
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bobbi Brown Pink & Gold Lip Palette for Holiday 2010

Bobbi Brown's Pink & Gold Lip Palette ($45) for Holiday 2010 packages six fabulous lip colors into one pretty black compact. The ultimate lip palette, this collection of fresh pinks, deep roses, and a beautiful golden nude can be mixed and layered to create your own custom look.

I love the shades in this palette.
  • Roseberry Lip Color
  • Kir Metallic Lip Color (one of my all-time favorites)
  • Pretty Pink Metallic Lip Color
  • Sunset Nude Creamy Lip Color
  • Italian Rose Creamy Lip Color
  • Brownie Lip Color
The palette comes with a nice lip brush, particularly useful if you take it along and don't want to use your fingers to apply the colors.

The weather hasn't cooperated with me this week as I've tried to get swatch photos. By the time I got home from work yesterday, there were thick clouds obscuring the sun. I took photos anyhow, but was dissatisfied with them. Then, I looked out the window and saw sunshine. I nearly ran over Charlie to get back outside and get a few more photos. These will "do."

I swatched top to bottom in the shade order listed above. This is the order of the shades as shown in the palette from left to right. I caught the sixty seconds of overcast sun - just enough to get a photo that actually shows how pretty these shades are. I could not be happier with the palette!

I applied each lip color with the brush provided in the palette. It was the best way to get a concentrated application. I had tried using my finger, but I couldn't pick up enough color that way. The brush worked perfectly, so I would recommend that you use it to apply the lip colors if you want the full-on color.

I purchased my palette at Nordstrom. I'm sure that other Bobbi Brown counters and Bobbi's Web site will have it soon. The palette photo above came from the Bobbi Brown UK site. It was better than mine.

Photo at top courtesy of Bobbi Brown


  1. When I saw the promo pick, the first thing I thought was that this was classic Bobbi and that it would make the perfect gift for a friend of mine who is returning to the work force. When I read your list of the colors, I went from thinking to knowing. Many of the shades are perennial favorites from Bobbi's creamy lip color line. (I especially love Italian Rose.). My friend is the ultra low maintenance type, but she also happens to be an attorney. She's been agonizing over a hair style and make-up look that would be easy to maintain and appropriate for office and court. I had suggested BB to her several times, but she's one of those women who becomes paralyzed with indecision when confronted by a plethora of choices. I think this will be the perfect solution to at least one of her dilemmas. I can't help her much with the hair. I haven't set foot in a salon in almost 40 years!

  2. Thank you for the swatches, Charlestongirl: it is hard to believe the colors are so bright and luminous if we only look at the palette. The swatches show they are very lovely and wearable colors we might want to possess - at least I'd love to buy the palette:-)

  3. Oh goodness, these do look lovely. Normally I'm not a lip palette person (if I have to use my fingers or a brush then count me out) but this baby looks like it will overcome my aversion. I must look for this tomorrow on my lunch break. Thanks so much for the post!!

  4. Eileen, what a thoughtful gift! This palette is perfect for the professional woman, with its ultra-wearable shades. I love the description of her indecision. The rest of us would just buy everything in sight. :)

    I'd love to know the story behind the salon avoidance! Who cuts your hair?

    Clarisse, I agree - the palette looks nice, but the colors are much prettier on skin/lips! It's so hard to get a perfect photo that's as good as "being there."

    Soni, I used to avoid lip palettes too, and I still prefer lipsticks and glosses in typical containers. I will purchase them when they are this pretty, though, or when they are in a combined palette (like many of Bobbi's). You can purchase these shades in traditional containers if you prefer. They are not new.

  5. Update: I just returned from lunch with my girlfriend where I presented her with the lip palette. She was thrilled with it and promptly applied Brownie which looked lovely yet understated. The palette went from the wrappings to her purse where she said it would be at home.

    It's funny how things just fall into place sometimes :-)

  6. Awww, that's such a nice story, Eileen! Thank you for sharing it with us. She's lucky to have such a thoughtful friend.

  7. Who cuts my hair? My husband--but only when he's in a really good mood! Except for a very brief stint when I wore one of Sasson's geometry cuts, I've always had long hair. When I was young, it was always waist-length. Now I wear it mid-back length and my charming husband trims it. After 30 years of practice, he's gotten pretty good :-)

  8. Wow, this is an interesting discussion! My husband has had to take me to my nail and salon appts. for several weeks because of surgery on my foot, so I can't drive. But the funny thing is, he commented on how he couldn't stand spending 2 hours in the salon having people fuss over him and touch him and I said I couldn't imagine NOT having that!!! Different strokes...
    Anyway...Now those colors seem like Bobbi made them just for ME!! I know you're all jealous!

  9. I'm jealous. Drat! I thought she had made them for me.

  10. What a sweet story, Eileen!

    I bought this lip palette for me as well, and I've got to say Bobbi had me in mind when she came up with the colours too! So that's three of us now.

    I definitely look better in pinks rather than the brownish type of colours Bobbi often includes in these palettes, so I'm over the moon!


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