
Friday, October 15, 2010

The Friday Forum - October 15

What a crazy week this was! With extremes of temperatures, lots of rain and sun, and a worldwide thriller as we watched one miner after another emerging from the collapsed mine in Chile, it's time to relax and reflect! I got started early last night, watching television, something I rarely do in the evening. I wanted to see the live edition of 30 Rock.

Val mentioned in a comment last night that the large cosmetics companies have "hit it out of the park" with their recent collections. I agree. The makeup being introduced is irresistible. I have so much to show you! I'll try to catch up (a bit) this weekend.

It's time for The Friday Forum! We use The Friday Forum to share information. Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Do you have a question others might be able to answer? Want to talk about skin care? Just use the comments. Don't be shy.

We have busy weekends and slow ones on the forum. Last week, we had a nice exchange. I'm always happy if even one reader stops by. Leave a comment, and say hello - even if you don't want to comment on beauty products. As I always do, I'll leave news of some great beauty offers (great, not just good) in the comments of this post. If you want to know where to find nice gifts with purchase, free shipping, and other deals this weekend, make sure to check the comments. I can tell you now that the Saks fall Friends & Family event is next week. They start "pre-sale" this weekend, so if you want that 10% beauty department discount, make sure to get over there or call. Bloomindale's is having their beauty event, with many gifts with purchase. That's worth checking out too. I'm going to try to get there.

Thanks for reading Best Things in Beauty! Got anything you want to talk about?

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  1. Hi Charlestongirl!
    I agree with you and Val! and reading you who are in advance compared to us, I already know what I'll want to buy at the beginning of november when the Holiday collections will be on sale here!
    Winter is here too: last week-end it was summer with high temperatures and now it's cold and windy: time for coats, woolies and scarfs, brrrr!
    Have a gorgeous and restful week-end and big hugs to Savannah and Charlie:-)
    PS: Thanks fot the HEELEY address in Paris, it's right in the centre, I'll go and have a look (and several sniffs too) next month:-)

  2. I forgot: I have a question too! Have you (or anyone) heard about Biosilk Silk Therapy? it is a product which can be found here in Paris and on the web only: we are told it comes from the USA where it is found absolutely fabulous, any opinion about it? Thanks:-)

  3. I just have to comment first on the successful rescue of the thrity-three trapped mine workers. My husband and I were glued to the TV as the first of the thirty-three was hauled to the surface. When he emerged from the capsule, tears sprang to my eyes and I felt tingling down my spine. It wasn't a miracle; it was the first of thirty-three! The attention that has been focused on those courageous men is a wonderful affirmation of life and a dramatic reminder that, when we unite as a brotherhood of man, we really can work miracles.

    With such good news and a sense of celebration in the air, it's the perfect time to be looking at holiday collections. How's that for a segueway :-) Obviously, my writing skills leave a bit to be desired! Be that as it may, you've shown us some great gift ideas. I did make it to Neiman's yesterday to look at the Bobbi Brown palettes and purchased several for holiday gifts. I think the ladies on my list are going to be thrilled.

  4. Hi Clarisse! Happy Friday!

    Charlie will be appreciative of hugs! Savannah will run off in fear - she is so schizophrenic. :) So, I'll give one to Sir Charles for you. Same to your kids - hugs from the U.S.

    October always has its ups and downs in the weather, but just like everything else this year, we seem to be having extremes.

    I have heard about BioSilk, but have no direct experience with it. Maybe someone else can weigh in?

    I can't wait to get your "sniff" impressions from the HEELEY Paris visit!

  5. Eileen, like you, I was glued to the television - in tears of joy. One day I got to work about 20 minutes later than usual because each time they pulled another miner out, I stopped getting ready and sat and watched, totally mesmerized. It was a thrilling accomplishment for the men and women who worked so hard to rescue them.

    And your segue was perfect! Which palettes did you get? I want to go get Sulty. That reminds me, I think I'll go call a nearby store now!

  6. Hi Charlestongirl. Most of the ladies on my list have warm coloring with dark hair and eyes, so I picked up two of the Smouldering Eye, two of the Sultry Eye, and one of the Smoky Eye. For my dear friend who recently resumed working in a law office, I bought the Day to Night Warm Eye Palette. She was so thrilled with the BB lip palette I gave her, I'm sure she'll love this one as well.

