
Friday, February 10, 2012

The Friday Forum - February 10

This time of year, there's nothing more welcome than the Christmas Rose (Hellebore). Here's a plant in my garden, perking up the space beneath the Kousa dogwood. We have experienced a short stretch of cold this week. As I grumble about the cold, I must remind myself that it's February. If we can get through just a few more weeks, we will be safely out of the "snow months." Yippee!

This week, I "graduated" (once again) from physical therapy. My therapist and I decided that continuing therapy wouldn't yield continued improvement. Now my challenge will be to force myself to do my exercises at home. I can find just about any excuse to avoid exercising. Maybe I should enroll in a Pilates class. That would motivate me to get out twice/week for a regimented program. I'd rather play with makeup.

I received a few Sunday Riley makeup items this week - and some new fragrance. I can't wait for a sunny day to get photos to show you. I love what I bought sight-unseen. In fact, I've got a backlog of wonderful things to show you. Eileen tempted me to try Tarina Tarantino (something I never thought I'd do), and I like what I bought. I need a day at home when the sun is shining for makeup photos. Why is it always cloudy on mid-winter weekends?

Did you see the Edward Bess sale items at Beauty Ticket? I was stunned to see them on sale. There were eight shades of Deep Shine Lip Gloss, but I couldn't make the Beauty Ticket system behave. There was no way to select a shade using Firefox. By the time I tried Internet Explorer (and discovered that Beauty Ticket doesn't play well in the sandbox with Firefox), only one shade remained available. Too late! I think online sites that don't support the most widely used browser in the United States should carry a prominent notice. I wasted a lot of time trying to find a way to order in Firefox.

One of my favorite bloggers, Tavia at Chic Profile, took a very long break. She's back - as great as she always was, with early news on first-rate beauty collections. Please stop by and welcome her back to blogging. If you don't know Chic Profile, you should.

My screen porch was fixed yesterday, so Charlie can go back out to protect his turf. Pfew! He has complained loudly for the last week. My fox is back too. It was a diet preference. A good friend gave me some moist dog food her dog had rejected, and my fox loves it. Picky little devil. Rounding out Animal Kingdom, a huge hawk has been hanging out here, where the hunting is good. I tried to convince him to go elsewhere the other day, waving my arms wildly as he looked down at me from his high perch on a tree limb. Clearly he knew he was safe from the crazy arm-waving woman because he never flinched.

It's time for The Friday Forum, our open chat. What new products did you discover this week? Did you find any deals you couldn't resist? Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Do you have a question others might be able to answer? Want to talk about skin care? What's new in your life? Just use the comments. Don't be shy. Just make sure to ask any question you might have over the weekend. By early the next week, most (not all) readers have moved on.

This week's giveaway contest for Stila's darling Love at First Blush set ends tomorrow, February 11, at midnight. Don't forget to enter!

Photo by Best Things in Beauty


  1. Ooh, thanks for posting about the Beauty Ticket sale on EB products! I picked up another cream foundation and compact rouge (Island Rose). Great prices, plus I found a coupon code online for 10% off all first time orders. Score!

  2. I'm glad to hear that I am not the only "crazy" person trying to convince hawks to move along! They usually just stare down at me with disdain until they decide to move rather than put up with me.

    I am looking forward to checking out the Lancome lipsticks that you wrote about a couple of days ago. Also Estee Lauder has apparently come out with a new foundation, and I'd like to try that one too.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. I'm trying to convince myself to go to the gym regularly...but I'd rather play with makeup too. Oh well, just something we have to do ultimately to be healthy.

    Yay to the wild life and kitty life being happy again! We had a peregrine falcon sitting in a tree in my neighbors yard the other day (quite a surprise for Brooklyn). This is a special tree which is particularly popular with the local birds and all was quiet - except for some pigeons on a roof who obviously couldn't see the falcon. I've never seen fat pigeons fly faster than when the falcon finally took to the air. :)

    I came home yesterday to a lovely surprise - my new Rouge Bunny Rouge highlighter (Sea of Tranquility) came along with my Armani order. I'm very happy with everything, especially the two Armani liners you feature which look so lovely with my eyes. Yes the tourmaline blush is very light on me, actually seems a bit like a powder version of the RBR highlighter I bought although less intense than it. In any case I like them all and I'll be playing with them as I hide from the bad weather this weekend.

