
Friday, May 25, 2012

The Friday Forum - May 25

With rain every day this week, including one vicious thunderstorm, our plants are happier than they were just a few weeks ago. In April, it was so dry the ground had started to crack open. I had read that we were five inches down from the norm on rainfall. Not good in the month of that's supposed to be characterized by showers!

As a result of the daily clouds and rain, I've been unable to get photos for the blog. We are in a lull of introductions too. The fall collections will start to arrive soon, so it's a good time to catch my breath.

I've decided to take a few days off. Will I relax? Not much. I've got some fun activities planned. I'll tell you all about my exploits in a few days. I'll be back Sunday, "mid-weekend," to share the best things in beauty.

I couldn't let the week end without a Friday Forum, our open chat. What new products did you discover this week? Did you find any deals you couldn't resist? Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Do you have a question others might be able to answer? Want to talk about skin care? What's new in your life? Just use the comments. Don't be shy. Just make sure to ask any question you might have over the weekend. By early the next week, most (not all) readers will have moved on.

Don't forget to enter the giveaway contest for Stila's gorgeous All Over Liquid Luminizer set. The deadline is tomorrow, Saturday, May 26, at midnight. I love all three shades.

My fuzzy buddy is sitting in my lap as I type, clearly signaling his approval that I am at home with him. It's nice having such a happy little furball warming my legs. I hope you have a great weekend! I'll be back before it's over. For now, maybe a short nap.

Update 12:14 pm: As requested, a photo of Charleston Sumter above.

Photo by Best Things in Beauty


  1. Happy Friday! I would love it if you would post a picture of Charlie. I have two male Siamese who also tend to be a bit "high maintenance".

    Thank you for your blog. I really enjoy it.

  2. Fun activities for you? I'm so out of it! I'm happy for you. You SO deserve it :-)

    No purchases for me, just had the chance to sample the by Kilian Water Calligraphy and Bamboo Harmony frags. They're both polite and light for the summer, and Water Calligraphy, in particular, reminds me of l'Eau d'Issey ;-)

    Have a wonderful few days <3

  3. Hi Charlestongirl,

    Well, it is a ghost town around here. My parking garage was pretty empty, as were the surface lots. My office is sparsely populated, although I am stuck here until at least mid-afternoon. I need to have a few words with the opposing counsel that scheduled a court hearing for 1:30 on the Friday before Memorial Day...

    I have been really happy to hear that you love Stila. I, too, feel it is underrepresented on beauty blogs. I have loved almost all the products I tried from Stila, and they were some of the first products I used when I was discovering my makeup obsession. I would love to hear more about your favorites. I have always thought Stila had divine eyeshadows.

    Speaking of eyeshadows, I received YSL's waterproof cream eyeshadow in #5 Golden Sand. It is so, so pretty. It is a very shimmery/glittery gold. Of course, since it is YSL, the shimmer/glitter is tasteful. I am wearing all over my lid tody, with a bronze color in the crease and outer v. I really like the formula, too.

    I picked up another Koh Gen Do Aqua Foundation in BE-1. I already have OC-2, but it was getting a touch too dark. So, I bought the BE-1, which is a neutral light beige, to lighten up the color. I am still in love with this foundation, and have worn it every single day since I received it months ago. Dare I say this is my HG foundation?

    Last week on the FF a reader (my apologies that I don't recall off the top of my head who it was) talked about how much she loved buying items online from Nordstrom. I have to wholeheartedly concur. My husband bought me a beautiful handbag for Christmas. It was red patent leather, and the leather started to come off the handles. This is unacceptable since the bag is only 5 months old and I don't even carry it every day. I still had the return label. I called Nordstrom to give them a heads up that I would be returning it. They didn't bat an eye and just said to return it. I know they have a 100% return policy, but it is nice to not even get questioned, just receive an apology that I was dissatisfied. Not to mention shipping is always free, and so are returns. If I order something on a Monday, I will almost always get it by Thursday (the warehouse is in Iowa; I'm in Illinois.) Anytime there has been an issue with an order, the company has always been apologetic, and I truly felt as if their goal was to make me happier. Their customer service has always been excellent, in my opinion. I just wanted to give some love to what I think is a wonderful store. If I can buy something online from them, I will.

