
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012!

Happy New Year! As the sun rises on 2012, I'm sending you heartfelt wishes for a wonderful new year.

iStock photo


  1. A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR, CG! I'll write again soon: I've been "invaded" by children, friends and family...Back to normal to-morrow:-) Hugs to you and Sav and Charlie ♥

  2. Happy New Year, Clarisse! To you and all the "children, friends, and family" who hijacked you for the holidays! To those darling kitties too! :)

  3. Happy New Year! I hope it will be filled with new adventures for both you and Best Things in Beauty :)

  4. Thanks, Dovey! Happy New Year to you too. We love adventures, right?

  5. Happy New Year Charlestongirl! When I logged onto my computer I decided the first blog I was going to read in 2012 was yours.
    Have a fantastic day!

  6. Happy New Year, CG! I'm looking forward to another year of your postings!

  7. Thank you, Northerngirl! That's such as privilege. :)

    Happy New Year!

  8. Thank you, Ava! Happy New Year!

    Hope you had a wonderful holiday.

  9. Wishing you a very happy New Year! Here's to another year of your fabulous blogs! Thank you!

  10. Happy New Year! These colors are wonderful, thanks for this opportunity. Alica -

  11. Alica, Happy New Year! Did you mean to enter the contest? If so, make sure to leave a comment on that feature.


  12. Happy New Year! Yes, I had to come in and read your latest even from Montreal. Lol. Hope we all have a great start to the year.

  13. Thanks, Evelyn! Did you hook up by e-mail with Lovethescents?

  14. Yes I did , thank you! I wish I had read your By Killian review earlier b/c I passed the counter in holt Renfrew but didn't stop - bad I know. Maybe I'll go back! Lo


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