
Friday, May 4, 2012

The Friday Forum - May 4

What a week! The flowers are awakening all around us, but my mother had a rough week. That means we've had a rough week too. I'm sorry if I haven't been as attentive to blog comments as I like to be. There just hasn't been enough time in each day.

Here's the quick scoop on Mom. The doctors "overcorrected" the edema and blood sodium problems she had. She ended up falling (a lot), with blood pressure that was so low I think she should have been hospitalized - again, and she became dehydrated, with zero appetite. As of yesterday afternoon, she is off both diuretics and all BP meds (temporary cessation on the BP meds), and instead of being on fluid restrictions, we are pumping Gatorade and other fluids into her.

The live-in caregiver situation has gone from bad to worse. We have one there now who must, we have decided, be gone by noon. She is surly and demanding. How she got into the caregiver business is anyone's guess. I'm trying hard to find a replacement on short notice, even if it's for a few days until the more permanent arrangement I found can start. That's a synopsis of my week. How was yours?

As you might imagine, there wasn't much time for beauty, although I did receive a few new things I'm eager to show you. Others will arrive next week. There's always something to keep me perpetually broke.

For animal lovers, it turns out there are three baby foxes at Mom's, not one! I can't wait to watch them play. They are so cute. I hope their mother teaches them to use the wooded pathways - not the road - to travel.

I'll look forward to what you did this week. That's how I'll get my beauty fix - in the Friday Forum, our open chat. What new products did you discover this week? Did you find any deals you couldn't resist? Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Do you have a question others might be able to answer? Want to talk about skin care? What's new in your life? Just use the comments. Don't be shy. Just make sure to ask any question you might have over the weekend. By early the next week, most (not all) readers will have moved on.

I'm surprised there aren't more giveaway entries for the Chantecaille Shine Eye Shade in Menthe. If you'd like to enter, just leave a comment at this link. The deadline is tomorrow, Saturday, May 5, at midnight.

Did you know that this week was May Day, celebrated by the lily of the valley? Here's a photo from my neighbor's garden. Happy weekend!

Update: I will be late posting my afternoon feature. Come on back a little later. I'm at my mother's house awaiting a new caregiver.

Photos by Best Things in Beauty


  1. I'm really sorry to hear about your troubles with your mother. I hope she recovers soon. I know what you mean about finding a good carer. Some of them lack empathy, professionalism and affection so much that they don't qualify as humans, let alone as carers.

    Let's hope that the fox cubs come out to play pretty soon!

    My new cosmetics discovery is Korres Nail polish. At the minute they are only available in Greece from what I know, and a kind friend send me some for my nameday. I just love it!

  2. Sorry to hear about your mom and the care giver! I hope things will improve for your mom and you will find a caring care giver real soon! :)

    This week I discovered the brand Koh Gen Do. I know they are well known for their foundations but I do not have a chance to swatch them personally. I did however ordered their lipstick, blush and the luxury pressed powder, hand creme & body wash from Barneys. Looking forward to receiving them soon! :)

    I hope you have a great weekend! :)

  3. Thank you, Odyssey!

    We had a young caregiver from Ghana for three years, but she is going to nursing school soon. Since then, we've been rotating in and out some real doozies.

    Can't wait to see the darling babies all together!

    KORRES nail polish? Cool! It has to be free of dreaded ingredients. Lucky you!

  4. Thank you, Shelnmum,

    Koh Gen Do is a brand I'm working hard to ignore. Sabrina at Beauty Look Book has raved about it, and I really don't need to fall for another niche brand.

    There is a gift card event coming soon at Barneys. Just got the card in the mail yesterday. I'll bring it upstairs later and post the info.

  5. I'm so sorry to read how rough it has been on your mom this past week. Taking care of your mom's medical needs, providing her with emotional support and comfort, keeping family informed, dealing with caregiver complications, staying on top of your day-to-day work, managing two households: yours and your mom's--I don't know how you do it all! I'm sure I'm not the only one who wishes I could be there to give you a breather and help you out. Unfortunately, 3,000 miles away, all I can do is let you know that prayers and positive thoughts are ever with you and your family.

