
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Two Sheer Lip Colors from BITE: SPF 15 Sheer Balm and Lip Shine

BITE Beauty is an alluring collection of lip products, available at Sephora. All of BITE's products feature the super-antioxidant, resveratrol, to protect your lips. Ranging from the lightest to the darkest shades, the long-lasting shades were designed by leading makeup artists. In addition to featuring resveratrol, BITE's formulas have all-star, natural ingredient lists that include organic shea butter, superfoods, and food-grade coloring, making them "good enough to eat."

I've been exploring my way through BITE's products, and I'm very happy with everything I tried. Today, I'm featuring two different products: SPF 15 Sheer Balm and BITE Lip Shine. I'm a sheer lip color worshiper, and I know that I don't sit alone in that pew.

SPF 15 Sheer Balm ($19) caught my eye immediately. The slim tube, transparent color, and SPF protection reminded me of one of my "old favorites," YSL's Gloss Volupté Sheer Sensual Gloss Stick. This soothing Sheer Balm formula features delicious organic mint and blood orange essential oils to refresh and cool the lips. With every application, a micro-delivery of super-antioxidant resveratrol provides age-repairing benefits. Each balm contains the amount of resveratrol found in five glasses of red wine. More has to be better, right?

There are eight shades available, ranging from Sparkling (pale peach nude) to Burgundy (berry rose). They had me at the berry description, so I ordered Burgundy. With transparent lip colors, I like to go darker so that I can see some color on my lips - it lights up my face.

BITE Lip Shine ($20) is a gloss, a translucent lip tint available in 10 illuminating colors. There's something for everyone, from the sheer nude Prosecco to Raspberry, a blue red. As with the balm, I was looking for a little color, so I selected Plum, described as sheer aubergine.

This high-tech gloss is infused with time-release jojoba beads and an antioxidant resveratrol complex that imparts soothing hydration and intense shine. Like the SPF 15 Sheer Balm, each Lip Shine contains a high concentration of resveratrol, but no nasty stuff, like synthetics, polybutene, and petroleum byproducts.

I took a few photos for you - all in full, afternoon sun, but all with my arm turned at slightly different angles to the sun. My photos were taken in front of a Kousa dogwood. Mine is in full, glorious bloom.

I applied SPF 15 Sheer Lip Balm in Burgundy at the top and Sheer Lip Shine in Plum at the bottom of my arm. I think both shades are gorgeous. They are different products, but have very similar levels of pigmentation - or sheerness. It's like describing a glass as half-full or half-empty. Since I selected pigmented shades in sheer lip colors, they have color - on my arm and on my lips. I love that.

On my lips, Burgundy isn't burgundy. Instead, it's the beautiful berry color you see on my arm. Plum Lip Shine is plum-rose or rosy grape, beautiful to my eyes.

The Balm has no discernible taste. The Lip Shine does. It's not one of those bubble-gum tastes, though - nor does it taste like red wine, which would be "interesting." The ingredient list of both says "natural flavor," but I have no idea what it is - and I can't taste it at all in the Balm. Figure that out!

There is retinyl palmitate (far down on the ingredient list) in the Lip Shine; it's not present in the Balm. For that reason, I would buy a second Balm before I buy a second Lip Shine. My regular readers know that's a personal preference. Unless you are also sensitive to retinyl palmitate, you shouldn't care; you might even like having the vitamin A derivative for its anti-aging benefits.

Enticed to try one? I think they deserve a look-see. There are many other BITE lip products to tempt you. I also purchased the Vitamin Gel Trio, which I'll tell you about very soon. All of BITE's beauties are exclusive to Sephora.

P.S. I've started spelling out my blog name in the photo credits because of content theft. BTiB was too vague to indicate to those reading my stolen features on other sites that it's my arm!

Product photos courtesy of Sephora; swatches by Best Things in Beauty


  1. I bought the BITE lipstick set from Sephora and I LOVE it!! Every single color is wearable, tasty, and now that I know that it contains the amt. of resveratrol in 5 glasses of wine, I will no longer need to get drunk!!! (jk)

  2. LOL, Mama Val! No need to get drunk, but I wouldn't stop drinking for a lip color. Going to grab a beer.

  3. These sound perfect, particularly considering all the media around toxic ingredients in makeup these days. Really love that fruit dyes are used here to produce those lovely colours. Thank you for the tip!

  4. Thanks, Lovethescents!

    Since I have probably ingested hundreds of pounds of lip products, I'm grateful that companies have started to care about what I put on my lips.


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