    A wonderful restorative weekend to all!

  7. Eileen, you have such lucky friends! I just got my hands on Sultry today. For some reason, no one has it here yet except Neiman Marcus at Mazza in DC. They got it before the Tysons Neiman Marcus. Go figure!

    I haven't checked with my Nordstrom buddies, though, so it may have arrived there in the last few days.

    I have the cool and warm palettes - still to write up. I loved them both, so I'll be in neutral eye shadow for years. Or at least until the spring colors start to arrive. :) Oh and then there are the new Armani shadows in a holiday set. Can't wait to get them. Such an abundance of pretty choices!

  8. If BioSilk is for hair then it's been around for a long time. I believe Chi owns the company that makes it. I've used it and it's very nice; makes my hair silky but you have to use the tiniest amount or it feels greasy.

    I'm loving the fall weather - it's in the 50's and 60's with sun and wind. It's perfect actually.

  9. I'm assuming Clarisse meant the hair-care products. She is about seven hours ahead of us, so it should be past her bedtime! Maybe she can let us know tomorrow.

  10. Hi Marcia and Charlestongirl!
    Not yet in my bed but seriously getting ready to go since here it is 23:30!
    Yes I meant hair-care products, Marcia! They do belong to CHI and here they are "new" and presented as wonderful, magical American products! and I was wondering since US hair-care products are really great!
    I'll try this one then and take your advice, Marcia, to use just a tiny drop! Do you know the CHI nail polishes too? they are part of the same raving reviews:-) Good night every one ....but only after enjoying a lovely afternoon/evening:-)

  11. Hey Ladies!!! Thanks for the mention. I find I am just so tempted by everything, and I KNOW I don't have the room or $$$! But I'll still lust after it in my heart ;-)

    I found the Chilean Miner story so inspirational and cried like a baby when I saw the little boy reunited with his dad! So thankful that it all turned out well.

  12. I got the Sultry BB also but I haven't used it yet, really bought it because I love the gold color. It seems very unique and it isn't sold seperatly. I bought it at Mazza too..heehee. Also, I mentioned to Lisa at Metier counter that I love your blog and she said she hears that all the time. Maybe we'll run into each other at the beauty counters one day . Have a great week end. By the way, how do you use the 'special' shadow in the BB kit?

  13. Hi friends!

    Clarisse, I can't believe you were still awake! You must be a night owl.

    Val, we are all so happy for those miners! So many times, the outcome has been tragic. This is such a happy story, and we need happy stories! I am still mesmerized by the news. Suspect I will be for weeks. BTW, I am running out of money, so I know how you feel! The makeup has been so good this fall, I have overspent.

    Gaby, we need to beauty shop together! I need a local shopping buddy. Isn't Lisa a doll? She is so talented.

    I ran over to Mazza mid-afternoon to pick up my Sultry palette. Rachel was coughing-sick, so after I picked up my Sulty, I told her I was going to take it home and disinfect it. :) She was a riot - used alcohol to wipe the pen she gave me to sign my credit card bill. That gal ought to have gone home to rest. I wonder of they get sick leave.

    You wet your brush to use the special shadow in the three palettes. Roll it around on the pan to ensure you are getting full-strength color, and then apply. The moisture will not hurt it. Some powder shadows can't take water. This one loves it. The BB reps have shown me, and I did the same at home. Worked perfectly.

    Send me an e-mail. We can meet up someday. Would be fun!

  14. Hi Charlestongirl!
    I laughed when I read I was a night owl (I know the bird but didn't know the expression!) Actually this was quite unusual, most of the time I am "a hen" (do you say that? we do say we go to bed like hens, meaning rather early...) I get up rather early in the morning and need a long night (if not I'm useless)
    Have a beautiful Saturday:-)

  15. You too, Clarisse!

    I am an early-to-bed, early-to-rise person. I joke that I must have had farmers in my background. If I don't want to get up around 4:30, Charlie makes sure I do anyhow. Meal time!

  16. Here's an offer worth repeating...

    Spend $125 or more at Perricone MD, and he will donate 10% of your purchase to breast cancer research. AND you will receive a 0.5 oz Neuropeptide Firming Moisturizer (worth $70 retail) free. Use code THINKPINK at checkout.


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