
Friday, December 9, 2011

R.I.P. Mona di Orio

The news today that Mona di Orio, 42, died unexpectedly today (apparently during or after surgery) has shaken the world of fragrance lovers. I wasn't privileged to know her, but I recently purchased her Les Nombres d’Or TubĂ©reuse Eau de Parfum. For a tribute and to read the Facebook announcement of her passing, please click over to The Non-Blonde. May she rest in peace, hopefully knowing she was loved.

Update: Mona was interviewed by The Perfume Magazine for their debut issue.

Photo courtesy of


  1. As I posted in your Friday Forum, I am so upset and saddened by this news. She will live on, on our skin (!), through her beautiful work.

  2. Oh what a shock! I haven't read the news here yet, I've learned the unbelievable in your post...She was so young, so talented, so full of projects....She was somebody I admired a lot, a very original woman perfumer who knew what she wanted...we will miss her terribly!
    My thoughts go to her family, they must be so, so sad..

  3. Lovethescents,

    I just don't believe this. I want to know the details...just to know that she didn't die through error. Please don't let it be that! I almost cried today.

  4. Clarisse,

    It is a shock. Earlier, there wasn't much to find on Google News. Only a pointer to her Facebook site and Basenotes. The news is simply unbelievable - and tragic. Let us know what you hear or read, please.


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