    Not one, but three little kits! How adorable! It seems all the babies are emerging now. They're old enough to be brought out by their proud parents :-) Now that our late spring has really taken hold, I've seen all kinds of baby birds, rabbits, raccoons, opposoms, squirrels, and coyotes. Nothing gladdens my heart more than seeing new life emerge. ". . . look at Nature in all her beauty and set your heart at rest . . . " (Beethoven)

    Speaking of beauty in nature, I hope you all can enjoy the Super Moon tomorrow. The best time to see it is when it is rising so that structures, trees, etc. give it some perspective. It promisss to be bold and bright.

    I haven't bought a single cosmetic this week because I have an appointment with Guerlain's itinerant skin care specialist and MA, Larissa. As always, I'm sure my "free" Guerlain makeover will prompt a bit of spending. LOL

    A few weeks ago I bought Karestase's Age Premium Masque Substantif to try to get some life back into my hair. My long hair had been looking rather blah and dull. This conditioning masque seems to be doing a good job, though, of restoring shine and bounce to my hair. It costs an arm and a leg, but you only use a small amount about once or twice a week. I've tried a lot of other great masques, but over time, they build up and weigh my hair down. This one by Karestase's doesn't seem to be doing that.

    I hope you all have a great weekend, and don't forget the Super Moon :-)

  6. Yes it is free of many nasty chemicals and it smelt so nice while I was putting it on. I've put pictures up on my blog, I love it!

    Good luck with finding a responsible carer!

  7. Dearest Cg, my prayers are with you. So many of us have been there, too. As for beauty, oh boy. I ordered all 3 new LMDB eye kits from Saks. Golden Gate Girl arrived first, and it is lovely. I wore it yesterday and enjoyed pairing it with my new LMDB blush kit. The golds in the blush and eye kits meshed beautifully. Last nite FedX brought my Short Hills eye kit. Oh, I sneaked it inside without my husband's knowing about it (he was home when the GGG one arrived, dammit); tried it on haphazardly and hated it, vowing to return it. Arose this morning to birdsong and a wild turkey in the backyard and determined to give Short Hills another try, this time with proper base, liner, etc. Oh, is it pretty. Very dramatic. Love it. On the Coast is yet to arrive. Meanwhile, if all that isn't bad enough, I ordered the new Armani eye palettes (both) from the Ecaille collection, as well as the face palette. Now I want that ByTerry Love Affair lipstick. I am hopeless and out of control, and I love it. As for animals, please check out the wonderful kitty in the back of the May Vogue magazine. Blessings to you, Cg.

  8. I hope your mother has perked up a bit. The geriatric population is especially sensitive to this fluid shifts and need to be watched closely. I'm glad you were there to do that for her.

    So is the caregiver gone? OUT OUT OUT! She sounds like she was a nightmare.

    I tried some fragrances this week but nothing I fell in love with. All 3 Neela Vermeire perfumes were misses on my skin. Bombay Bling started out okay but turned into a hamster cage in the base (thanks, cedar). Trayee's base was gorgeous but that doesn't justify the painful opening. And Mohur? I have enough rose frags to last a lifetime.

    I have been leeeemmmmmming Dior's Lip Glow for a long time, since I lost mine on holidays. It's out of my budget now, as is everything else that doesn't involve a grocery bill....and the little monsters we've been dealing with in the garden! Our old tree stump is infested with carpenter ants that are entering the house; little beasts are digging up the lawn at night, digging for grubs we apparently have :-( And, some other creature dug a hole in the yard so we need to figure that out too. Too much drama! :-)

    Have a healthy weekend

  9. I wonder why people decide to become caregivers when they have so little compassion or patience? Beyond the ability to give physical care, what did they think the other qualifications for the job were? It's appalling. I hope the doctors get your mom's meds straight and that she feels better soon.

    I've been using Eve Lom cleanser for the past week and love it! I've also been using the new NARS tinted moisturizer and love it too. The summer Chanel collection hasn't tempted me yet (though I'll probably get the orange nail polish), nor have the LMdB kaleidoscopes. I bought the Sephora Panetone collection, but haven't broken it out yet. Better do so soon, because I understand the Chanel fall collection will be out next month! Oy!

    CG, you have to try Koh Gen Do! I love the Moisture Foundation (which also includes colors into dark range), cleansing water and the cleansing cloths. They periodically run good sales on their website, so it's a good idea to get on their mailing list.

