
Friday, September 9, 2011

The Friday Form - September 9

The words "Irene" and "Lee" have turned into bad words around here. The flooding in the East from these two storms has taken lives or left lives shattered. Yesterday, I wondered at times if we would need an ark. It rained so hard all day that all streams in the area flooded their banks. Last night, authorities took the unprecedented step of closing the Beltway, a major interstate highway that circles DC. Many local roads were closed. Shopping centers, car lots, apartments, and homes were underwater. There were too many impacts to list here. This morning, there are folks in Alexandria evacuated from their homes. It will be days, I'm sure, before all the damage will be tallied. That's just in the DC area, where it's still raining! The hardships in other areas are worse. I hope those in the Northeast who lost so much to Irene won't suffer even more from the remnants of Lee. Mother Nature is ending summer with a bang.

I ended up skipping most of the Fashion's Night Out activities in the DC area. I had been looking forward to the events, but the driving rain, thunder, and lightning told me to stay home and stay safe, and that's what I did. I was really looking forward to the bash at Neiman Marcus Mazza Gallerie. I'm bummed. I missed Saks Chevy Chase, and I missed Georgetown. When I went to bed, the driving rain has stopped, but the electrical storm continued. I guess I've turned into a wimp. I didn't want to get trapped somewhere.

This has been a sad week, with so many recollections of September 11 on the news and in the papers. I will be writing my own thoughts in a tribute for Sunday. I'm moved to tears when I rethink that day and the suffering that followed. I now fully understand how my parent's generation never forgot Pearl Harbor - and why they talked about it often. An attack on the United States isn't something one forgets.

I realize these first three paragraphs were a downer, but that's what's been on my mind. On the upside, I have another makeover scheduled for today with a Laura Mercier artist. I haven't "done" a Laura Mercier event for a long time, so I'm looking forward to it. I'm still awestruck over the session I had with Erin Lockard from Le Métier de Beauté Wednesday. She's fantastic. I know some of you were able to get there too. If you didn't, and you live in the area, she will be at Neiman Marcus Mazza Galleria today and tomorrow. Call Michael at the counter for an appointment at (202) 966-9700.

There are many more fun events to come in September - all over the country. Live in the DC area and love Jo Malone? David Ponce, Jo Malone's national trainer, will be teaching a master class at Neiman Marcus Tysons Galleria Saturday at 11:00 am. If you live near me in the DC area, plan to go. I know you'll go home with a goodie bag. Just call (703) 761-1600, extension 3268, and ask for Diana, David, or Kathy to make an appointment. I'd love to meet you there. Pretty soon, they'll have to give me a desk at the store (just kidding).

Over the next few weeks (yes, it will take me that long), I'll be showing you all my latest beauty purchases. I've barely scratched the surface! Between camera crises and rain this week, there wasn't much of an opportunity to get swatch photos. I hope to remedy that this weekend. Even today will be busy, although I hope to get a new feature published before my feed goes out this afternoon. Suffice it to say that I'm very excited about all my new goodies. I've got special Kaleidoscopes coming from around the country, so my excitement will extend into next week.

It's time for The Friday Forum, our open chat. What new products did you discover this week? Did you find any deals you couldn't resist this week? Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Do you have a question others might be able to answer? Want to talk about skin care? What's new in your life? Just use the comments. Don't be shy. Just make sure to ask any question you might have over the weekend. By early the next week, most (not all) readers have moved on. I want to hear all your FNO and Beauty Week stories!

Don't forget the current giveaway contest for a Laura Mercier Mini Glacé Set. She makes a nice lip gloss! The deadline for entries is tomorrow, Saturday, September 10, at midnight. Naturally, we'll start another exciting contest on Sunday. I love giving away cool stuff!

I do put a lot of late-breaking news on Twitter, so if you're not there, I'd love to see you. It's easy to sign up. I'll bet if you try it, you'll love it.

