
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Le Métier de Beauté Nail Lacquers for My Holiday

I was delighted to receive some gorgeous "holiday shades" of Le Métier de Beauté Nail Lacquers ($18 for the "larger" size) this week. I had ordered them from New York after visiting Messy Wands, where I saw swatches of the shades exclusive to the John Barrett Salon.

I took my photo above in full and bright sunlight, and the sun washed out the color in the bottles a bit. Nevertheless, the swatch photos below show Gilded Lily (dark green), Femme Fatale (gleaming gold), and La Belle (red-toned brown) accurately, I think. One is "front-lit," and the other is "back-lit."

Aren't they pretty? I need some help deciding which one I'll wear tomorrow for Christmas. Want to vote? Just leave me a comment and tell me which one you'd wear.

If you want to purchase any of the exclusive shades, call Heather at (212) 872-2700, extension 2714.

Photos by Best Things in Beauty


  1. Hi Micah!

    Thanks for voting. Isn't that a cool shade? It's brown, but it has so much red in it, I think it's festive.

    Merry Christmas! Even if you celebrate another holiday, it's a festive time of year. Sending joy and Santa!

  2. I guess I'd vote red. I don't know, it's such a difficult decision. Probably what I would do is wear the green and put the gold as an accent nail on the ring fingers. The green is so beautiful and festive but I think ten green nails wouldn't be right for me so I'd throw in the accent nail of gold. But that's just me. You have some great colors to choose from tho!!

  3. Hi Polarbelle, and Merry Christmas!

    That sounds beautiful! We are so conservative in my family, though, I fear that they would think I drank before drinking. :)

    If I were talented in the nail art department and could do it, I think gold tips on the green would be amazing.


  4. I'm sittting here drinking wine watching Christmas movies & deciding which color to paint my nails. I really like the gold. That's the color i'm voting for.
    Merry Christmas you're my favorite new blog.

  5. Definitely the brown red. I hope you have a lovely Christmas!

  6. Thank you so much, Northerngirl! Gold it shall be for me too, followed by the brown red in a few days. Hope you enjoy the day!

  7. Merry Christmas, Flyavsted! La Belle will have its day later this week. It is a fab shade!

    I must go paint my nails...


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