    I tried the Tata Harper skincare line for a week and was disappointed. This line has so many steps - cleanser, moisture spray, moisturizer, and serum - that I can't be bothered! And as we've discussed, you never get enough product to see any improvement of your skin.

    Love Kerastase hair products! My hair is dry, fragile and breaks easily; their products give my hair the moisture it needs without, as Eileen said, weighing it down. They are expensive but well worth the price.

    Get some rest!

  10. I'm sorry to hear about the medical issues your mother has been facing and the poor live-in care she's had. I wish you every luck in finding a new caretaker. And how exciting about the baby foxes! Hope to see some pictures, too. Sending you warm wishes...

  11. CG - my thoughts are with you and your mother.

    I'll second the Koh Gen Do enthusiasm, I've been using a sample of their foundation I received from PR. I have a feeling it's not a *perfect* match but it does go on nice. But while I had been easily able to avoid liking this brand because I thought it was so inconvenient one of the beauty supplies in my town picked it up. Boo (and by that I mean yay!).

    I'm also loving a cream blush/lip product I bought from RMS beauty. Good stuff.

  12. Drgh. Cannot write English today. I meant: I received the sample of foundation from their PR department, not Puerto Rico. And that I used to believe that the brand would be inconvenient for me to play around with before buying because of their limited counters. What can I say, it's Friday.

  13. Hi CG,

    I hope your mother recovers soon. Mom's are so important in life. It must be hard to watch her in pain and go from one medication to the next.

    As for the caregiver, I am glad you are looking for someone else. Caregivers must be kind, patient and a positive presence.

    On the beauty front I have finally made my first purchase from Zuneta. Demi Buff lipstick from EB and Fiji lipstick from LmDB ! Can't wait to receive them !

  14. All good wishes for you and your mother, CG.

  15. I'm so sorry you and your mother had to deal with a demanding caregiver during a difficult time. It's hard enough to deal with demanding people even when life is going smoothly. Hopefully, the next person will be a good fit.

    As for makeup, last Sunday I attended Nordstrom's Trend Event for the first time. My family and most of my friends thought I was crazy arriving there at 7 AM on a SATURDAY! I did find one friend willing to go along with me.

    It was fun. The raffles were plentiful! I won a basket filled with over $300 worth of full size Clinique skin care and makeup. :-) I got a make-over at the Dior counter with the Aurora eye shadow palette and my hair curled at the Calista booth.

    I only purchased a Dior lipstick and eyelash plumping primer (new to me). The Dior SA I normally use didn't do my makeup. However, she rang up my purchases and threw in the gwp even though I didn't purchase enough to qualify for it. I got the impression she didn't like how the other MUA did my makeup, and that was her way of making it up to me.

  16. I'm sorry to hear about your mother's health issues and I hope you find a loving caregiver to help her.

    In makeup news, I bought Guerlain's Sun Brunettes bronzer, it's gorgeous. I'm waiting for my other order--Edwards Bess' Soft Smoke eyeshadow trio and Rose Demure lipstick. I needed good basics and you and other bloggers have raved about his products so I thought I'd give it a go.

    I hope your mother recovers smoothly and all this will pass quickly.

  17. Hi everyone!

    Thank you so much for your kindness. I'll be back early tomorrow. I spent the whole day: 1) finding another caregiver, 2) taking care of Mom after we got rid of the useless one, and 2) getting the new one oriented and everyone fed for dinner.

    I am wiped out. Will be back to chat with all of you in the morning.

  18. I remember how difficult it was finding someone to care for my grandmother. I hope that all works out soon.

    I discovered Sunday Riley this week. I ordered the Sunday Riley Effortless Breathable Tinted Primer, and The Influencer Extra Volume Glossy Mascara. I like the primer. I didn't even need a foundation over it, but the color is too yellow, and I ordered it in the light. I imagine I'll just wear it at home. It's supposed to be a skin care product anyway. I did try it as a primer under my eye concealer, and it worked very well for that purpose. The mascara was a disappointment. No matter how much I layered on, I just didn't get the fullness that I experience with Dolce and Gabbana's mascara. If the primer came in a color that was more neutral I would happily purchase it again.

  19. CG - I'm so sorry to read about the troubles that you're having with finding a good caregiver for your mom! I'm glad that you are close enough to help her with her care & finding a new caregiver. I'm watching my elderly aunt & uncle deal with a similar situation long distance.