Photos by Best Things in Beauty


  1. Hi Charlestongirl,

    I really enjoy your Friday Forums and the narratives you write. While I love hearing your thoughts on makeup, I also enjoy hearing your thoughts on everything else. I have a feeling that the way you express yourself on your blog is almost exactly how you express yourself in person - polished, thoughtful and friendly.

    I actually bought quite a few products after a small cosmetics hiatus. I received the Silk Road Kaleidoscope from Le Metier and absolutely love it. I also received their lipstick in Thailand, and it is simply gorgeous. It looks fairly unassuming in the tube, but on the lips it's a stunner. Finally, I got a Sheer Brilliance lipgloss in Cannes. It's my first Sheer Brilliance gloss, and it's lovely.

    I am also eagerly awaiting two eyeshadows from Chantecaille - Sel and Rose Gold. Both of those were purchased after seeing them reviewed in your blog and putting them on my wishlist. They will be my first eyeshadows from Chantecaille and I know I won't be disappointed. I really hope they arrive today!

    Have a wonderful weekend and please stay safe with all the nasty weather your area has been having!


  2. I think Fashion Night Out just didn't have the same mojo this year. Certainly the poor economy, rising unemployment, and ever increasing frustration with Congress have people feeling dispirited, but add to that all the havoc the storms brought to the East Coast and the somber week long build up to the tenth anniversary of 9/11, and it's no wonder this year's FNO didn't have quite the same glamourous caché it has had in the past. Here in SoCal we had an additional whammy when yesterday's electrical blackout struck Orange, Imperial, and San Diego counties shutting down businesses, schools, and airports and leaving more than 4 million people without power. Hopefully, it will be restored by late tonight. I feel sorry for the poor utility worker who caused the blackout. I bet he wishes he could find some rock to hide under about now. Oh well, such is life . . .

    We were not affected by the blackout in LA and so FNO carried on. I met friends in Topanga early in the day. We went to a designer trend show, to lunch, and then two of my friends had their make-up done at Chantecaille while my other friend and I cruised the various counters. It was all good fun although I didn't buy much. All I bought was LMdB's nail polishes in Silk Road and Urban Dweller and YSL's eyeliner in Cherry Black which is even more beautiful than I had hoped. And, of course, it seemed like every counter I stopped at was handing out samples of this and that--lagniappe :-) I'm glad there were some fun things to do during the day for those of us who go to sleep with the chickens!

    OK ladies! So what did you get?

  3. Hi Kate, and thanks!

    You selected some gorgeous LMdB makeup - and those Chantecaille shades are among my favorites. Rose Gold is a must-have for everyone. :)

    The sun just came out. Even though it might rain again today. We haven't seen the sun in days. I hope it sticks around. :)

  4. Eileen, my list is too long! I just came back from NM (again), and I have a bag full of Laura Mercier colors. And, the sun came out, so I'm headed out to get a few photos before we lose that sunshine again.

    The only way to get little freebies here was to buy something. If your stores were giving away little treats, then you're treated better out there than we are!

    Glad you have power! I heard about it almost instantly last night on Twitter. I can only imagine how that utility worker feels. :)

  5. What a horrible week you poor Americans have been having! When the disasters are natural in origin, it almost makes them more 'tolerable' (for lack of a better word), than when they are man-caused. Scenes and stories from 9/11 are regularly featured here too. They make me sad and really angry. I asked my husband if there's a solution, an answer to all this, he believes it's the eradication of religion.

    I'm glad you didn't go to the event. In fact, I think you were MORE brave staying at home considering how you had to fight off those urges! You were safe and sound....that makes me happy :-)

    On the makeup front, I've been playing with, and having trouble with, LMdB's Magic Lustre Creme. It's so difficult to work with despite the careful coaching I got! I have a hard time picking up small enough amounts to work with without it getting all sticky and goopy. Hopefully soon, though!

    I've been using and loving GM Collin Oxygen Puractive Mild Cleansing Gel. It's perfectly removes eye makeup too as it gets all lovely and foamy :-) Doesn't leave my skin feeling tight or dry either. I'm so pleased! Now if I could only find something similar that removes waterproof mascara too!

