
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day! To all the moms out there, whether your children are young or grown - or even furry - Happy Mother's Day!

To my mom and all the moms, this is your special day, but I hope all your days are special. You are loved.

Painting by Pino


  1. Thank you, Charlestongirl! I don't know if you have any children, but I know you are a mommy to your fur babies so..."Happy Mother's Day" to you too! It took me becoming a mom myself to fully appreciate this day, and I feel a bit ashamed to admit that. Mother's are notoriously under appreciated so I think it is wonderful to have a day to celebrate everything mom's do and have done for us. Here is to mother's everywhere!

  2. Happy Mother's Day, Hopelessly Devoted!

    You're right - many take their mothers for granted. Here's a kid who didn't. This is sad, but required reading for Mother's Day.

    My furry babies - at least Charlie - will brighten my day! I hope yours is bright too. Love the wish...Here's to mothers everywhere!

  3. Happy Mother's Day ladies! There are so many ways in which a woman nurtures. Having given birth to a child is just one of the many. Before I retired, I used to get Mother's Day cards from students long before I ever actually had children of my own. Loving, caring, guiding, advising, listening, encouraging--these are just a few of the ways in which women nurture the world.

    As for our furry friends, whenever someone asks me if I have grandkids, I always reply with a big smile on my face, "No, but I've got huskies!" Heaven help the the person who asks to see pictures. I've got a ton of them on my iPhone :-)

    And, let's not forget the Mother of us all: Mother Nature. So, here's wishing you all a day filled with the joy of friends, family, furry critters, and all things bright and beautiful; wise and wonderful that nature has to offer.

  4. Hi Eileen and Happy Mother's Day! Not only have you raised some fine kids, you have those adorable huskies. You should send a photo I can use on a Friday Forum!

    What a nice way to think about Mother's Day - the joy of friends, family, and furry critters! My furry critter is complaining right now. I think he wants me to take a nap with him. Glad to oblige.

  5. I took a wonderful 30 min. nap on the sofa and woke up to find Stella (our sweet boxer you featured in the Friday Forum) asleep on top of my legs, all 57 lbs of her! She has gained 7lbs. in the six months since we adopted her and she is beautiful!

    In the handmade card my 11 yr. old daughter made me she listed "getting me as dog" as one of the reasons I was a great mom...LOL!

    Hope you and Charlie had a great nap!

  6. We did, thanks, Lisa! It think it's a riot that Stella thinks she is a lap dog. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day. :)


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