
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

As 2011 ends and we think about dipping our toes into 2012, I'll bet most of us are thinking about 2011 and what the past year brought into our lives.

It's hard for me to believe that it was one year ago this week that I had my knee replaced. My new left knee is rock solid and strong. I wish I had done it a year earlier. As I recovered from the rehabilitation, though, my back and hip started nagging me, and I now know through "lovely" MRI and x-ray photos that it needs some attention too. I'm trying physical therapy first, unless they give up on me. Last week, I feared they might after I confessed my television capers (see last week's Friday Forum). This week, my therapeutic massage therapist had the same reaction. "You did what?" Anyhow, I launched into this paragraph thinking about all of you and how kind you were to stick with me, sending so many encouraging messages as I recovered from surgery. Thank you.

This has been a fun blogging year. I've had so many opportunities to meet new people, try new products, and even slow down a bit. I never make New Year's resolutions. I'd rather go with the flow, hope things go well, and pick up some new bad habits (if you could call my re-energized love of fragrance a bad habit). I have plenty of blogging and Facebook friends to thank for the scent scene.

I am thoroughly enjoying your favorite product lists on the Friday Forum, so please keep 'em coming! Let's use this feature to chat about 2011 and 2012. I'm thinking big thoughts for some of you (you know who you are), hoping for miraculous cures for rare, "incurable" diseases; perfect jobs for all who want to work; and health and happiness.

In no particular order of importance, I'm also hoping to:
  • win the lottery (hey, dreams don't have to be realistic!),
  • stumble upon a cure for my bad back (pun intended),
  • see my Mom and Charlie and Savannah thrive,
  • welcome all of our military men and women return home from war-torn lands, and
  • hear about your good fortunes in 2012!
There's more, of course - bigger hopes that I fear won't be realized in a year. I'd like to live in an era when animal abuse becomes a thing of the past, everyone starts to care about our environment and plays an active role in saving the Earth, women and children stop disappearing, and a cycle of prosperity overtakes the world. I'd also love to see a few political leaders emerge - real, inspirational leaders. You have to have hope.

What about you? Care to join me in musing on 2011 and 2012?

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  1. Happy New Year to you, too, Charleston girl and I hope you are sitting down for my next comment: I was at the gym when they opened this morning @7am, and I met a young woman, about my age, who HAD NEVER HEARD OF NEIMAN MARCUS! Can you believe it? My husband wishes HE had never heard of Neiman Marcus! Haha!

  2. Nemo, you met the female equivalent of the GEICO cave man! Amazing!

    There have been days when I wish I wasn't surrounded by NM stores, always when I've overspent.

  3. But remember, dear lady, we could be spending our $ on men, cigarettes and dope! You just remember that when you get your next NM bill (and Saks; didn't even ask her about that store!).

  4. And just thought of this as I was walking my dog: my former personal trainer, a college grad, had never heard of Neiman Marcus, either; nor did she know that the University of Michigan is also a teaching hospital, one of the best in the world. She thought the U of M was only a football school. She never had been to a Chinese restaurant, or a Mexican one. And she was in her mid-30s.

  5. Nemo,

    Right now, I simply wish I HAD money. Just went and bought some Mega-Millions tickets. I could use that $25M they will award tonight. :)

    My scratch-off yielded nothing - not even a dollar. Bummed.

    Where has that woman been living? How could one get through life without eating Chinese and Mexican, two of my favorite "food groups"? LOL

  6. Happy New Year to all! Charlestongirl I hope you have a smooth recovery from your surgery and troubles. I highly recommend yoga or tai chi when you are given the go ahead by your docs; they really have helped me overcome tendinitis, lower back spasms, arthritis, etc.
    I sort of envy that girl who had never heard of Neiman Marcus. She is free of the needs and wants engendered by that temple of consumption! Long live la Neimans! I adore that place/website/catalog.

    Wishing all of you a bountiful and blessed 2012!!!

  7. Happy New Year, Charlestongirl! Maybe I might convince you to head NORTH in 2012? Cheaper than Paris <3

  8. I'll try, Lovethescents. First I have to straighten out my back. Otherwise, you'll be palling around with a patient, not a buddy.

    Happy New Year!

  9. Hi Toughdoc!

    Happy New Year! I'm venturing toward Pilates when I end PT. I hope it helps me strengthen my core so that I can compensate for the irreversible spine pathology. We'll see. My neurosurgeon described what he's have to do to "fix me," and it was staggering.

    I just wonder how a girl can get through life without at least knowing about NM. That would certainly mean she didn't read the business section of the newspaper, didn't read People and Us Weekly for celebrity fashion, and so on. Just not sure how someone inquisitive could miss its existence. You're right, though, she's totally free of the temptations. :)

  10. A very special thank you for keeping me updated in 2011 with your wondeful reviews and knowledge. I hope to follow you as much in the new year.
    All the best for 2012!


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