
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Estée Lauder Pure Color Illuminating Powder Gelée from Modern Mercury Collection for Fall 2011

Estée Lauder's Pure Color Illuminating Powder Gelée ($40) from the Modern Mercury Collection for Fall 2011 is a superstar. It's unique, exquisite, and lust-worthy. Don't miss out; it's a limited edition.

Estée Lauder describes it as a "tribrid" system of liquid, powder, and gel that will revolutionize makeup application and wear. The first-of-a-kind "multi-powder" creates a "theatrical blur of shimmer when applied dry and a fierce flush of color when applied wet." The unique suspension of golden pigments and pearls gives a polished finish with a reflective sheen to the skin.

I kind of gasped when I saw it at Neiman Marcus. OK - all pretense aside - I really gasped. I hadn't been sure what to expect. A press release photo had been fairly close to the shade I see in front of me, but the photo on Estée Lauder's Web site, shown at the top of this feature, gave it a warmer tone. When I saw the warm rose gold shade - one of my favorite highlighter and eye shadow shades - in the compact, I didn't hesitate before I bought it. Then, when I got home and started to play with it, I realized the shade adapts to its surroundings.

My photo directly above shows the beautiful swirling shades in the embossed powder-gel. I'm going to call it a powder-gel because I feel a little silly writing "tribrid," even though that's accurate. It has the most amazing texture, it's going to be hard for me to describe it perfectly. Consider it one of the creamiest powders you'll ever use. It's luxury in a large compact, accompanied by a useful sponge applicator.

Like the eye shadow shades in the Modern Mercury Collection for fall, Pure Color Illuminating Powder Gelée's color adjusts to light and its surroundings. I took a few swatch photos to show you, and all portray the highlighter with a slightly different hue. It's gold; it's rose-gold; it's peachy gold. Just go buy it while you can. It's golden, gleaming, and gorgeous.

My photos were all taken in full morning sun. Some were taken with the sun directly facing my arm. In others, I tried to show the shade from a bright angle. I applied the powder-gel dry with its cute little applicator.

Make no mistake, this illuminator shines. That shine on my arm isn't only a result of the sun's reflection. You can mute the shine by applying the product lightly or by buffing or blending it (try a Kabuki brush) once you apply the color. You'll have fun experimenting with it.

Apparently, it arrived at the store in short supply. I may have bought one of two, but I'm sure more will be on the way. Neiman Marcus received it just in time for their Estée Lauder gift-with-purchase promotion, which starts Friday. Pure Color Illuminating Powder Gelée is now available at the Estée Lauder Web site. I assume most of the counters have it now or will receive it very soon.

Photo at top courtesy of Estée Lauder; other photos by Best Things in Beauty


  1. Wow that looks tempting!!! How does it compare to RBR Sea of Nectar? I think I just ordered that? Or did I take it out of my cart? GAH I've been trying so hard to behave!

  2. Hard to compare when one's a liquid. The EL is definitely easier to apply - and it's less expensive. :)

  3. That does look very beautiful!

  4. WOW so pretty!!! EL is really upping their game!

  5. I know I've said this before, Larie, but it's not your mother's makeup company anymore. :)

  6. Tracy, Pecheux is a genius. The company was too for hiring him. :)

  7. OMGoooodness! So beautiful. Calling the shops in the am to see if they have it :-) This, I will not resist. Thank you, Charlestontemptress!

  8. Super pretty, I love how EL is revamping their brand and giving it a much more modern take.

  9. Looks lovely! How would you compare this to the Guerlain Terra Inca LE highlighter?

  10. This product looks so awesome! Seeing the words "Powder Gelée" in the title caught my eye and piqued my curiosity. The texture and feel sound so neat. I echo your enjoyment of the rosy gold color, and I really liked the luminosity shown in your photos. Lovely! Thanks for the review :-)

  11. Wow! I'm gasping, too! What a gorgeous product, and the texture sounds fascinating. This, my dear, qualifies as a "well-edited" purchase for me. ;-)

    And by the way, I've gone over a week without a purchase, despite your best efforts. Willpower, willpower, willpower...

  12. Four comment-backs in one here.

    Hi Lovethescents, you won't be sorry!

    Pretty cool, now, isn't it, Pinkribbons? Who would have ever thought?

    Julia, entirely different. In color and consistency. Go try!

    Good for you, Shannon! I wish I could develop some of that willpower.

  13. Pecheux has done wonders for EL by taking a dowdy, ho-hum, little old lady line--and this is a verdict coming from a sexagenarian!--and transforming it into a relevant and current line fit for a modern woman. There has been the occasional lapse (and I bet that was due more to the "old guard" than to Pecheux) when the old esthetic has peaked through, but basically he's got the company heading in the right direction. He's given EL a new lease on life that extends beyond the "lavender and old lace" crowd :-)

    As for that gorgeous highlighter, I can sum it up in just two words: rose gold! It is really just too beautiful for words. I'm looking at the picture of PerilouslyPale which is right beside this comment box and thinking how gorgeous it would look with her coloring.

  14. Hi Eileen,

    I think this shade is going to work for everyone, drawing on their own skin tones to select its appearance. I know that sounds hokey, but it's a changeling (not in the troll sense of the word). :) I guess I should have called it a chameleon.

  15. I looked at this in person today, and I have to say that it is way too sparkly for me. This is strictly for someone who likes a LOT of shine. IMO, it's barely a blush...

  16. Very shiny, Roseanne, but it's not meant to be a blush. Would never work as one. :)

  17. Ah, EL, you're breaking my heart. I've wanted this since early pictures were released in the spring and it's just too dark for me. Yes, dark - that peach color turns into murky death on my skin. Congratulations to all those who will look beautiful in it. AND it's nice to see my EL getting some love... : )

  18. Hi Anonymous!

    Someone lighter than me? Wow! You must have very pale skin, but I'll bet it's gorgeous.

    Look at it this'll have more money to buy other new things in the collection!


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