
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day! To all the moms out there, whether your children are young or grown - or even furry - Happy Mother's Day!

To my Mom and all the moms, this is your special day, but I hope all your days are special. You are loved.

Painting by Pino


  1. Charlestongirl, thank you for the kind words. I know this Mother's Day will be a bit sad for you with all you've had to deal with lately. This will be my Mom's first Mother's Day in a nursing home. She just turned 93 and I kept her in her own home at as long as I could. As an only child, it was hard working full time and trying to keep an eye on her. She is being well taken care of now and is actually eating and has put on some much needed weight! I want you to know that you, dear lady, are in our thoughts and prayers as you walk down this difficult path.

    On a lighter note, a box from Sephora arrived at my house on Thursday addressed to my daughter. I'm hoping that my Mother's Day gift is in it! :)

  2. Thank you for your kind words, Charlestongirl. That painting is lovely.
    I am sorry that it has been a rough time recently for you and your mom. I hope that you both enjoy a warm and relaxing day tomorrow.

  3. Thanks, Charlestongirl! Let me echo the sentiments of the others...I hope you find the right person to help with your mom...and that she regains her strength.

    I miss my mom today (as always)...she's been gone almost 20 years, but it seems like yesterday!

  4. Happy Mother's Day, Grlnxdor!

    I am so sorry that you finally had to move your mom to a nursing home. I do understand that heartbreaking decision. I'm glad to hear she's doing well. Some nursing homes are wonderful - the trick is finding them.

    Sephora box! Yea! Hope you got it this morning. :) Happy Mother's Day to you AND your mom.

  5. Thank you, Sunnlitt,

    It HAS been relaxing so far. After an early trip to the grocery store, I came home and took a two-hour nap! That was after a 10-hour night. Think my body was speaking?

    Happy Day!

  6. I am so sorry, Bisbee,

    I know that pain, having lost my father. That leaves a void in my life that gets sad at times. Sounds like your mother left us way too early.

    I hope you can think about the happy times today. I'm sure she's looking down on you from heaven, still keeping you safe.

  7. Happy Mothers'Day to all and you too Charlestongirl (did Charlie behave particularly well to celebrate the day? :-) I hope you spent a lovely time with your Mum recovering from all her pains and falls and I'm sure you feel better now you've found a nurse whom you can trust and who can really help (and that your Mom has adopted!!)
    It's not Mothers' Day here yet(on June 3rd) but I'm thinking of my mom who left me 7 years ago and whom I miss everyday....

  8. Happy Mother's Day to you and your Mother, CG!

  9. Oh Clarisse, I can only imagine the heartbreak when Mother's Day comes around. I'm lucky to still have mine. I hope she makes it to her 90th birthday next month. She is not doing very well.

    She is having trouble eating and breathing at the same time (nose is still very swollen), and she is loopy from the pain killers. I hope the loopiness goes away. She was so sharp just weeks ago.

    I hope you enjoyed your U.S. Mother's Day!

  10. Same to you and your Mom, Ava! When were you down there last?


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