
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Stila Holiday Blockbuster Set Givaway Winner

Congratulations to Dlori! Diane won the Stila Holiday Blockbuster Set! Diane is a makeup junkie, just like many of us! She's also a sweet pen pal. She has been notified by e-mail.

When I tally votes, it takes me a little time. I go through the comments to assign vote numbers (when you tell me you tweeted or follow - I just go look it up to check - you make it easy for me). Then, I check my list against the two follower lists exported from my subscription follows (through Google) and Twitter follows. It's all very complicated, but I have it down to a science. I usually end up with entry numbers that exceed the number of comments (I add the extras onto the end of the list), and then I go to

What isn't easy is the personal aspect of selecting only one winner for most contests. I LOVE reading your comments, and I appreciate your kind words about the blog, best wishes, and notes about makeup! On any day I don't feel like writing, usually worn out after work, I read a few comments, and my energy returns 10 times over. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you!

I thought I would show you that #84, which happened to be Diane, won this morning. is so easy, you just put in the beginning number (#1) and the end number, and it selects a random number as the winner. Go try it if you ever need your own "Ouija board" to make a decision. :)

Diane is going to love this set. Who could want for makeup with so many colors available? OK, that was a silly question - all of us makeup addicts could. There's always the perfect color right around the corner, and some of us are "collectors."

Don't forget my weekend giveaway for the coveted Giorgio Armani Beauty Eyes to Kill Eyeshadow in Copper! Just scroll down and enter before 5:00 pm ET today. After that contest ends, I'll start another one tonight so I can share the love - and thank you for being the best readers in the world!

Photo at top courtesy of Stila

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