    I hope everyone has a happy and healthy holiday weekend. And a special thanks to all our men and women in the armed forces! May they stay safe and know how thankful we are for their service.


  4. I'm so glad you're taking a bit of a break, Charlestongirl. Your life has been like a whirlwind on a roller coaster! You deserve some of the proverbial "me time" to relax, regroup, and restore your sense of well-being. You have no idea how many times I've thought of you during the past weeks and wished that there was something I could do to help. And, reading the comments from some of your other readers, I know I'm not the only one who feels that way. Taking care of your ailing mom, making sure she is safe and comfortable, is a full time task in and of itself. So, take that little fur ball of yours upstairs for a cozy nap. I'm sure Charlie knows you've been stressed and will take good care of you. Purrrrrrr, purrrrrr, purrrrrrrr . . . And, get out and have some fun this weekend :-)

    On the beauty front, very little has been happening. Like so many of you, I've got spring/summer well in hand and am enjoying my cheerful, sunny colors. Chanel has the Blue Illusion collection coming in July, but blue is a color that doesn't really suit me unless it leans teal. What I'm really hoping we'll see in July is the the Asian Le Blanc exclusive, Fleur de Lotus. When Nordstrom brought last year's rose themed Le Blanc collection to the counter for their anniversary sale, it seemed to do very well; so I'm hoping Nordstrom will bring us Fleur de Lotus this year. In the meantime, I'm content with what I've gotten so far and am happy to wait and see what the companies will be bringing us for fall.

    Speaking of Nordstrom, I'm also an enthusiastic on-line Nordstrom shopper. Prompt delivery, free shipping, no hassle returns, great live customer service, and--if you shop via Ebates--cash back, too. Woo-hoo!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. In addition to remembering all the lives lost in service, it's also a good time to reach out and support our military families in need. Although they no longer "follow the drum", they are on a difficult road and are deserving of our appreciation and support, too.

  5. I love the picture of your little man! How handsome he is!

  6. Have a very happy week-end Charlestongirl: have rest, have badly need a lovely break! Hugs to you and gorgeous Charlie!
    And of course a delightful week-end to all the readers:-)

  7. Oh, Love him. Is he the Bengal? Love him. Kiss him for me and ding him behind his ears please!

  8. Good for you for taking some time off. I hope you do something fun! This week I bought Chantecaille's cream blush in shy, based on your recommendation and I love it.

    Speaking of Nordstrom, I just want to remind everyone that tomorrow, May 26 is their mascara event. Buy two get one free. I believe it is online as well as in store.

    Have a safe, happy long weekend everyone!

  9. Hi Nancy, done! Thank you, and happy Friday back your way!

  10. Hi Lovethescents!

    I'm wearing the By Kilians a lot. I really love them.

    Thank you!

  11. Hi Kate!

    It's nice to hear so many compliments for Nordstrom's online operations. Sure makes up for the declining service in the store!

    Is that lawyer crazy? Or just want billable hours?

    I guess I'll have to try the Koh Gen Do Aqua at some point. I've been so in love with RBR's foundation, I haven't felt much of a need to stray.

    There is a new foundation that's supposed to be launched by Armani this year. Can't wait to see THAT one!

    Happy weekend!

  12. Hi Eileen,

    I have felt like a gerbil running continuously in a wheel. It was time to jump off for a few days. :)

    I wholeheartedly second your sentiments about our veterans, retirees, and active military men and women. At least one weekend a year, we need to salute them and thank them. I'm glad so many Americans have embraced that sentiment.

    Have a great one! I will have one big shopping op this weekend. Maybe I'll find something new. :)

  13. Thank you, Lenora! He knows it! :)

  14. Thank you, Clarisse! Hugs back to you and your kids - human and furry!

  15. Nemo, he is. He is a snow marble Bengal. My handsome boy has been with me all day (when I haven't been running errands). My little love.

