
Friday, September 30, 2011

The Friday Forum - September 30

What a strange week! My last week in September flew by, punctuated by two MRIs. Later today, I find out why I have what appears to be a pinched nerve in my neck. I decided last night that I've been trying to do way too much and need to slow down a little. Now that Charlie is healing, we have only one more vet visit on the calendar. I can check those trips off the to-do list, which will delight Bengal Boy. I hope I don't have to substitute my own set of doctor visits.

This week, I couldn't figure out why comments on the blog features had dropped off so radically. It turns out they hadn't. You've been here to comment...I haven't! Normally, Blogger sends me an e-mail each time someone comments. That's how I know to respond. This week, even though I had done nothing to change my settings, I stopped receiving those e-mails. After a little investigation, I figured it out. Google Gmail was flagging its own Google Blogger e-mails as spam! Isn't that priceless? Now, I've got to figure out how to fix that problem. I started by adding Google as a contact. I wanted you to know that I haven't been ignoring your comments. I tried to catch up early this morning, and I'll figure out how to instruct Google that Google is safe later today - if my first step doesn't work.

It's time for The Friday Forum, our open chat. What new products did you discover this week? Did you find any deals you couldn't resist this week? Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Do you have a question others might be able to answer? Want to talk about skin care? What's new in your life? Just use the comments. Don't be shy. Just make sure to ask any question you might have over the weekend. By early the next week, most (not all) readers have moved on.

Last night, I went to a media event at Saks Fifth Avenue in Chevy Chase. We got a sneak peek at Beauty Week, which starts today. There are plenty of gifts with purchase, and the free tote with samples is darling. Green, purple, and silver, who could choose? I brought home green. Today and tomorrow, Saks is having a gift card event. Depending on how much you spend, you can get a gift card for use later. It's like free money!

As always, I enjoyed talking to my buddy Loyd Cassler, now at Chanel, and Christina, the Guerlain specialist, who introduced me to some fragrances that are only sold in the DC area at her counter. I'm glad I went, and I'll have more information about events - there and at Neiman Marcus - for you DC-area gals this weekend.

There are a couple of noteworthy Friends & Family events underway (20% discounts). Today is the last day for New London Pharmacy's event, so make sure to check it out. The code is on the home page. Also, Beautyhabit is celebrating F&F. The code is FF11. Their discount event ends Sunday night. Beauty lovers can get some great deals. I'm sure I've missed events or specials this week - given my schedule - so please share in the comments. We all love a good discount.

Don't forget the fantabulous Giorgio Armani Beauty giveaway contest that ends tomorrow night, October 1. When I published it, I typed Saturday, October 2. I should have typed October 1, so please enter soon if you want a chance to win a wonderful Eyes to Kill Mascara in Brown.

Photo by Best Things in Beauty; it's a Chinese herb that volunteered in my garden


  1. I'm so glad Charlie is getting better. I'm sure it's all the care and love he got from you, Charlestongirl.

    I didn't make any purchases this week, but have been playing with different looks. I discovered a Tarte Amazonian Clay serum sample in my bag and tried it. I thought it looked quite nice. Then I did re-tried my Burberry Illuminizer and did a side-by-side comparison of the two. My friend helped me to see the difference. The Burberry is so much finer! Uh-oh! I think I need to discover Burberry more and more.

    Speaking of more and more, I've started watching how-to videos on how to apply makeup for my raccoon eyes. My friend also did some coaching, so we're getting there! :-)

    Final lemming du moment, Chanel Jersey, part of the Exclusifs collection. Soft lavender? Interested!!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I forgot to mention that I'm glad you found the cause of your neck et al pain. It's a relief to finally know, I'm sure. Do take it easy, and be careful. We need you!

  3. I think I speak for everyone when I say we're all thrilled that Charlie is on the mend. Now, we need you to take extra good care of yourself!