    Oh and yes, I'll probably choose a polish after I look at them at the Chanel counter. One of the ladies from a local store called me to tell me something new is in so I'm hoping that's what it is and she can put things aside for me. We'll see!

    Happy Weekend!

  4. Justa poppin in to say how Awesome I think you are, Charleston Girl! Your blog Rocks Entirely - is ever ripe with Total Boons, Gorgeous Writing, and Swell Animal Tales - Love Love!! Have a Wicked Good Weekend you :)


  5. Hi C-Girl!

    That is so interesting about the hawk - I have spotted a hawk on my way to work the past two mornings. I know they are around the area, I have just never spotted them before. I saw him (or her) in a tree yesterday, and today he (she) was perched on someone's fence.

    I had a huge beauty haul this past weekend. I was in Las Vegas, so I had access to counters and shopping that I normally don't, which was a bad thing for my wallet, but excellent for my beauty routine. The Sephora I went to had a display of Koh Gen Do products, and according to the SA, they were one of the few Sephoras to actually have a display in store. I picked up the Moisture Foundation in shade 123 and the finishing powder in the slightly shimmery finish. I absolutely love both, especially the finishing powder. The shimmer is very subtle and it really sets my whole look. I fear the foundation may be a bit too dewy when summer rolls around and my skin is oilier, but for now it's working great. Hands down one of the nicest finishes of a foundation I have ever tried - so natural it truly does look like my skin, but better.

    I also stopped at a Chanel boutique and picked up the Vegas exclusives in the highlighting face powder and the Rouge Coco Shine in Brilliant. Xiao from Messy Wands has pictures of the face and eye powder - I don't know the official name, but I think it is called "Lucky Stripes." It is a gorgeous gold color when all the stripes are swirled together. The Rouge Coco Shine in Brilliant is a very, very sheer gold. I like it, but not nearly as much as my Rouge Dior in Or Etoile. But I wanted another golden lipstick/gloss. Or Etoile is definitely more opaque.

    I stopped by the Tom Ford counter in Neiman Marcus. I purchased the Lip Lacquer, which is available in one shade. It is made with crushed pearls, so it imparts an opalescent sheen. It is gorgeous. I have used it on top of lipsticks and other glosses. I have even worn it alone, which just makes the lips glow. The texture is not gritty at all. The ladies at the counter taught me how to properly use the bursh I bought for the Shade & Illuminate. That has helped tremendously with using that product.

    Finally, I stopped at the LMdB counter and bought three eyeshadows: Noir, Chameleon and Spicy. I kind of built my own kaleidoscope. I layer Chameleon and Spicy over Noir, and then use Noir to line my eyes. Since their eyeshadows layer so well, I feel like I have endless possibilities.

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


  6. Your site is working!!! Yay! I tried to log on this morning but blogger was really acting up. Anyway, here we all are.

    That's exciting about the Beauty Ticket thing. I wonder if they ship to Canada. Must check.

    I think signing up for a pilates class is a great idea. DO IT, Charlestongirl, or you'll end up regressing and covered in makeup :-)

    I was VERY naughty yesterday. Went to the Armani event with baby. she was lovely and well behaved. I wasn't :-) I bought the Armani concealer, the concealer brush, a forest green pencil, a STUNNING watermelon coloured lipstick, a Laura Mercier Brightening powder, annnnnndddddd...the gold waterproof pencil. That last item was the biggest surprise. I had initially thought of buying the copper as I'd hoped it would make me look brighter and more awake. It did the opposite on my waterline. Amplified the red!!! Eeeek! The gold was stunning. It is metallic, but only brings a hint of light to my waterline and the inner corner of my eye. I'm thrilled, if not broke :-)

    The MA was lovely but told me a few things: I should be using an eyecream that will plump up my undereye area with water (?), I should be using full coverage foundation to cover my naturally rosey cheeks, and I should get more sleep. Hmmmmmmm.....