  16. Jo, I'm so glad you like the Chantecaille blush. I do too!

    Thanks for reminding everyone about Nordies' mascara event!

  17. Enjoy the time for yourself . . . you deserve it!

    I read about the new Lancome cream with French rose stem cells in this month's Vogue. The price - $350 - is right up there with Sublimage and Sisleya. May have to try it. Not sure yet. I've never been very impressed with Lancome. Have you heard anything about this cream?

  18. Bengals are so intelligent. All cats are, but Bengals especially so. I watched an online video recently of Bengal kittens playing with each other and their long-suffering mother. Oh, I do envy you your little love.

  19. Laetitia, I hate to admit I know nothing about it. I'm sure there's a write up in my WWDs, but I am so far behind, I may never find it! I doubt I'll spend that on it, and Lancome doesn't know I exist.

  20. Nemo, I am prejudiced, but I think he's the smartest cat I've ever known. All of my cats have been intelligent, but Charlie is like a little person with fur and fangs. It's hard to remember he's a cat.

  21. He's gorgeous! Thank you for the picture.

  22. Good evening!

    Not much new on the makeup front. Even though it was Nordstrom's double points day, I didn't have it in me to tempt myself. I spent way too much money on 1 outfit to wear on my road bike. It's really sick how much a pair of diapered shorts and a thin shirt with back pockets cost. But, if it will keep my tush bruised-free, I guess it's worth it in the end.

    Your latest giveaway is pretty. I'll have to check them out if I get time to stop by my local Ulta.

    I do need to purchase a daily cleanser. I am running out of my LMdB cleanser. It's a little too moisturizing for my skin. I'm still looking for my holy grail cleanser. LM's cleansing oil is too oily. Foam cleansers are usually too drying. sigh. Any suggestions?

  23. Hi Wendy,

    Perhaps some of us can make some suggestions if we know a bit more about your "ideal" cleanser. Do you like to use a separate cleanser to remove your makeup or do you like an all in one type of cleanser? Also, what is your skin type? There are so many really excellent ones available. The best ones for you just depends on your needs. Let us know and maybe some of the ladies will have some suggestions.

    My skin is dry, sensitive, and mature (read old!) so I know that my preferences probably wouldn't suit you, but here they are anyway. I love SK-II cleansing oil. It takes everything off (including eye makup) and it emulsifies with the addition of a bit of water so that it can be rinsed off easily. I apply the oil, let it set a few moments, then begin massaging it around while adding a bit of water to work it into a luscious cream. At that pont, I rinse it off and all my makeup goes down the drain :-) My skin is left feeling soft but definitely not oily. It does have a lovely rose scent which might be an issue for some women. Personally, I find it very soothing. In the morning, when I'm not concerned about removing makeup, I just use CeraVe Hydrating cleanser or good old Cetaphil. By the way, I used to use Shu Uemura's cleansing oil, but I don't like it nearly as much as the SK-II.

    OK ladies. Any other suggestions for Wendy? Perhaps some of you younger women with oilier complexions have some suggestions.

  24. Hi Eileen,

    Thank you for the suggestions. What is SK-II? I've heard of CeraVe. I'll have to check it out.

    I use Lancome's eye makeup remover. I prefer to use a cleanser to wash off my makeup at the end of the day. Usually, I wash my face with water and buff with a washcloth in the AM. Once a month, I'll use LM's skin polish or Kate Somerville's Clinic-To-Go pads.

    I haven't used my Refissa (trentinoin) cream in months. When I am in the habit of using it, I'll apply it 2-3 times a week for a couple weeks in a row.

    It's hard to judge if my face is mature. my face is combo/oily. The rest of my body is dry! I have to apply moisturizer after a bath or washing my face. But, I have to use a foundation for combo or oily skin.

    It's really difficult to find a cleanser since I'm in that almost mature but still oily stage.

  25. Glad you indulging in a little down time. Thought I would share a recent find at a new store that opened in my local mall. It appears they have had three openings in Texas over the past few months. The compan is Oro Gold, an Italian based company. The results are amazing. When I walked by the store, (on my way to see my favorite Guerlain sales lady) I was overdo for botox (eyes) and juvederm xtc (glabellar folds, verital lines on lips). They used a couple of masks on different areas, one side of my face.. . .AMAZING, fine lines, gone, vertical lines gone, glabellar folds plumped! I look 10 years younger! Are you familiar with this line?

