
Friday, February 25, 2011

The Friday Forum - February 25

I wonder who this could be, stationed next to the towel I use to pull on my leg, and playing with my lens cap. He loves to sit with Mr. Sunshine, and he got his wish earlier in the week. We're hoping Mr. Sunshine comes back later today. Right now, it's raining, meaning I can't get makeup swatch photos.

It's hard for me to believe it's almost the end of February! I think I lost January entirely, and it seems like February flew by. Pretty soon, I will have to stop working from home and start going into the office. I think the kid above is going to miss me.

I am making progress in physical therapy, although I still can't entirely straighten my knee. The best I've done is three degrees, and I have to get to zero. I can bend it more and more each week, with effort. The Dynasplint that is supposed to help me straighten it is unmitigated torture. I know it's not supposed to hurt, but it does. I am tolerating it about three hours/day. I talked to my "regular" orthopedic surgeon last Friday afternoon (not the one who replaced my knee), and he thought I was doing really well, particularly since my knees had so many issues, including major inflammation, before the surgery. So, I'm plugging along. Thank you all for your continuing well wishes! I can't tell you how much you have lifted my spirits.

This beauty season continues to be amazing for new product launches. I have much more to show you. Plus, I have new purchases from the Neiman Marcus Beauty Event I have to show you. From cosmetics to skin care (and a fragrance or two), I'll be busy next week! Just as an aside, the Bobbi Brown GWP at Neiman Marcus is fabulous.

What's new in your life? It's time for The Friday Forum. We use the forum to share information and chat. Did you find any deals you couldn't resist this week? Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Do you have a question others might be able to answer? Want to talk about skin care? Just use the comments. Don't be shy. Just make sure to ask any question you might have over the weekend. By Monday, most readers have moved on.

Don't forget that I have two giveaway contests underway. The first, for a One Night Set in Neutral ends Saturday at midnight. The second, for Tarte's Provocateur Amazonian Clay Shimmering Powder in Champagne ends Monday at midnight. Have you entered yet? If you don't enter, you can't win.

Thanks for reading Best Things in Beauty! Got anything you want to talk about?


  1. Looking at your kitty picture really makes me miss my two little girlies so much! Had to send them to another home due to my heart condition. He seems like a contented fellow!

  2. Michelle,

    Oh no! I am so sorry. They are the best friends on earth. I hope you get to visit them.

  3. Continued good health to you! Beauty related: I have been enjoying the new Neutrogena tinted lip balms lately, they feel really good against my dry cracked lips. Fresh Plum is a nice subtle color. And I can't wait to try the Bobbi Brown Rich lipsticks whenever they show up at Macy's.

  4. Thanks, Laura!

    I tried to buy a couple Neutrogena balms last week. CVS had sold out all of them! Same with the new CoverGirl ones.

    I don't know what's up with BB's distribution. All the stores should receive new products at roughly the same time. The fact that they don't leaves me wondering why.

    Thank you!


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