    Like others have said, I can't believe that someone would become a caregiver without possessing qualities such as compassion for others, affections & professionalism. I hope you find a new one very soon that is just perfect for your mom.

  20. The question is what didn't I buy this week? I picked up the eye shadow duo, Delight nail polish, the Sable Rose bronzer and a kohl liner from Chanel but that wasn't enough. lol I bought one of Korres' new cheek butters in Chara Crimson and their Magic Light Powder Trio in Santorini (I love!). A Rouge G in Girly, Nars gloss pencil in Buenos Aires and Givenchy Healthy Glow powder in #1 too. Ok I completed a major life milestone so I thought I deserved a good pat on the back. :)

    So that's the cheery, frivolous news! I hope things work out for your mom, I know truly good caregivers are hard to find. I hope you both can find some rest and relaxation soon from this very difficult time. You all deserve it!

    I may not have kits in my city yard, but I watch the birdies! So exciting to see something other than pigeons and sparrows in the city (although I do think sparrows are cute). I can do without pigeons.

  21. Gosh, I'm so sorry to hear about the caregiver situation, CG! The whole situation sounds like a huge headache--but glad you got it taken care of and hope the new one works out better for you and your mom, especially.

    As far as makeup goes, I was a good girl this past week and made it to thursday until I caved and ordered the new Burberry Sheer Summer Glow compact. I'm SO excited to receive that one, I imagine it will be even more stunning than in the already gorgeous pictures/swatches I've seen online. Will you be checking that one out?

    Happy weekend!!

    PS: I want to see baby foxes playing, too!!

  22. Hi Eileen,

    If I can stay awake long enough, I'll be looking for the moon. Last night, long after the "quiet hours" start, I had to get out of bed and walk a block to a neighbors house and ask them to please bring all the screaming children (literally screaming) inside. It was just too late for that. I often people really think anyone wants to listen to screaming children late at night?

    Today will be busy. I need to scoot out of here shortly to go buy groceries for Mom. Then I have a 12:00 appointment and another (a fun one) at 2:00 to see friends to celebrate Cinco de Mayo for a few hours. Hope I can make it through all that.

    Hope you have a fun makeover. I've been turning them down lately - those free makeovers add up - but I do have one with Tim Quinn set for next week.

    Thanks for the support!

  23. Hi Nemo,

    I just resubscribed to Vogue when Conde Nast had a friends and family sale recently. Hope I get that one.

    You had a great makeup week! Fun!

    I vowed not to buy the Armani eye palettes. I just don't need more blue greys. It will be the first Armani collection I've skipped in years! I hope I can keep my resolve because my bank account is seriously depleted.

  24. Oh Lovethescents,

    That caregiver (a misnomer) who is gone was a debacle. Turns out the last night she was there, she refused to help Mom get to the bathroom. Told her to just go and she'd clean her up later. She was too lazy to get out of bed. Despite Mom being somewhat out of it yesterday, she did manage to use a choice word to describe the witch.

    The only Neela one I liked was Bombay Bling, but not enough to buy it since I haven't. I don't really "get" this perfumer thing when they pay well-known perfumers to create the scents. How does that make up a perfumer?

  25. Ava, I am just not ready, emotionally or financially, for fall makeup! Chanel is jumping the gun way too much these days.

    I can tell you've been shopping at SPACE.NK! :)

  26. Thanks, Walls. Getting photos is going to be very difficult - unless it's through the picture window. Those foxes at Mom's are very skittish.

  27. Hi Elizabeth,

    I got a good laugh out of that - and the term "drgh." We all knew you meant PR, not PR. LOL

  28. Oh Swathi,

    Isn't Zuneta a wonderful resource? I'm sure you will love your new goodies!

  29. Wendy, you survived a Trend Show! I really can't take them anymore - all those screaming women, ear-splitting music, and inane product blurbs. The fun is upstairs afterwards, if you can stand the crowds. I've learned to wait it out a few hours and go shop around noon after a Trend Show.

    Congratulations on the win! They do have great raffles. It used to be a thing where they kind of threw stuff at the people in the front row. Women would get there at 4:00 am to be first in line - I swear.