    I also tried to try some of the pastels that are so hot for spring. Most don't work on me at all. What I'd love to find is a substitute for Armani's green pastel shade that comes in the palette for spring. I don't need the whole palette....just that one colour. Any thoughts/ideas/ advice? Many thanks in advance.

    Wow, Kate, what a wonderful shopping spree!

  7. Hi Carrie,

    Glad you were able to take advantage. I thought about buying a second Island Rose, but money is tight right now. Must get Powerball tickets!

  8. Hi KathyT!

    Love it! Another crazy hawk chaser. :)

    Most of the Lancome lipsticks have too much color for me, but some will love the intense shades. I certainly love Delicate Lace.

    I will check out the EL foundation, although right now I'm on a RBR foundation roll.

  9. Pigeons are sitting ducks for bird predators. The hawks here pick them off daily. It's sad, since they mate for life.

    Peregrine falcons have made themselves at home in cities. It's a happy hunting ground for them.

    What a treasure trove you got in those boxes! Have fun. Yes, Tourmaline Pink is very light, but it provides such a beautiful pastel cheek color.

    Have fun shopping this weekend! Come on back and let us know what you buy.

  10. Hi Zanne,

    Thank you! I love it when y'all identify yourselves. Thank you.

    Can you believe someone left an anonymous comment this week that implied I really shouldn't be blogging because the photos of the prominent veins in my arm were due to aging? I guess she has no idea that thin people have prominent veins for life. Nurses have always delighted in my easy targets when doing blood tests.

    I really appreciate kind comments like yours. Thank you.

  11. Hey there, Kate!

    My Las Vegas Collection is on the way. I ordered by phone. I bought everything except the gold lip liner.

    You discovered and purchase some great beauty products. What fun! All of you are making my list of TF must-haves very long. I wish I had more money.

    Thanks for the comment. We love shopping vicariously.

  12. Hey Lovethescents,

    I had no trouble getting to Blogger this morning. Glad it straightened out for you!

    Please cough up the name of the "watermelon colored lipstick" when you get a chance. That's one of my favorite shades.

    Did you tell that MUA that it's a little hard to get more sleep when you have two little ones and you work nights? I'll bet she was trying to sell you the new Armani eye cream. I tried it, but had a reaction to it. It contains salicylic acid, to which I am extremely sensitive. I agree with her (sort of) on the foundation. Most medium coverage foundations will cover the red. With Armani foundations, the full-coverage choice is not mask-like, but with other lines, you might hate the look. You are too young.

    I'll come back later with some of my favorite greens. I just got home and need to care for Charlie boy. He sat in my lap for a few, but now he's demanding dinner.

  13. Oh C-girl, thank you for your support. The MUA did use face fabric all over my face which I loved, then covered my cheeks with the heaviest foundation. It just sat on my skin so she asked if I exfoliate. I do! Anyway, I don't see anything wrong with rosy cheeks :-)

    Right, when you have time to have a think about the green, I would really appreciate it. I like the idea of it, but only need the one.

    The gawjuss lippie is No 521 :-)

  14. Love your flowers! I have tulips coming up already. I'm glad I'm not the only one running my hawks off from my dove I feed (they look like chicken!) Good luck with the exercise...thanks for sharing...

  15. Hi

    I had extremelly difficult week at work, so glad is over.
    But I have been enjoying Guerlain's spring eye palettes, both Les Aquas and Les Roses, especially love the roses.
    Hoping to scoop up more if the quads soon.

    Im excited about upcoming new Lmdb kaleidoscope. :-)

    Regarding excercise: just an idea
    I go to bellydance school and we have many ladies who joun our classes instead of physical therapy, they say its way more fun. I love going to my bellydance classes, love the graciousness, love the fun and dancing with other girls.
    Look for something you would enjoy and it will make you go and so it.:-)


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