  26. I plan on skipping the botox and Juvederm xtc appts!

  27. Hi Charlestongirl! I hope you enjoy your well-deserved break!

    I had been using L'Occitane's Divine line skincare and while my skin feels hydrated, I seemed to have developed a sort of allergic reaction in the form of a rash on both sides of my face! I switched back to my last products which are Caudalie's premier line and the redness/rash has diminished. I am quite disappointed in this result with L'Occitane. I'll have to search for another hydrating line before winter.

    I am loving my Guerlain Pucci bronzer/blush! I also love that it comes in a pouch and I can transport it!

    Thank you to Jo for reminding me about Nordstrom's mascara event!

    Have a great weekend and happy shopping everyone!

  28. Charlie is adorable! I have always had dogs until a stray tabby cat started to come around about a year ago. He's part of the family now.
    Only purchase for me was the mascara
    deal at Nordies. Have a great weekend!

  29. Hi CG,
    Im glad you are taking some me time. You output astounds!
    I have found 3 life changers in the last 2 weeks:
    1) I received a Clarisonic Mia as a gift.I am lucky to have good skin but this is a whole new dermis! I have to control myself from telling strangers on the street to go buy one NOW.
    2) Amazing Concealer by Amazing cosmetics. Holy Grail time. Having you tried it yet??? Dying to know your thoughts. Sephora.
    3) Korres Anti-Aging Primer.
    Again H.G. Makeup apply flawlessly and lasts all day.

    Rest and enjoy.

  30. Good Morning,
    Down time is true beauty time as our body and spirits need to rest so we can smile and glow. Our beautiful cats do this daily.
    I read the online "Daily Beauty" and I was horrified by their claim that Demi Moore's makeovers render her a "hot" mama. I replied that given the web and print mags are backed by medical professionals, this claim insults their intelligence as well as the readers when, given Ms Moore's serious problems, her make- overs are a symptom of a mental disorder that can and may kill her. Reader's of a medical mag are looking for sound advice, not vanity and this was irresponsable journalism. Well, my post lasted a few hours and was taken down. So much for a "discussion" and comment section!
    I had botox for the first time on the deep creases between my brows and on my many crows feet. 6 Weeks later and I am furrowing again! Approx 55cc was used.
    I was wondering if any readers have had this happen so quickly? I am so disappointed.

    Thank you,

  31. Hi Vanessa,
    I'm wondering who did your injections. It's always best to go to someone whose work you have seen and comes highly recommended. Generally you should get at least two and a half mos. At the very minimum. Was Dysport or Botox used? Some people have better results with one over the other. I prefer Dysport because it kicks in faster.
    If your furrow was deep, it's possible you were under injected. I would definitely call the person who injected you to discuss why your treatment was so short lived. Because it was your first experience, he or she may have chosen to be conservative, which is better than being over Botoxed and scary! Good luck!

  32. Hello Debbie,
    I just read your blog for the first time and then you responded to my post! Thank you.
    The nurse at the plastic surgeon's practice, who injected me with botox, is highly trained with much experience. She is beautiful and I like her refreshed and natural visage. The intial results were marvelous and I was so pleased. Unfortunately, the results are short lived. Either my body does not like botox or my muscles are "fighting" this relaxant. After the injections I had a headache, swelling and I had to sleep deeply for 3 hours. I will be speaking with the doctor and nurse this week to see what happened. Six weeks is too short for the expense!
    Thank you again, Vanessa

  33. Hi Vanessa,

    First of all, I am not a medical professional, so these comments are based strictly on my own personal experience.