  30. Enjoy the goodies, Anonymous! You purchased some great ones!

  31. Many thanks to everyone for your support. I need a nap, but unfortunately, there won't be one in my future today. Have a full schedule, starting now. Headed off to get groceries for Mom.


  32. Back at you and everyone, Wendy! I don't usually drink the hard stuff, but it may be the right day for a margarita!

  33. "...the last night she was there, she refused to help Mom get to the bathroom. Told her to just go and she'd clean her up later. She was too lazy to get out of bed. Despite Mom being somewhat out of it yesterday, she did manage to use a choice word to describe the witch."

    That alternately makes me want to scream or cry. Thank God you have a new caregiver for your Mom.

    I didn't make any high-end makeup purchases this week. My bank account has been wiped out by my last Chanel excursion. I am still loving my Vitalumiere cream compact!

    On the lower end of beauty, I had heard so much about Revlon's discontinued Strawberry Suede lipstick--even from my favorite makeup artist, Lisa Eldgridge--that I ordered one from Ebay. It really is a lovely shade.

    Hope this week is better for you, CG.


  34. Sorry for the spelling mistake! Lisa Eldridge, of course.


  35. Hi Ava,

    I'm glad to hear you've had a good experience with Kérastase products because I just ordered the rest of the Age Premium line :-). I figure I can try the various products and find the right combination for my needs. I usually alternate my regular shampoo with Aveda's Blue Malva. It does a wonderful job of keeping yellow tones out of my gray hair, but it is a bit drying. Hopefully, the Bain Substantif will compensate and make a nice shampoo to alternate with the Blue Malva.

    By the way, I did cave and get the TF eyebrow pencil. It is perfect for covering the few gray hairs in my otherwise black brows and for filling in the occasional naked spot. Thanks for the nudge :-)

    Hi Yesplease,

    Let us know how you like the Burberry Sheer Summer Glow. I've seen some great pictures and swatches of it on the blogs. It looks like it is a fair to medium skinned girl's dream product. It's on my list of things to check out when I drive into The Valley next week. We don't have Burberry at our local Nordstrom, but they carry the full line in the San Fernando Valley store. I need it like I need a hole in my head, but then no one actually "needs" makeup--or do they? LOL

    Hi Kate,

    Cognac Sable. What do you think? Awesome, yes?

    Hi Everyone,

    Wow! You ladies bought some awesome products this week (I'm looking at you Evelyn :-) ). I guess we're all feeling the need for some springtime renewal and are lookng for things to freshen our looks. You'll have to share a bit about the standouts with us. Don't be shy.

  36. Hi Eileen,

    Yes, I will definitely update here and let everyone know how the Summer Glow palette is. I have light to medium skin (a little more medium than light at the moment) and thought this might be the perfect hint of bronzey, warm color for my cheeks. It definitely shows as a very light bronzer in the swatches I've seen online. Anyway, the Burberry SA I ordered it from via phone told me that it actually doesn't provide ANY color whatsoever--just the barest hint of highlight. I'm a little worried about that because I was under the impression it was a very light bronzer. I guess we'll see, fingers crossed!!

    oh, and Happy Weekend!

    1. It sounds like the sa was describing the Burberry fresh glow rather than summer glow!

  37. Hi Yesplease, Hi Anonymous,

    I think you're right, Anonymous. It does sound like the SA was thinking of The Fresh Glow Luminous Base. Let's hope that she doesn't screw up the order! Amy, at Café Makeup is NC15 and the Summer Glow looks beautiful on her skin. So, Yesplease, as long as the SA doesn't send you the wrong product, I think you'll be fine.

    Happy weekend everyone. I'm on my way outside to take a look at the Super Moon rising :-)

  38. CharlestonGirl, My wallet has taken quite a hit over the last year too ! I bought some products last spring and summer that fit into the Panetone tangerine range, so I'm using those. I love Space NK. Whenever I go to San Francisco it's one of the first places I visit. I'm thrilled to have Rococo nail polishes available locally. I hope our new store can expand their brand selection to include Ellis Faas, Kate Spade lipsticks, and Yu-Be.

    Eileen, so glad you got the TF Brow Sculptor. It's one of the best products in the line.

  39. Hey, all, I just awakened from a 10-hour sleep. Can't say I feel refreshed, but better!

    Amy does not put photos of herself on her blog. That's her daughter. Many readers think the photos are Amy.

