
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Lonely Makeup Bag by Bobbi Brown

In celebration of the launch of Bobbi Brown’s Long-Wear Eye Collection, Bobbi Brown presents you with an exclusive sneak peek of The Lonely MakeupBag YouTube video.  Inspired by the idea that Bobbi’s Long-Wear Collection will take you from coffee to cocktails without a smudge, The Lonely Makeup Bag illustrates just how lost your makeup bag will be now that you no longer need touch-ups throughout the day.

The video will not go live on the Bobbi Brown's YouTube channel until Monday, April 23, but the exclusive link above will take you into the life of one very lonely makeup bag.

Please let me know what you think. Does the video entice you? It's a little cutesie for my taste, but who am I? Not the target audience, I suspect. It's short. Give it a go!

Photo courtesy of Bobbi Brown


  1. Pretty awful...I think they could have done better than that!

  2. Kind of silly and not particularly well made. I'm not sure why the bag was so lonely. She took it with her, she took it out of her bag and placed it beside her on her desk (huh?), she kept taking a BB compact out to check her makeup. Isn't that the type of thing a woman would normally keep in her makeup bag? Silly and not in a humorous way :-(

  3. I guess the video is for those who have to do frequent touch-ups. My makeup bag is lonely too since it never goes along with me. I carry lip products for touch up and that's about it. The target audience is young women who have to keep touching up their makeup. I try to get it right the first time in the morning. I guess being "old" isn't so bad after all.

  4. Yikes! Does everyone else out there look so chirpy while doing their makeup in the morning?? Reminds me of ALL the awful ads where woman are portrayed getting a 'thrill' out of washing & cleaning with 'magical' new & improved products. YAWN!!

  5. Hi Bisbee,

    I think my own reaction may be age-related. :)

  6. Hi Eileen...yup! Plus I wouldn't be caught dead with a makeup bag that has beady eyes.

  7. Hi grlnxdor! I like that. Age has advantages.

  8. Too funny, Buggsiebee!

    I'm sure there are some beauty addicts for whom makeup application is the highlight of the day.

  9. Hi Grinxdor,

    I'm with you. I get it right when I first apply my makeup and then I don't fret about it. Ah, the confidence of being old and wise! :-D I don't even own a makeup bag. I just toss my lipstick/gloss into one of the compartments in my purse and I'm good to go. The last time I was at a makeup event, when the MA asked if I had brought my makeup bag, the SA who knew me just laughed and said, "Yeah, the Beacons van should be arriving any moment!"

    Hi Charlestongirl,

    I can't stop laughing over the thought of a "beady" eyed makeup bag starring at me while I work. You're so funny :-)

  10. Agree, Charlestongirl--Brinks here, too. :)

  11. I think it's cute. And no, at 51, I am DEFINITELY not the target demographic for the video! As for the BB compact, well, it IS advertising, afterall, and I keep a pressed powder compact in my bag because I still get the "shinys" in my T-zone (Yup. Still. At 51.)

  12. Really?? That's the best Bobbi Brown could do? I do carry powder & lip color in a bag with me but that's it. And I certainly wouldn't have one w/googly eyes. I am not pulling out a mirror every so often to make sure my makeup looks ok. I've got better things to do during my work!

  13. I'm 59. The model in the video is younger than my daughter. So, I'm about as far out of the target demographic as can be. But I think the spot is kind of adorable. The staging is bright and sweet, the song works well, the little sad-faced bag makes the point. Bobbi Brown is investing in its future. I think the ad works!


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