
Friday, November 12, 2010

The Friday Forum - November 12

Even weeds can be pretty! Look at the berries on this wild grapevine. What a gorgeous color! I'm not sure why the birds haven't gobbled them up. Wild grapevine is an incredibly invasive weed, and I hate it. Even so, I love these pretty berries. I will have to go out cutting and ripping this weekend - a task that's overdue. Wild grapevine can smother trees and shrubs; it has to go.

This has been quite a week, with lots of activities I hadn't anticipated. After spending last weekend at the hospital with Mom, I tried to catch up on my rest. I also took her to a cardiologist on Tuesday, and he was stumped. She's stable and fine now. I'm very thankful. She likes Red Lobster, so yesterday I took her about 15 miles away to the closest one. We had a mid-afternoon dinner with all the blue-hairs. Now here's the surprising part. It was pretty good! As a foodie, I'm a bit of a snob about restaurants, and I routinely avoid chains. I loved my meal. Maybe I was starving.

Charlie has his annual vet appointment this morning. He will be getting his immunizations and a once-over. When we go to the animal hospital, Charlie screams at the top of his Bengal lungs all the way there and the whole time in the waiting room. He only quiets down when he goes into an exam room, where he can get out of his carrier and onto the exam table for love and adoration (by just about every member of the large hospital staff, since they have anointed him the best-looking cat in the practice). He is so loud over his dismay at being in a "cat carrier" that sometimes they give him an exam room early, just to shut him up. It's pretty funny watching him, as one after another doctor or technician peeks in to say hello. He goes into his "I really am gorgeous - too gorgeous to be jailed in a carrier" mode. He's such a character! Oh, and he broke through another porch screen this week.

I've got plenty of new makeup to show you, plus some new items for skin care. I'll be taking photos and writing after I get Charleston Sumter back from his short trip. Right now, he's sitting next to me purring, blissfully unaware of what's to come.

That's my life in a nutshell! How's yours going?

It's time for The Friday Forum. We use the forum to share information and chat. Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Do you have a question others might be able to answer? Want to talk about skin care? Just use the comments. Don't be shy. Just make sure to ask any question you might have over the weekend. By Monday, most readers have moved on.

We have busy weekends and slow ones on the forum. Last week, we had a great exchange. I loved it anyhow. I'm always happy if even one reader stops by. Leave a comment, and say hello - even if you don't want to comment on beauty products. As I always do, I'll leave news of some great beauty offers (great, not just good) in the comments of this post. If you want to know where to find nice gifts with purchase, free shipping, and other deals this weekend, make sure to check the comments.

Thanks for reading Best Things in Beauty! Got anything you want to talk about? Tell us about your pets if beauty isn't on your mind.

A few reminders...

The Neiman Marcus Mazza Gallerie focus on beauty continues, with a Le Métier de Beauté event through Saturday. If you are local to DC, you really should stop by Saturday to get your makeup done by Dustin - then get a photo! Feel free to send me JPGs, and I'll post them.

If you are a Sephora VIB, Sephora is enticing you to spend money with a 20% discount. Despite my annoyance with them, I ordered yesterday. Use code VIB20 at checkout.

Don't forget the fabulous NARS Sweet Disposition Mini Multiples Giveaway Contest here at Best Things in Beauty. The deadline for entries is tomorrow, November 13, and not all of you have entered. Why? It's a must-have set. I bought two.

Eyewear designer and expert Corinne McCormack will provide Bloomingdale's Chevy Chase customers with personal eyewear makeovers - just like she did this fall for Kelly Ripa on LIVE! with Regis and Kelly. Founder of Corinne McCormack, Inc., a line of her own eyewear and eyeglasses accessories, and Vice President of Fashion at FGX International, the largest sunglasses and eyewear designer and manufacturer in the country, Corinne will be on hand to help consumers select the right styles for them, a process based on face shape, color palette, and highlighting an individual's best facial features. She will be in the eyewear/accessories department Saturday, November 13, 12:00-2:00 pm at Bloomingdale's in Chevy Chase.

Photo by BTiB


  1. LOL at Charlie. He sounds so adorable, I would love to meet him. I remember working at an animal hospital in my teens and absolutely loved it!!

    I recently received a postcard in the mail from Bergdorf Goodman/Edward Bess with swatches of a lipgloss set, a lipstick set and a blush. (holiday sets I believe?) I'm trying to resist, but I'm not sure how long I'll be able to hold out. His products truly are delightful and luxurious. Anyone thinking about indulging??

  2. I am, Soni. I just need time to call. I can't resist anything Edward Bess. Sigh!

    Charlie screamed the whole trip. That drew even more attention than his good looks. :)

  3. Your stories about cats make me wish I had a pet :)
    I have been slacking off on my makeup lately because of taking too many classes and working too much. I used to own YSL Touche Eclat a year ago or so and, while it did not provide much coverage, I was pretty addicted to it. Right now I am using Milani's "knock off" version called HD Concealer and I would say it provides similar effect for only 8 dollars. Not much coverage, but it has identical golden pen style and its shade is similar to the one I owned. When I do have more finances I will probably go back to YSL but for now I am also pretty happy with Milani. By the way, Milani also has a blush that is an exact version of Nars Orgasm.

  4. Wow, Anna! Thanks.

    I need to take a new look at Milani next time I go to CVS. The last collection I saw was too glittery for me, but I'm always game for inexpensive wonders.

    When you can, adopt a best friend. They are so loving, you'll wonder how you ever lived without them.

