
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Giorgio Armani Beauty Giveaway Contest - Three Winners!

My "convalescence contest" has ended. I wish the actual convalescence had also ended. Think that was a bit too optimistic? :)

Congratulations to Cheryl, LilyBiscuit, and Saint Jean! Each won a Rouge d'Armani lipstick from Giorgio Armani Beauty. The winners were chosen by, and they have all been notified by e-mail. We have the Armani Beauty Team at Saks Fifth Avenue in Chevy Chase, Maryland, to thank for this generous prize. They take incredibly good care of Best Things in Beauty readers!

I enjoyed reading your entries and want you to know how much I appreciated the kind notes, words of encouragement, and best wishes for a speedy recovery. I saw my surgeon this afternoon, and he thinks my knee looks great. Of course, it's not his knee that hurts. I'll be headed back to my ice machine (very cool device) and some loopy pills for awhile - just wanted to get the winners posted before my feed goes out today.

Thanks for reading Best Things in Beauty! We'll have another nice contest coming up this week, so please check back.

Photo courtesy of Giorgio Armani Beauty


  1. Thanks again and I hope you are pain free asap. Best wishes!

  2. Thank you! I like the sound of pain-free! Charlie is trying to help - he has elected to become my indoor "live scarf."

  3. Thanks so much! Get well soon--I've been bed-ridden a lot lately so I know it can be really tough when you can't move about and things are hurting, you have my sympathies. Keep warm and take care of yourself!

  4. You amaze me. Despite your discomfort and pain, you take the time to announce the winners. I'm sure you brightened their day, and knowing that probably brightens yours. With your positive outlook and obvious energy, your recovery will be over before you know it. Take care and don't tire yourself. Knowing you've brought some sunshine into the winners' lives, you can now go back to your "loopy pills" and cuddling with Charlie :-). I bet he's sticking very close to you. Pets always seem to know when we need some extra comfort.

  5. Wanted to thank you again. Hope your recovery will be a speedy one.

  6. Thank you, Eileen!

    It does take more effort to sit at the computer than I had expected! I'm bummed by that. I've learned why it takes my mother so long to do things. The energy that goes into the "necessities" can sap a person with a disability.

    My boy is sitting right next to me. Actually better than all 13 lbs on my chest and neck. :)

  7. Saint Jean,

    I'm so glad you won! Bedridden? Not good. I hope you are on the mend. Thanks for your best wishes. Sending same back at you!

    Hi, Cheryl!

    My thanks to you too. I feel so lucky to have such thoughtful readers.


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