
Monday, December 13, 2010

Meet Our Beauty Blogger Roundup Team - Sabrina

Every week, I post a Weekend Roundup with exciting features written by our beauty blogging friends. They post the roundup too. Some of them have joined us recently, while others have been with us since the roundup's get-go. We thought it would be a great idea if you got to know each of us a little better to find out what drives the beauty passion we share. This week, we meet Sabrina from The Beauty Look Book.

When did you start blogging and why?
It started with a hard-to-find brand called Le Métier de Beauté. I'm curious by nature, and when I noticed something new at, I Googled the brand, but could find no reviews or real photos anywhere (except for their mascara). I took a risk and ordered some glosses sight unseen over the phone. I was very nervous, spending $30+ for a tube of something I never had seen before, but I fell in love! Karen at Makeup and Beauty Blog was asking for guest writers at the time, and she published my first blog review! She was so supportive, and I had so much fun, I was inspired to start my own blog. I hoped that by writing about my discoveries and featuring comparisons, other women would be able to get a better idea of what a certain product looked like, rather than relying on over-the-phone descriptions or sketchy online retail swatches.

Every blog seems to carry a special voice. What's your special message on your blog?
The main focus is on the things I like; high-end luxury brands, some hard-to-find brands, a few outfit features here and there. I try to feature things in a new and creative way, such as my color-focus features or monthly highlights.

Have you always been a beauty fanatic or did it come later in life, and what made it blossom?
At the age of two - I was a beauty disaster (aka every mother's nightmare). I would pour shampoo down the toilet, twist up my mother's lipsticks and smash them, and draw all over the wall with beauty products. I once cut my mother's hair while she was napping! At age four, I cut my two-year-old sister's hair when my dad was "babysitting" us. Of course I don't remember any of this, but apparently I had a thing for scissors. In my teens, I only wore makeup for ballet recitals, and I'd never wear makeup or anything pink off-stage. Then I hit the age of 17, when I discovered Stila and M∙A∙C, and my obsession with beauty products took off. I'm not exactly sure why the drastic change, but I went from being anti-girly to girly overnight.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I'm 29, married, and just finished my master's degree. I currently work full-time as a finance and marketing analyst. No kids, but we have our pets (two dogs and a cat). I enjoy baking and cooking when I have the time, and like watching TV. My must-see weekly shows are 30 Rock, The Office, Fringe, Bones, and The Closer.

What's your daily beauty routine?
It usually takes me about 45 minutes to get ready in the mornings. I'm not a morning person, so I have to admit, sometimes I'm running out the door with only powder/foundation, and I finish the rest in my car at stop lights. When I do have my act together, the routine is straighten hair, wash face, prep skin with something (different every day), foundation/powder, Edward Bess highlighter or bronzer. Next comes eye makeup. I usually do my lips the last thing after breakfast or morning coffee.

How many lipsticks/glosses can be found in your handbag at any given time?
Probably four to six. There are times when I clean out my purse and find 10 different lip products. I usually throw in a couple per weekday; sometimes I forget to take the previous day's lip items out, and it gets out of hand.

What's the best beauty advice you've ever received?
"It's just makeup, have fun, if you mess up you can always start over," from one of my favorite Chanel makeup artists.

What's the most surprising thing you have learned since starting your blog?
There are good angles and bad angles for taking pictures, not just for your own face, but for products as well.

I'm sure you've met Sabrina on her blog, The Beauty Look Book, but if you haven't, you need to put it on your must-read list! Thanks, Sabrina!


  1. I read this on Sabrina's blog this morning and thought it a wonderful idea. What a great way to get to know more about our favorite bloggers. Sabrina is one of my daily reads as are you, dear Charlestongirl :-). You ladies rock!

  2. Hi Eileen,

    Isn't she just fabulous? Thanks for visiting and commenting!

    Someday, we are going to figure out how we can all go beauty shopping together. Can you even imagine?


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