    I believe my area is getting a Burberry counter later this year. I want to play!

  40. Eileen & Anonymous-

    Lol, you guys scared me--I immediately went and checked my online banking to see how much was charged after reading your comment. The amount was $54.38 (the compact is $50) so I'm pretty sure she sent me the right product. I was definitely confused when the SA said that though...I didn't see how such rich browns could not provide ANY color whatsoever, even if they were mixed with 2 light colors. I kept saying "the limited edition compact, right? The one with 4 squares of color?" lol I guess we'll see tomorrow, which is hopefully when I'll be getting it. Update soon. Thanks guys!!

  41. Hi Rosemary,

    Even worse, we just found out when we went to pay her on the way out that she is illegal. Seriously considering turning her in. The problem is that there are so many, the INS laughs off calls regarding violations. I'd like to save another family from that woman. She was such a fraud.

    The gal we have right now is sweet and loving. Doesn't complain about Mom's whims and seems to enjoy the job. She wants to work five days/week, so I need to find a sub for weekends. At this moment, Mavis appears to be a gem. For the first time in weeks, I let someone else worry about dinner yesterday. My body finally said, "Enough!" I nearly collapsed after I got home from two weak raspberry margaritas and a Corona. The tacos - special for the day - were delicious at Willow.

    About the Revlon, maybe someone here can suggest a good substitute. I have never tried that one. I'll check my CVS, though, for you, to see if it's still hanging around.

  42. So, Kate,

    What's the verdict on your new TF shadows?

  43. Hey all,

    I privately thanked Eileen for helping out here. I want to do it publicly.

    Isn't she a doll? I've been seriously overwhelmed the last few weeks, and she has jumped in and shared her knowledge with enthusiasm. Don't you think we should make her Associate Editor?


    Check out this link:

  45. may your mom get well soon, i started teaching at a local school, good experience. getting effing hot with each passing day!

  46. Oh, CG, the fact that the so-called "caregiver" is here illegally is just dreadful. Like yet another slap in the face.

    I lived in L.A. for almost six years, so I can well imagine the INS laughing off a report. However, because this woman is putting herself out there as a "caregiver," I think I'd make the effort anyway when you have a little more energy. I think your concern about her behaving badly with another family is a very justified one. Lord only knows what might happen next time. If she were cleaning houses, maybe I would let it go. But she's supposed to be taking care of people--vulnerable people--and that changes everything. Sorry if I seem harsh, but my blood is boiling just hearing about how she behaved with your Mom.

    You're very sweet to find me the link to the Revlon discontinued products! Thank you so much!

    Here's hoping that this week is so much better for you and your Mom.


  47. Hi Charlestongirl and Eileen,

    I am late, late, late to this party! Friday was a nightmare in terms of my job, so I didn't get to post my thoughts on TF's Cognac Sable. How dare my job interfere with my love for cosmetics! Seriously, I was bummed that I missed the FF until today.

    It was so sweet of you two to think of me and inquire about the eye shadows. The verdict? Absolutely gorgeous. Stunning. The coppery, sparkly shade is out of this world. All the colors play excellently together and coordinate nicely. I have been playing with different application techniques for the sparkly shade, and sometimes I find a sponge-tipped applicator does the best job. I also like the sparkly shade applied over the medium brown/coppery shade (I am terrible with color descriptions). All the colors make my green eyes pop out of my head. I got several compliments when wearing it.

    Charlestongirl, I am sorry to hear about the continuing struggles you have been experiencing to get your mother's care lined up. Those things can wear on a person. I sincerely hope you get some relief soon.

    Thanks again for thinking of me, ladies! Eileen, I hope you see this! If not, I hope to chat with you all on Friday!


  48. Hi Kate,

    I'm so pleased you are happy with Cognac Sable. Although some of TF's palettes have gotten less than stellar reviews, this particular one seems to be universally loved by women who adore ambers, russets, etc. I think this is one that is going to be in his collection for many years. I have a couple strands of beautiful Baltic amber beads and CS always reminds me of them. It's funny, too, because TF actually does have a palette called Burnished Amber (another love), which doesn't look amber at all, but leans more towards warm garnet when applied. Oh well, as the Bard said, "What's in a name . . . " :-)


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