
Monday, May 7, 2012

Giorgio Armani Beauty Écailles Collection Gloss d'Armani for Summer 2012

I was determined that I would only purchase two of the four new, limited-edition Gloss d'Armani ($28) shades from the Écailles Collection - alternately called the Bronze Collection - for Summer 2012. After all, how many pink lip gloss shades do I need?

Your lips could be drenched and quenched, like mine, with the new Gloss d’Armani harmony in the softest spectrum of beautiful pinks: Pink Quartz, Rose Crocoite, Rasberry Zincite, and Red Andradite. Giorgio Armani has introduced a new watercolor effect with these glosses, for the first time by blending inky translucent lacquers with robust micronized pigments. He has made liquid beauty come to life with these glosses that provide "supreme, lasting, wet shine."

You might suspect I agonized over my selections. Actually it was easy for me. I tried all four, and Pink 501 and Pink 512 (left to right above) reached out and said, "Buy me!"  Here's a blogger's problem. I have absolutely no idea what these shades are named. Mr. Armani's team provided the names listed above. I can't match them to the shades. There is nothing on the box or the tube - and nothing on the Web site - that would help us determine whether I bought Rose Crocoite or another. If that matters to you, I'll try to get the information from Public Relations. I don't really care what they are called. I'm calling them darling, a term of endearment. I love my new shades.

My swatches show #510 at the top of my arm and #512 below. They are different, even though you wouldn't know it from the photo directly above. Trust me, #510 is a pure pink, and #512 has fabulous mauve hue. My photos were taken in full sun. Can you see the liquid effect on my arm?

I was able to get multiple exposures - two with the sun's rays shining directly on my arm and one at a slight angle to the sun. I think the full-on sunshine photos show the shades and their liquid gleam best.

The two I left behind are equally pretty. I've been feeling wallet-constrained lately, so I'm going to have to live without them. I try to make my buying decisions without regard to the blog, but I can't. I love showing you new beauties, and Giorgio Armani Beauty always makes my heart race. In this case, you're just going to have to go see them. Not a hardship, right?

You can find these limited-edition Gloss d'Armani shades from Giorgio Armani Beauty's Écailles Collection at all Armani Beauty counters (I bought mine in person) and online at the Giorgio Armani Beauty Web site (where the color swatches are pretty good this time). These glosses are definitely worth your attention.

If you live in the DC area, Tim Quinn, Armani makeup artist to the stars, will be at Saks Fifth Avenue in Chevy Chase, Maryland this Thursday and Friday. You must make an appointment to see him - he's enormously popular, for good reason. Just call any member of the Armani Beauty Team at Saks Chevy Chase at (240) 497-5206 to make your appointment.

Photos by Best Things in Beauty


  1. Those are lovely!
    But, I certainly understand the concept of feeling *wallet-contrained*, lately.
    All those lovely products sure cost a pretty penny!

  2. Those are gorgeous! Not sure how you managed to choose just 2!

  3. Hi Sunnlitt,

    Lovely photo! Get one, not even two. They are really lovely.

  4. I exerted supreme willpower and the thought of poverty, Lov2read!

  5. Here's what I've found online from other blogs as far as the gloss colors:

    # 509 Pink Quartz (I bought this one)
    # 510 Rose Crocoite
    # 511 Raspberry Zincite
    # 512 Red Andradite


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