
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Did She or Didn't She?

Appearing at the White Fairly Tale Love Ball, Anne Hathaway "was a vision in fluttering vintage Valentino with a floral tiara by Stephen Jones," according to WWD. Indeed, she looked charming - except for one thing. To my eye, her normally full lips looked too full - out of proportion with her face.

Perhaps it was the red lipstick. Maybe a photographer caught her at a bad angle. I could be delusional. Anne Hathaway is a gorgeous (and talented) woman. She needs no help from a dermatologist or surgeon.

Take a look at her photo below, taken a year and a half ago at Harvard. Try to account for the difference in lipsticks. I found the photo at right in an attempt to do that. Granted, the older photos were both taken with a full smile. Perhaps that accounts for the difference?

What do you think? Did Anne Hathaway succumb to Hollywood's mania for lip augmentation?

Photo at top by Stephanie Feugere for WWD; other photos courtesy of sexydesktop and celebrityrush


  1. It actually kind of looks like she maybe just lost weight instead? In the top photo, even her nose looks bigger against the rest of her tiny face, and I don't think making your nose bigger (in that way) is quite the thing to do on purpose. I would guess it's probably just the angle of the photo or some other factor...she looks beautiful, either way :)

  2. She may have plumped her lips. I agree with Larie that it looks as though she has lost some weight too. Not sure if that would make her lips look bigger, but her narrow shoulders and torso make her head look huge. She's way too thin. (Taking a break from the familial hordes at my family reunion!)

  3. Hi Larie and Ava!

    That occurred to me too - she does look thin. You can see it in her chin and cheeks. Hope she lost weight on purpose, if that's the case. She was already "perfect." :)

  4. She has lost way too much weight and although a beautiful girl, I believe this new look detracts from what used to be wholesome beauty. And yes, I believe she is now hooked on the filler craze and I believe she definitely has fuller lips which is not proportional to her face. As such, I believe that is the reason why her nose looks bigger. The fuller lips draw your attention to her nose, which now looks larger due to the fuller lips. One little cosmetic procedure can completely distort one's features and I would love to see the Old Anne Hathaway back with some extra weight and no fillers. Why do thee women do these things? I can understand if it would improve their appearance but why mess with perfection.

    kleimanlaw at aol dot com

  5. I think she may have had the upper lip enhanced or possibly botoxed so that it didn't get thinner as she smiled. I agree, she was perfect just as is!

  6. I think she's losing weight for her role as catwoman in the upcoming batman flick. She mentioned that her training for the role was a lot more grueling than she expected.

  7. Xiao,

    That would make perfect sense. It does worry me that Catwoman would need to be rail thin, though. How does it get better than Anne Hathaway? She always looks thin, toned, and gorgeous.

  8. I know! But I recall when it was first announced that she got the role, a lot of commenters (male?) said that she didn't fit the image since catwoman (and cats) is supposed to be all slinky and svelte, and she is "bulkier" compared to I don't know... a stick?

    I was ecstatic when I heard she got the role, I couldn't wait to see how she'll perform in the film. But I hope she stays healthy :(

  9. The "telling" photos of Hathaway in the August Harper's Bazaar show our Anne with normal lips. Normal for her, at least. She looks healthy too.


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