small panel of independent judges to select the winner. Then our generous contest hosts will send Cold Plasma to the lucky winner.

The deadline for entries will be midnight on Tuesday, July 27. The contest is limited to U.S. and Canadian residents. I will be announcing this contest posting at Free!Grechen, my giveaway contest partner.

Can't wait to try Cold Plasma? You can order a free, deluxe sample of Cold Plasma at Dr. Perricone's blog! All you have to do is pay the USPS shipping of $4.95.

Dr. Perricone has written a new book called Forever Young. In the book, he explains how he discovered the technology that underlies Cold Plasma, including his efforts to isolate charged particles and suspend them in a highly absorbent and penetrative base for maximum absorption into the skin - and how the nutrients in Cold Plasma directly stimulate glycosaminoglycans, the precursor to collagen and elastin. Dermatologists have been looking for years for effective ways to stimulate the skin's natural levels of glycosaminoglycans, and Dr. Perricone scored when he found a way!

The book is available for pre-order right now, only at Amazon. If you pre-order the book now, you can get a free Concentrated Restorative Treatment, a $75 value! Check out this link for details. I'm going to pre-order; I love free stuff!

Back to the contest...Good Luck! Make sure to leave a comment here to enter.

Photo courtesy of Dr. Nicholas Perricone


  1. The advantages of this revolutionary product sound very impressive and would consider myself very lucky if I'm selected as the lucky recepient.

  2. This product sounds truly wonderful. I'm 53 and used to be mistaken for at least 10 to 15 years younger, but as I look in the mirror I'm seeing signs of why that doesn't happen anymore!

  3. I have really wanted to try the cold plasma, but have not gotten around to trying it. Would love to see if it lives up to the hype (and price)

  4. this product sounds amazing! would love to try
    erica_kempf at yahoo dot com

  5. I am a fan of Dr. Perricone and the owner of Best Things in Beauty on Facebook. I shared the page with over 400 friends on FB. I am a subscriber of Dr. Perricone and Best Things in Beauty blogs/newsletters via email and RSS with email address

  6. I definitely need help. Maybe this is the product I've been searching for.

    gingerpye at gmail dot com

  7. I just turned 50 and I've read great things about Cold Plasma. Plus, I'm tired, my wardrobe is tired, my hair is tired, and most of SKIN is tired!

  8. Oh, I want to try this because of the Advanced neuropeptide. I tend to have awful allergies in the summer which makes my face swell. I also tend to have redness and swelling after facials. I'd love to try!!

    urbanfoxjewelry AT

  9. I would love to win this Cold Plasma. I have read so much about its benefits: helps even skin tone, combats enlarged pores, decreases redness, fights signs of aging and makes the skin radiant. A miracle product! Having suffered from acne for 17 years or so my skin has been left with scars, uneven skin tone & texture etc... and now I'm at the age where I should be using an anti-aging product. This cold plasma would help with my skin issues and maybe give me the type of skin I have always wanted!


  10. I am celebrating my 28th year of marriage and would desire my husband to keep loving my youthful looking skin for at least another 28 years! I wish that I could afford to buy this product and would be absolutely THRILLED if you chose me. Oh... please choose me.....pretty please?
    ~~~Robin~~~email subscriber

  11. I would really like to win this for my mom. She is 55 now and has never used any type of beauty products outside of drugstore moisturizer and face wash because she says they do not live up to their claims. I hope that she can see that products do actually make a difference!

  12. often i feel that my skin is simply not as good as it used to be. this product seems like it could really help! good skin boosts confidence especially when, as a PR rep, your face is the first thing people notice about you. i want them focusing on what i have to say not flaws in my skin!
    thanks for this giveaway!
    karitsaj at gmail dot com

  13. I would like this plasma cream because I would love to give it to my mom who is noticing the aging process taking place and could use a wonderful, revolutionary product :)


  14. I've been dying to try this but can't afford it. I feel I need it b/c as a 40-yr old mom, I should be focusing on skincare now to slow down the inevitable. However, my 4yr old daughter has Autism & requires constant attention to the point I barely get to wash my face. I'm lucky if I get 90min of sleep at a time before she wakes me up, so I'm definately not getting my beauty sleep either. Luckily she's so awesome it's all worth it. BUT, if I won this, I'd definately scrape out a minute to use it!

  15. oops- that's jewelz4208(at)hotmail(dot)com

  16. I spent 20+ years in the military working outdoors a good bit of the time, and my skin gives away my age. I am seeing fine lines, sun damage, and the beginning of sagging around the jaw line. This is NOT how I want to look now that I am trying to get a better civilian job!

    kittylitter1 at gmail dot com

  17. I have read so many positive reviews about Dr. Perricone and his anti-
    aging products. I am over 50 and am seeing visible signs of aging. His Cold Plasma seems to have many benefits for the many effects that
    aging and hormones can have on
    one's face. Many thanks, Cindi

  18. As a 8 yr old girl, I stood behind my beloved great grandmother, who unfortunately was a great wrinkler when she asked herself "how did I get to be this wrinkled woman--I am stil a young girl inside?" Her comment stuck with me thru bouts of cystic acne, enlarged pores & aging. I have waged the skin war: treating my skin with care, using proven products and eating right At 53, I lament that we can have acne AND wrinkles at the same time. But good skin care is my quest, and Cold Plasma is calling to me. cindy dot nolan at jan-prousa dot com

  19. Oh this looks wonderful and very high tech!!!!

  20. Wow. This really looks impressive! Thanks for the great giveaway!
    kimberly.reuter (at) yahoo (dot) com

  21. I have read so many GREAT things about this product!! I really need this, I'm soon to be 53 and am beginning to show those signs of aging we all hate!
    I truly believe that Dr. Perricones's products live up to they hype they receive!! So I'd love the chance to see them in action!
    Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  22. My skin, while never being something I was ashamed of, has never in my life been something that I felt was beautiful. Throughout my teenage years I was plagued by acne and ewww- cold sores. And although I drenched myself in sunscreen instead of tanning like the other girls, my super pale skin already started showing signs of sun damage in my early 20's. Now I will be getting married this next May, and I would really appreciate the opportunity to use Dr. Perricone's product to see if it could help make me and my skin feel truly beautiful on my wedding day. Thank you for the great contest!