    I just got back from a Chanel event and had a lovely make-up session. The charming MA used Perfection Lumière in RB10 which is a perfect match for me. She very lightly dusted my cheeks with Rose Écrin, created a beautiful evening look using the Vanités quad, and finshed it off with Wild Rose Glossimer--a gorgeous MLBB color. I was really very pleased with what she had done. So, now I have a fresh, new evening look for concert season :-)

    I was particularly pleased to learn how to work with Vanités. I had admired and swatched it earlier on, but gave it a miss because I couldn't envision the colors working on me. The MA used them in such a way; however, that created a scintillating smoky warmth with lavender undertones and a bit of deep purlple smoked around the lashes. Overall, I'd give this make-up session an A+. Since I already had my Rose Écrin, all I needed to purchase was the Perfection Lumière (I've been living off samples!), Vanités, and Wild Rose. The gift was a cute little Chanel make-up bag filled with several Sublimage samples, but I was also showered with an abundance of additional samples from my favorite Chanel gal, Yukiko. My thanks to the entire Chanel team for a fun and beautiful morning :-)

    Something interesting I noticed as I watched some of the other ladies being done was that the MA's were all favoring a very delicate blush on the cheeks and MLBB colors on the lips. Although all kinds of different looks were being done--causual, sporty, polished, evening--the common denominator was a subtle approach to lips and cheeks with emphasis on the eyes. Works for me!

    On Thursday, I had a Lancôme make-over. I'm acquainted with a couple of the MA's who were going to be there, so I went more for "socialization" than actual make-up suggestions. It was more fun than a barrel of monkies! I told my MA to give me those "doll eyes from the advertisement" and, boy, did she! I came away from that event with the eye palette in Rose Coquette.

    So, no more purchases for me until the holiday collections which will be gracing the counters in a few weeks. Fall and winter are my favorite collections. I love the muted shades of autumn which then gave way to the sizzle and glam of the holidays. Oh, how I love being a girl :-)

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

  4. Thanks, everyone, for pulling for my boy!

    Lovethescents, I love tarte!! I'm sure the Burberry is very nice too, but at what cost? BTW, does it have a scent?

    I wondered if I'd like Jersey. I love lavender!

  5. Great info, Eileen!

    I have been testing Perfection Lumière. I am mixing Beige 10 and 20. I will write it up this weekend.

    It makes my skin look fabulous, but I'm not sure I love the matte look. I talked to Loyd last night, and we agreed that on me it might be better with a touch of Sheer Brilliance or Fluid Sheer. I have to give it credit, though, my skin looked really good in it.

    Two makeovers in one week! You sound like me. :) I can't wear that rose palette. Glad you can! It's extremely pretty in the compact.

    Have you tried the new Sublimage Cleanser? I think it's fabulous. I hope they gave you a sample.

    I hope you have a fun weekend, playing with your new goodies. I'm off right now to relax and rest. I got my diagnoses today, and they were not exciting. No wonder my back hurts in multiple places. My spine is a train wreck. :)

  6. Oh, Charlestongirl, I'm so sorry to hear that the diagnoses was not good. Spinal problems with all the accompanying back pain are, to put it simply, the pits! Take very good care of yourself and get your beauty rest. Perhaps a snuggle with Charlie will brighten the day.

    Yes, I did get a sample of the cleanser. I got samples of the two serums, the two creams, the cleanser, and the eye cream. Woo-hoo! I have the feeling this could be an expensive addiction :-)

    Feel better after your bit of rest and relaxation.

  7. I hope the solution to your pinched nerve is series of massages! Is that possible?

    I just got back from a business trip to San Francisco where I bought Dolce and Gabbana “The Foundation” cream foundation at Saks (I got the silver bag). Seems crazy for my oily skin, but it looked great in the store! We'll see how it wears. The new Chanel Perfection Lumiere did not wear well on my oily skin on one of Washington’s hot, humid days. It was a disappointing because the color is perfect! It does not look matte at all, it is rather dewy. It may wear better in the winter or over a lighter moisturizer. I also bought some D&G polishes and lipsticks. I got a very nice gift – a black makeup bag, full size foundation brush, and 3.3 oz bottle of D&G “Rose the One” body lotion. I quite like the fragrance. I also picked up a couple polishes and lipsticks. The SA was fabulous – her card is in my purse somewhere…

    Isn't Google a pill sometimes?

  8. I am sorry to hear about your pinched nerve :(. Sometimes we do need a little wake-up call from our bodies to remind us that we are doing too much, but I hope it's not too painful. I've been running reports for my job all week and my hands are killing me from the typing. Time to take the weekend off, put some Prada bath salts in the tub, and relax with a good book!


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