
Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11, 2001

It's hard to believe it happened. It's even harder to believe that such evil and hatred exist, that a few extremists can hate us - a people, a country, an ideal - so much. The unimaginable horrors of the morning of September 11, 2001 did happen, forever changing us in ways we hadn't envisioned when we awakened that beautiful September morning. The terrorists created victims, but they also created heroes, people who summoned courage they didn't know they had, and they renewed the spirit, compassion, and unity that characterize the United States of America.

I was working from home that day. My phone rang earlier than usual, and my friend Susan asked urgently if my television was on. I said no, and Susan told me to turn it on. I asked what channel. She told me it didn't matter. I turned on NBC to become yet another witness to the tragedy at the World Trade Center after the first plane had slammed into it. The anchors improvised, giving voice to our thoughts, trying desperately to figure out what was happening - before the second plane crashed in New York and before the World Trade Center towers crumbled.

Everything unfolded over just a few hours, and we knew our country was being attacked. Innocent citizens were dying at their office desks, in stairwells, getting breakfast - doing the normal things we do every day. Men and women were saying goodbye to their loved ones; they knew they were going to die. To this day, it breaks my heart to imagine those phone calls, to imagine making a choice of jumping to avoid burning to death. To struggle to breathe, to struggle to live. People were dying in New York; they were dying at the Pentagon; and they died in Pennsylvania.

We cried. Most of us could do little but watch and wait. We were sad - our grief was palpable. We were afraid and angry. We didn't understand such hatred, and we still don't. As we realized the full impact of what had happened, we were inspired by the many acts of heroism that day. To this day, every time I see a firefighter, I think about September 11. First responders ran toward the fire, not away. Many of them perished.

Locally, we watched as the horrific events unfolded in New York. Suddenly, Northern Virginia became part of a tragic mosaic when the Pentagon was attacked. In McLean, Virginia, Isaac Ho'opi'i and his German Shepherd Vito received the report that American Airlines Flight 77 had crashed into the Pentagon. He raced to the scene. He was one of the first rescue officers onsite, beginning what would be a grueling, 72-hour, round-the-clock search and rescue mission through the wreckage of the plane and building. Isaac led people to safety that day. He and Vito saved lives. He also saw unspeakable things. Isaac was just one of many who put others first on September 11 and for days and weeks after.

Our country was being attacked. We listened to the news as word of scrambled jets and shoot-to-kill orders circulated. We were scared. One of my friends living near the CIA spent her day fearing death. I spent hours on the phone, trying to assure her that her house was far enough away - that she would live even if there were more victims. I was lying. I had no idea what would happen. None of us did.

We were inspired by the heroes that day, that week. Later we honored the dead. We tried to help the injured. We gave money, blood, food - whatever we could do - to help families in need of help. We would have turned back the clock if it had been possible, but it wasn't. It was unbelievable. We went to war - a war that seems detached today from its original purpose - dividing us instead of uniting us in our desire to end terrorism, to ensure that our citizens - and citizens of the world - cannot be attacked with such brutality ever again.

Today, we will stop and remember the day everything changed. There will be formal ceremonies in New York, at the Pentagon, and in Shanksville. Most of us won't attend a formal ceremony, but all of us will observe the day and remember. We will watch television, go to church, read and watch the news, or quietly reflect on the day, the victims, the heroes, the courage, the families, the loss, the symbols. We will renew our resolve. It will be emotional as we relive the horror of September 11, 2001. Although 10 years have passed, it seems like yesterday.

Today, my hope for our country is that we can renew the compassion, community, and unity that characterized us in the days and weeks after September 11, 2001. In our darkest hours, we saw the best America had to offer. Wouldn't it be a beautiful world if every day we, every American citizen, every citizen of the world, were the best we can be? That resolve for unity must come from within, but we can make it an expectation - for ourselves and our leaders. It may be our best way to honor those who perished on September 11.


  1. Thanks for reminding us. We don't need to forget!

    Love your blog! Drop by sometime here too fellow Southern Gal!

    Ava Roxanne

  2. What a beautiful text, Charlestongirl, so moving too...It is true we'll always remember how awestruck we were when we heard the news, how dumbfounded we were watching our TVs where we saw those terrible photos of the towers collapsing on and on...nobody understood why so much folly, so much hatred, so many innocent killed and so many deeply hurt though alive! At home my children were riveted in front of the TV: the twin towers meant so much to them as the previous year we had spent one week visiting NYcity and had been on the top of the Twin Towers, had been photographed, taken photos etc...We all felt the distress very much and it's true we'll always do: things have not been the same since in the world...How I love your conclusion too:if only we could be the best we can everyday to make a world better to live in...what a perfect way of remembering the thousands who lost their lives
    In Paris, several ceremonies are held too under the name "Nous n'oublierons pas" (we shall not forget)...

  3. Hello, Charlestongirl. I awoke this sunny Sunday morning to the sound of church bells pealing around the tiny town where I live. They began ringing at the time the first plane hit the towers; then the second, and then Virginia. Soon there was a cacophony of church bells chiming throughout the city. I thought of you and what you mentioned yesterday and I too shed tears. Your blog today is a treasure, to be cherished as much as those church bells because they are all one and the same.

  4. Hi Ava,

    Fellow Southern Gal! We will always remember, just as freshly as our parents remembered Pearl Harbor. Our lives have changed so much.

    I cry today for everyone who lost someone. Buildings and airplanes can be replaced. Our loved ones can't.

  5. Hi Clarisse,

    Nous n'oublierons pas!

    I like that. I know the world came together in grief after the attacks, and it was a world united. On days like today, it's nice to remember that harmony and to thank our allies for their support.

    Thanks for letting us know about the remembrances in France.

  6. Thank you, Nemo. I finally had to turn away from the television to stop crying. The ceremonies were too sad. I think I may have just a little too much empathy, if there is such a thing.

    I was with a friend for an hour, and she talked about the insanity of the terrorists. Sadly, I don't think they are insane, using my definition. They knew exactly what they were doing. They intended to hurt thousands/millions if they could. I have no forgiveness for them - and never will.

  7. Dear Charlestongirl, Thanks for your heartfelt and well written reminder of 9/11. We will never forget! Hard as it may be, we need to bring this up often as a memorial to those who no longer have a voice to cry out. Prayers go out to the friends and families of those who lost someone in this terrible tragedy. It truly does bring us together in unity against terrorism in any form. I thank God for a free country in which to live! God bless America.

  8. Hi Lucy, and ditto! Today was tough, but we always need to remember that united we stand.

  9. Hi Charlestongirl, we too, here in Canada, remember. It's so close to home, after all. I don't think wars unite people at all. Terrorism has always existed and will always continue to exist. It's human nature, I'm afraid. I don't mean to be a downer, but as long as there is any sort of extremism, be it religious, financial, social, etc, there will be dissatisfaction and unrest; fuel for war. It's our response to it that matters, I think. What bothers me most here is that people who were on Ground Zero, who are ill today, haven't been getting the proper medical care and attention they need/deserve. It's shameful.

    No one could have predicted 9/11, but by allowing insurance companies to override medical advice in the victims and the heros of that day, makes it that much worse.

  10. Thankyou for your words coming from the heart.

  11. Thank you for commenting, Michaela. It was a sad day of remembrance.

  12. This was so beautiful and so incredibly heart-wrenching. Your evocative text touched me deeply and brought home the message of how we need to continue to strive forward, never forget the solidarity forged on that fateful day, and always be the best we can be. Thank you for creating this beautiful tribute.


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