    Headaches, swelling, and bruising are all unfortunate side effects caused by the injection process. My dermatologist actually has them listed on his post procedure care instruction sheet. Definitely talk to your doctor and make sure you were exercising proper post procedure care; not just to elleivate your immediate symptoms but to also prolong the result. I get Botox In my glabella about three times a year. Not only do I not get headaches, but it actually helps relieve some of the tension that exacerbates my migraines. I do get a bit of initial swelling which I treat with a package of frozen peas :-) Occasionally, I've gotten a small bruise at one of the injection sites, but nothing that can't be easily covered up for the few days it takes to be absorbed.

    Post procedure care includes things like no exercise for 24 hours, no harsh scrubbing or rubbing of the face, no facials or facial exercises for two weeks, etc. The idea is to be gentle with your face for a couple weeks until the toxin has fully taken hold. Rough handling can actually diffuse the toxin before it has a chance to fully act upon the muscle; thus weakening the effect.

    I've tried Dysport and Botox. On me, Dysport kicks in very fast (2 days) but fades faster as well. The first couple times I used it, I had an excellent result that lasted about three months. Subsequent treatments; however, only lasted about 18 months. I switched to Botox and have been using that very successfully for the past two years. I get a natural look with just a bit of movement (no frozen faces in my derm's office!) that lasts a good three and a half months before the result begins to slowly fade. So, definitely have a chat with your medical professionals to see why the result was so short lived.

  34. Hi Wendy,

    SK-II is a Japanese luxuary brand that is available at places like Neiman's and Saks. Cate Blanchette is featured in many of the ads for SK-II which appear in magazines. It's pricey, so try to get a sample of the cleansing oil if you're interested in trying it. Actually, if you are happy with your LancĂ´me Bi Facil, you might just need something simple like the CeraVe for the rest of your face. It's very gentle like Cetaphil, but it is better at removing makeup.

    By the way, mature skin usually means skin that is losing it's elasticity, resiliency, firmness, and radiance. Hopefully, you won't have to worry about that for several years :-) It has its own special set of problems!

  35. Hi Vanessa,
    I am a dermatologist. I inject Botox and Dysport all the time. Reading your comment was a bit alarming. You cannot lie down for 4 hours after the injections or the stuff can migrate away from the target muscles! Perhaps your headache and then lying down to sleep made the toxin leave the muscles after the treatment.
    Also, 55cc is an impossible amount of fluid to inject into the face. Perhaps you meant 55 units? The bigger your facial anatomy, the bigger your muscles, the more the toxin will be "chewed up" and go away more quickly.
    Some offices dilute the Botox or Dysport so the effects are very subtle, but this will also cause it to be short lived. I strongly suggest you discuss with your practitioner and educate yourself thoroughly about these injections and the post-injection protocols so you have the best possible results :-)
    Neurotoxins are only a tool, as good as the person doing the injecting.

    and Hi Wendy,
    Don't waste your money on an expensive cleanser, it's on your skin for max 2 minutes then it goes down the drain. I highly recommend investing in a Clarisonic brush and using a mild liquid cleanser, there are hundreds on the market, from Purpose to Cerave to Cetaphil. Use an eye makeup remover to get rid of stubborn masacara. eyeliner, etc. Protect your face from the sun like it's the plague. Seriously. ANd if your troubles aren't manageable, your skin could be changing from age, hormonal shifts, etc and maybe it's time to see a dermatologist. :-)

    Best wishes to all!

  36. Dear ToughDoc;
    Thank you for the correction. It was 55 units. The doctor and the nurse's instruction was to remain vertical. I did, until I fell asleep sitting up only to awaken lying down. I tried so hard to remain awake, but I felt like I was passing out!
    The nurse went over every thing concerning Botox during the consultation and I read the manufacturer's phamplets. I was aware of the side effects. I was surprised that the botox faded so quickly.
    I believe that these creases are so deep, from 45+ years of furrowing my brow as I read and squinting, that the muscles are strong and when the Botox's effects start to fade, the muscle's work against the relaxant. This is just an idea of my own.
    I also wonder if I had an allergic reaction?
    As far as diluting the product, she pulled the botox directly from the sealed vial. If any dilution was done, I believe it would have been done during the manufacturer's packaging.
    Thank you again for your reply. I appreciate yout comments.
    All the best this memorial day.


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