
Sunday, April 10, 2011

FBR Cosmetics Lip Gloss Giveaway Contest

Congratulations to Alli Winston!
Last month, I told you about FBR Cosmetics, Rozz J., and the fabulous lip glosses by FBR. Now, thanks to Rozz's generosity, I can offer a giveaway contest for the lip gloss of your choice. If you didn't read my feature on FBR Cosmetics, please check it out at this link. Rozz's makeup impressed me - made for women by a woman who knows what we like.

Rozz J. is an Atlanta-based celebrity makeup artist. She founded her company after assembling a network of professionals to formulate special blends of products that would feel good and look good. She started with lip gloss, everyone's instant pick-me-up.

Make your lips glisten with FBR's luminous line of lip glosses. Apply an almost-not-there shade for a natural look or a deeper, warmer shade for a more romantic come-hither look.

Every day is a good day for lip gloss. The winner of this contest will get to select the shade of her choice from the 18 fabulous shades available. What fun! I love the shade I showed you, Cupids Charm, a perfect shade for spring and summer. The gloss is lightweight on my lips, but offers high-wattage shine. It feels incredibly moisturizing, and it has no fragrance (a huge plus to me). It has a nice doe-foot applicator too. It couldn't be more perfect. Once you try one of Rozz's lip glosses, you are going to want more.

How can you enter to win? Here's the "fine print." Just leave a comment here once telling us which shade you would select if you win. You can see the shades at the FBR Cosmetics Web site. After you comment, feel free to send me an e-mail at and identify your comment. You can never be too careful about sharing an e-mail address you care about on a blog, so feel free to follow this step (an alternative is to code your e-mail, e.g., myname at gmail dot com, in your comment). This contest is open to U.S. residents.

You can "earn" a second entry by tweeting this contest. Just make sure to include "@BTiBeauty" (without the quotes) and "@FBRCOSMETICS" in your tweet. I will tweet the contest this evening, and you can simply retweet it to earn that second entry. You can earn a third entry by following the blog - either here or on Twitter (any entrant who is already a follower will automatically earn the follower point, but you can save me time by telling me you're a follower in your comment). I can't track followers through a third-party service, so you need to be on Google's list for me to verify the entry.

The deadline for entries will be Saturday, April 16, at midnight. The next morning, I will use a random number generator ( to select the winner. I will e-mail the winner at that time. The winner will have 48 hours to reply to my message and provide a shipping address. After 48 hours, the prize will be forfeited, and another winner will be selected. Make sure to check your e-mail - and look in your spam folder - when the contest ends.

If you want to keep up with FBR Cosmetics and the growth that's sure to follow this wonderful new brand, check out FBR's Web site, @FBRCOSMETICS on Twitter, and FBR's Facebook page.

Good luck!

Photo courtesy of FBR Cosmetics


  1. I would chose Ivory Pink. Love the color and love the name :)

    I´m a follower of your blog and on twitter (CorinnaMaiden)

    My email: corinna.edtl at web dot de

  2. i like the nude
    erica_kempf at yahoo dot com

  3. I love the ivory pink! It is suitable for an everyday look with just a pinch of pick! Hazeleyzes001 at yahoo dot com

  4. I also think Ivory Pink would look best with my pale skin!
    treneebarker at hotmail dot com

  5. Pink Dominance looks right on trend for spring, and it's gorgeous!

    kittylitter1 at gmail dot com

  6. I would pick cupids charm for my wife

  7. I loved the color choices at FBR Cosmetics. It was a difficult decision to make but I finally decided on French Bloom. All the colors look wearable though.

    sonsethues at yahoo dot com

  8. I retweeted your contest on my tweeter page.

    sonsethues at

  9. Zen Fantasy would be my first choice. Lovely colors. Have a Blessed Day! vickers_73460 at yahoo dot com

  10. I'm a follower of your blog and get emails and follow you on twitter.

    sonsethues at yahoo dot com

  11. I am already a follower via GFC/Vickie Riddle and subscriber by email. vickers_73460 at yahoo dot com

  12. I;d choose ivory pink-very subtle and feminine.


  13. I'd love to follow by GFC, but I don't see where to do so. (Tell me how.) Still, I am email subscriber. Does that count?


  14. Hi Charlestongirl,

    What a nice contest! I am looking forward to try "Shocker" in case I win. I do love a bold lip and judging from the name and the swatch it will fit the bill.

    I am a follower of your blog via email subscription (holtagj at gmail dot com) as well as on Twitter as MaryKay_byHolta/Holta Gjikondi and retweeted the contest.

    Thank you for the nicely written reviews - they make my buying decisions much easier :)

    Have a great week!

  15. Hi Benita, yep that counts! Love you!

  16. i like the shade "Whisper"
    aznhanavira at gmail dot com

  17. I think I would like to try "Serenity" first. I'm an email subscriber. crystesmom(at)yahoo(dot)com

  18. Pink dominance! I have pigmented lips so the pales shades always make me look ill. I think the pink dominance would look great on my wedding day as a "prime" bride

  19. Love the baby pink!


  20. I would choose Cupids Charm after reading your review. I love rose colored glosses.

    My email is:
    liz dot bauer 09 at gmail dot com.

  21. I would select Trinity

  22. Tweeted giveaway!/hofken/status/57874105856303104

  23. I follow you on twitter @hofken

  24. I would choose "Ivory Pink" because I like the idea of a smokey eye/light lip look.
    valhoff 3 at yahoo dot com

  25. I follow you on Twitter @mamavalveeta03.

  26. I RT'd the contest using your post.

  27. I love French Bloom and I'm loving your blog!
    elizablueuk at yahoo dot com

  28. Wow! This is exciting! Thanks for doing this giveaway!
    I love the color Ivory Pink! That would be my choice!
    I re-tweeted the giveaway (@alliwinston) and follow you via email subscription and google reader (alliwinston0816)
    email -

  29. Sending e-mail address. I would love to try Cupids Charm.

  30. like others i like ivory pink! thanks for the chance!

  31. I follow you on twitter @anashct
    email: anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com

  32. I tweeted at!/anashct/status/59059004298629120
    email: anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com

  33. I follow google connect "anash"
    Thank you kindly.
    anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com

  34. Mandatory Entry: i like pink diva most
    Thanks for the opportunity!
    Anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com

  35. I like the pink lip gloss as it is a soft color and would suit any complexion.

    Love your blog.


  36. I would love to try these lip glosses. There are so many colors!!

    Maybe French Bloom?

    Thanks for the opportunity!

    danielle1987 at verizon dot net

  37. I would choose the Ivory Pink.
    winit6 at hotmail dot com

  38. tweeted!/winsome6/status/59464337470914561

    winit6 at hotmail dot com

  39. I follow you on GFC as nightowl.
    winit6 at hotmail dot com

  40. Hi Charlestongirl, these look lovely! They're so lovely that I don't know how to pick out just one, but "Cupid's Charm" is calling out its name to me. :-)

    My e-mail is saint (dot) rhapsode (at) gmail (dot) com.


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