    Have a safe weekend!

  6. I'm thinking about you and your mom and hoping that things get better SOON! We had a downpour on Long Island, but nothing like you saw. I am also thinking of my friends in upstate NY who have suffered so badly with all of the rain.

    As for makeup (great segue, huh?), I had to have the new "Supercalifragilipstick"-whew!- from Kate Spade/Poppy King in the nude shade, and, once again, the J.Crew collaboration with Poppy King. Neither have arrived yet, but I can hardly wait!! Oh, and I got my Laura Mercier eyeshadow stick in "Khaki" and I love it, as long as I wear a primer underneath.

  7. Super segue, MamaVal!

    Have you used the Laura Mercier eye primer? I purchased it in Linen today. Liked the way it looked. I'll try for a few days and, hopefully, feature it here.

    The sun came out, and all is well here. Mom is fine, thanks. There was a lot of property loss, and four people in the area died. One was a 12-year-old who was swept away in his own back yard. Tragic.

  8. I had to laugh, Lovethescents, when I read your husband's comment. Religion can do so much good. Look at the food banks, for example. Just like society at large, there are people who take religion to extremes, and those extremists have caused so much sorrow. Let's talk about more positive things - until Sunday the 11th.

    It wasn't brave to stay home; it was wimpy. However, I felt OK about it. I have goodies coming from NY anyhow.

    Use just the tiniest amount of Magic Lustre Cream. Try to pick it up with a tiny brush for liner and then mix with the pigment in your hand. Yes, you will waste some until you get the hang of it, but once you do, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it.

    Have to admit, I've never heard of GM Collin Oxygen Puractive Mild Cleansing Gel. I've been using iS Clinical's Cleanser and loving it.

    I'm in decompression mode right now, relaxing after hectic days at Neiman Marcus - and a few other important events. At least the sun is shining, for now. I went out and played with my camera and got some swatch photos that didn't please me (color seemed off). Hoping for swatching sun tomorrow morning!

  9. You weren't a wimp at all for not going out. It was really quite dangerous. I would probably have stayed home had I known how bad it was. The impassable sections I encountered on the interstate were unlit and unmarked - the rain came down so fast that the police had not had a chance to mark them yet though they were making every effort. Part of the reason for the slowdown in traffic was not only the rain itself, but the police and ambulances tryng to make their way to emergencies and accidents. I saw a couple of police autos with inflatable boats attached.

    That said, Erin was fantastic, and I'm really happy with the LMdB Silk Road Kaleidoscope I bought. I also got blush in "Rumor," and concealer. I would have bought the kabuki brush too, but I have to pace myself. I didn't see Kathy Shoreman - I hope to meet her next time.

    I can't wait to see your new kaleidoscopes! And good luck with the internet access. Are you back up consistently or is it still intermittent ?

  10. Hi Ava!

    Your trip home (and the trips home of others) sounds like a nightmare. I could tell out my window that the visibility was near "nil." I can only imagine the Beltway. And yes, the police and fire units were all out using boats to rescue people. Around here! It was a day we don't need to experience again any time soon.

    I'm glad you went, though. I heard that you looked AMAZING after Erin did your makeup. I wish you had met Kathy. She could have pulled out her iPhone and sent me your photo. :)

    I should be pacing myself, but after Erin showed me how she used that Kabuki Brush, and I saw the results, I finally moved it up on my wish list and bought it. I couldn't imagine leaving the store without it.

  11. Hi Charlestongirl,

    Thanks for the tips as usual :-)

    GM Collin is a Montreal-based, Canadian company

  12. Let us know if that works better, Lovethescents. It should.

  13. I have never tried the Laura Mercier eye primer, but I am using Laura Geller's and it's OK. My fave, and cheapie, is Bare Escentuals. I have used a lot of different ones and that and NARS are my favorites.


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