  23. I have a "peaches & creme" complexion that is now 66 years young and my age is beginning to show!
    I'd use this product to help clear and firm my againg skin.
    Rose Mary
    formosarose AT gmail DOT com

  24. What an amazing opportunity! My skin is really starting to show all the signs of its true age, much to my chagrin and even desperation. I try to take good care of it, but I can't afford some of the products that I have read about that might help. I am disabled (paraplegic) and I live on a very fixed income, so experimenting with some of the 'better' products is not an option for me. This would really be a great chance to be able to try something that I could never afford to buy on my own!

    Thanks so much for the chance!!
    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  25. The last four years have been very hard on me indeed. My husband has taken ill and I am his primary care giver. Most of my days are consumed with taking care of his needs and cooking and cleaning up. I rarely get time to myself. As I look at myself in the mirror, I see the toll that these four years have taken. My skin is aging and lines have developed where I had not seen them before. It would be a real treat indeed to win such a promising and well-thought of product.


  26. At 57, I would just like to see if this would help my skin; nothing else has worked for me. Thank you for the giveaway, Charlestongirl!

  27. I'm over 50 with dark circles and some wrinkles like a big old raccoon. The reason I want to win this amazing new product is so I can finally look in the mirror and stop cringing. Currently, I can't look at myself first thing in the morning until after I have a few cups of coffee to settle my stomach from my scary reflection. If Dr. Perricone's COLD PLASMA works as good as it claims, I could, perhaps, regain some of my old self back and hopefully rid myself of those ugly, raccoon eyes. By picking me, you would be doing the world a service and saving eyesight of so many people.

  28. For over 45 years I watched my most-kind and always-a-sweet-word aunt go through the steps of aging. I watched as her youth faded and the writings of life appeared on her face. She was most handsome always - a noble face - and in my younger years I considered her a great beauty.

    As she - and also I - grew older, I began to notice that despite her always cared-for and dewy complexion, the wrinkles were growing in number. I remember wondering how she felt about losing her youthful appearance. We spoke about it one day, and what she told me will stay with me always:

    Life is what you make of it. The signs of aging are inevitable, but what you CAN control is the way you handle what life puts in your path.

    She always handled things in a cheerful and upbeat manner. I never saw her without a smile ... and the amazing part of this story is that her face wrinkled into a heavy mass of SMILE WRINKLES! She couldn't frown now if she wanted to. :)

    The point of my story is that aging isn't all bad, but we are blessed with products now that offset the aging process much more so than in years past and, of course, we all want to do what we can to hold aging at bay. I know that this is my desire ...but I also know that a moisturized and well-tended inevitable wrinkly mass is better than a dry and unkempt one, and THAT is why I would love to win your giveaway. :) :)

  29. I would love to win this for my Mother! She loves trying out new facial products, and I have heard such great things about Perricone MD.
    Would be a pretty great gift!

    shanna.elizabeth AT hotmail DOT com

  30. Well, I honestly have about 8 out of the 10 skin issues this cream addresses. I tried it a few months ago and fell in love! I did not have any breakouts on my combination skin, which is a big plus for me. I have a couple of events coming up in August that I'm a bit nervous about. If my skin were improved, I think I'd be more confident. It's amazing what a boost good skin can be. Thanks!
    vac924 at gmail dot com

  31. I would love to win this and try some of her makeup

  32. I just turned 50 and most people don't believe it when I tell them I'm the big five zero..unfortunately I'm starting to see some signs of aging. I would be thrilled to the the lucky winner of the fabulous product!!
    kmw660 at aol dot come

  33. Boy I sure would love to try this product, it sounds fantastic. I have my ten year anniversary coming up in two months, and I would love to look as young as possible for this big event! Thanks so much for the opportunity.

  34. i've used perricone products in the past and know they work - would love to try the cold plasma

    ewhatley at embarqmail dot com

  35. I have just moved my entire household twice in 6 months! That is reason enough to need Cold Plasma!

  36. I would like to be a first timer for Perricone products. Sign me up, please.

    pooshae @ yahoo dot com

  37. I would LOVE!!! to win this GREAT!!! product. I could never afford to purchase it so winning would be my only chance to try Dr. Perricone Cold Plasma. I try he BIG 50 last year and my face really needs Cold Plasma with all those little winkles starting around my eyes.

  38. I grew up having very dry skin (now it's and I have the wrinkles to prove it and I'm only 27, omg...I so need this!!

    aPetiteDiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  39. Today is my birthday. I'm 48 today. So close to '50' and feeling it, I'm afraid.
    I'd love to try this product as I've heard such fab things about it!

  40. Am I too late? I was on vacation and not on the computer!

    I would like to try Cold Plasma because I think I'm getting a few too many wrinkles. My skin needs a slurp.


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