  5. Charismatic, Haute-y, Arrogant, Regal, Loving, Independent, Exceptional in every respect--Charlie! And he's all yours, fantastic feline that he is! I can just imagine the fuss they make over him at the vets :-)

    I also got the card from the lovely Susan and Jennifer and can hardly wait to see the new colors. I love EB, and although I tell myself I have enough pink to last me a lifetime, I can't stop thinking about the new blush. Desert Blossom--even the name speaks to me. Looks like I'll be making the jaunt to Beverly Hills to take a look.

    I had a good laugh over your comment about dinner with the "blue hairs". I attend a lot of classical concerts throughout the year and am a part of that demographic that the promoters and organizers refer to as the AGH--Aging Gray Hairs. My oldest son (27) plays electronic music at a number of clubs in LA as a hobby. The first time I attended one of his gigs, he introduced me to his band mates saying, "This is Mom. She'll be our token AGH tonight.". What a son!

    Charlestongirl, your ability to find delicate beauty in a weed; your beautiful picture and description of the wild grapevine exemplify your positive attitude and uplifting nature. You've been through hell lately, yet you continue to take all those lemons and transform them into the sweetest lemonade.

    I hope you and all your readers have a peaceful and restorative weekend.

  6. Charlestongirl, I'm glad your mom's OK. I hope they discover what caused her distress.

    We need more cat pictures! I'm sure Charlie will pose for you.

    I got a miraculous Kate Somerville Dermal Quench treatment yesterday. I'm stunned at how much better a particularly dry area around my left eye looks. The wrinkles and dryness are gone even today. Thanks for turning me on to this brand! I will buy some products from Sephora the next time they have a sale. Maybe that will launch me to VIP status, and I will earn some cash from Mr. Rebates.

    I dropped by NM Mazza afterwards and got a LMdB makeover from Justin. What a delight he is! He did a great job and gave me some good tips. I bought the Violaceous Splendor Kaleidoscope, which I'm not sure I'll keep, and two interesting eyeshadow primer pencils in black and brown.

    Enjoy the Trend Show at Nordstrom tomorrow. I completely forgot about it. I look forward to your report!

  7. Hi Eileen,

    You are I are the same age, but I don't feel like part of the blue-hair set yet. Maybe I feel like them, but I don't look like them. :)

    Charlie was quite the ham yesterday, called by one admirer "damn gorgeous." The little rascal knows, I think.

    Thanks for your nice note. I'm a little stumped right now about why Google didn't notify me of comments last night. I usually see them in e-mail. Sorry I didn't respond! Not sure I can make lemonade with this one. Google gets a fail. Verizon got a ail after I tried to e-mail the roundup copy to my blogger friends. It tagged it as spam! The nerve!

    Peaceful...that would be lovely. Instead, I am going off to Nordstrom early this morning to join women who will climb over each other to get a free beauty product. It's always a sight. I go to see the line reps. I'll report in later.

  8. Ava,

    I am so glad you got to meet Dustin! He's delightful. One thing I really liked about him was his in-depth knowledge of ingredients. He was like a soul mate.

    And Dermal Quench? Don't you want to own the machine? I was so amazed. The effects were transitory, but I enjoyed them while they lasted.

    I'll be with the crazy ones this morning.

  9. Charlestongirl, have you noticed that the sixties for our generation is nothing like the sixties were for our moms or grandmas? Isn't it amazing the difference health, lifestyle, and perception can make as to how we function in the world? True, some women are still in sync with certain expectations regarding age, but then there are more and more like us who are defying the old stereotypes. We eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, live a busy life filled with myriad activities--and no, I don't mean golf and bingo!--and stay current in regards to fashion and beauty.

    The day after I met my son's band mates at a gig, I received a very special e-mail from them. It was the American Gothic grandma character, but she's seated in a rocking chair. She's leaning forward and giving the viewer the finger. The caption below says, "Who you call'n granny?". Below that the guys had added, "Long may you rock, Mrs. K."

    Yes, Charlestongirl, we're part of the new sensual, sexy, scintillating sixties. Long may we rock! :-)

  10. Too funny, granny. :)

    Eileen, I was with you until you wrote "eat a healthy diet." I'm not sure I'd qualify. I love pizza, chips and salsa, carbs, and my drinks with dinner. Oh well, I've got fabulous skin care to make up for it. Then there's the exercise. I won't be able to do that again until my knees are bionic. I just left the Nordstrom Beauty Trends show because they wouldn't pivot around all those women who just stopped in the middle of the aisles for a free sample of something they will never use. Just because it was free.

    We do rock, and we aren't going to let those teenagers forget it! Ours is a generation that's not going away. Live long!

  11. This is a bummer. Charlie has been lethargic all day, from his vaccination I'm sure. My poor baby. I rested with him for a little while this afternoon.

  12. I am way behind in reading your wonderful posts, it has been a crazy week...our family adopted a 1 year old female boxer last Sunday from the Houston Boxer Rescue!! Stella is very sweet and my 10 and 14 year old kids adore her, they have wanted a dog forever!

    We have never had a dog so it is a new experience...I have always been a cat person and enjoy the stories you share about yours! Hope that Charlie is feeling better today.

    Stella curls up in a ball to sleep, which reminds me of a cat. Not sure if all boxers do this, but it is funny to see a 50 lb. dog all curled up!

  13. Awwww, Lisa, that's so cute! I'd love to see a boxer curled up like a cat. We should put a picture of Stella up on a Friday Forum! Want to send one?

    Charlie appears to be back in form, thanks. I just got home from work, and he's sitting next to me purring in anticipation of his dinner. :)


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