
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Giorgio Armani Beauty Eye Palette #1 for Spring 2012

Giorgio Armani's concept for spring beauty is characterized by "metal fiber" and "modern couture" - inspired by his love of light and its effect on color. Armani continues his focus on avant garde textile artistry by embellishing delicate natural fiber with refined metal, transforming simplicity into refinement in makeup. Linda Cantello interpreted Mr. Armani's vision into a new landscape of metal where gold takes center stage and gemstone-cut colors define the face of the "Armani woman."

For the eyes, Armani has introduced a palette of delicate shades for the spring season with Eye Palette #1 ($59). The "new secret of radiance," the precious Luce d’Oro pigments, give a special luminosity to the shades on the skin. Palette #1 combines soft pastels with the luster of antique gold and Armani's trademark greige. When I saw the advance photos of Eye Palette #1, I wasn't sure I'd love it. Silly me! I should have known that the palette would provide four sheer, wearable colors that would coordinate beautifully, but also stand alone for attention.

I've had the good fortune to purchase Mr. Armani's fashion, and I find his pieces timeless. Made with fine fabrics that telegraph the Armani look, his luxurious pieces never go out of style. Wearing them is a pleasure. They almost float on my body, moving with me. I feel special when I wear them. I saw Armani's discriminating eye for fabrics when I first tried Eye Palette #1. The sheer colors in the palette mirror the delicate colors in many of his designs.

The sun finally made an appearance today, and I was able to get swatch photos of Eye Palette #1. I swatched heavily, using a sponge-tipped applicator, in the top to bottom order of the palette. The Pearl Violet shade at the top is stunning. It's sheer - a wash of pink with a suggestion of lavender. Pearl Violet and Jade Green remind me of watercolors. Their sheerness translates well on the skin. Jade Green is pastel mint green - not at all what I would expect from its name. Because it's sheer, and the color is buildable, it's perfectly wearable - even by those who are afraid of green on the eyelids. You can see on the photos that it's radiant, transparent, and barely green. Wear it with Griege, and you'll love the way you look.

Sheer Gold is a perfect name for the third shade. I have a vision of molten metal fibers running through understated Armani jackets, imparting light to the fabrics. In the same way, Sheer Gold will bring light to the eyes. It's gorgeous when washed simply (and quickly) across the eyelid. Greige, the bottom shade on my arm, is classic Armani. The shade has all the nuances of the griege shades in his clothing. Although the shade looks silver in my swatch photos, it's much more sophisticated/complex on my skin. There are hints of beige, grey, silver, and even green when the light dances on the shade. You must see it and experience it. I suspect your skin tone will affect the way it looks on you. I like it so much I'd like to have it in a 12x12 baking pan.

Can you hear it now? Hello, this is Charlestongirl. Could you possibly do a factory run of Griege to produce a vat of it for me?

At times like this, I wish Loyd Cassler worked closer to me. Although I learned to use Armani eye colors from him (the master), I continue to want to run over to Saks to see how he'd use new shades. He always puts his own twist on Armani's gorgeous shades, using them in ways I didn't envision. Maybe I'll call him. Now that he's moved on to Chanel, though, he may not be playing with Armani color as much as he did in the "old days."

The verdict (as Gaia says at The Non-Blonde)? Eye Palette #1 is surprisingly stunning! You really need to see it. You know I wasn't "taken with" Dior's pinks and greens for spring. Armani has created pinks and greens I'll be wearing happily, and he paired them with gold and greige, which are timeless beauties. Eye Palette #1 is the quiet sister. Take the time to listen, and you'll be charmed.

Giorgio Armani Beauty's Spring 2012 Collection is available at the Armani Beauty Web site, and it's finally filtering into all the stores. I purchased my Eye Palette #1 at Neiman Marcus.

Photo at top courtesy of Giorgio Armani Beauty; other photos by Best Things in Beauty


  1. Beautiful! You have great taste!

  2. Wow this is beautiful. It looks like everything I wanted that Dior to be, minus the Easter bonnet necessity that Dior carries with it.

    Thank you for these delectable swatches. Just stunning

  3. Oh dear. My wallet just whimpered.

  4. Hi Nikki,

    Thank you! Actually, it's Giorgio Armani who has the amazing taste.

  5. LOL, Lovethescents! I have that mental image of the Easter bonnet. Yep, that's the Dior palette. I was talking to our Dior regional about it. As I suspected, it looks good on dark skin.

  6. Liz, mine is screaming (and contracting).

  7. OMG that last colour is amaaazing!! I think I need this

  8. I love this one
    I hesitated to buy it, I didn't, now I have to go back

    I have a question (I'd understand if you prefer not answering)
    I've only been following your blog for a few weeks (and english is not my mother tongue)
    You have a lot of make up and other things that are from pretty expensive Brands, do you buy, like ALL OF THEM, or are they sent to you for a review,
    because I imagine that you have lots and lots of every kind of make-up

    I don't know if you can understand what I've been saying

    Anyway, I lover your swatches

  9. Hi Girl's Guide!

    I highly recommend this palette. We all need a vat of Greige!

  10. Hi Yytynette!

    I understand perfectly. I buy almost all of what I feature. I say in every feature whether I bought the product(s) or I received it(them) gratis.

    "Feeding my addiction" gets pretty expensive. :)

  11. Ok, thank you for the answer

    I was wondering as I buy a lot (for me at least ) of polishes and make up (especially from Dior chanel or YSL), and I see how much it costs me, and i'm impressed by all the things you swatch


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