
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Le Métier de Beauté Bora Bora Eye Shadow Palette

The Bora Bora Eye Shadow mini-palette was the gift with purchase when Saks Fifth Avenue unveiled Le Métier de Beauté at its Web site, along with the On the Coast Kaleidoscope. Bora Bora is small, but I love the sound of free.

Why am I showing it to you since the promotion has ended? Le Métier de Beauté GWPs resurface now and then (as do many beauty GWPs). I want you to see how this beauty looks on the skin so that you'll know whether it's a definite "buy to get" if it's ever offered again. I was unconvinced from its photo that it would contain shades I could wear. Pink and mauve are not the best eye shadow colors for me. I am thrilled that I can wear these, with a few reservations.

I have to blend (or layer) the gold shade with the mauve to take the red out. That works. In fact, the pink and gold shades are gorgeous when blended. I was able to get swatch photos of the individual shades. I used a sponge-tipped applicator to apply them heavily, and I took my photos in full sun.

The pink is pure pink. It's pretty. While I wouldn't wear it straight up on my own eyelids, I would wear it blended with the gold. I would also use it as a highlighter (it's pretty under the brow bonw). I feel no constraints where powder shadows are concerned.

The gold shade is a pretty deep gold. It's extremely useful. The mauve is mauve or muted burgundy, a shade that brings out the red in my eyes. It's a color I must avoid on my eyelids, although it's gorgeous on my cheeks. If you can wear mauve, this is a pretty one.

The Bora Bora Eye Shadow Palette gives you plenty of options for layering, just like Le Métier de Beauté's Kaleidoscopes. If you received Bora Bora with your Saks Web site purchase, play with the combinations, then please let us know what you think.

We have had a terrible sunlight deficit for the last week or so. I'd love to have been able to show you the blended shades I created using Bora Bora. As soon as I got these photos, the sun departed that day. I haven't seen much of it since.

I have new makeup and no way to show it to you! I really need a good day to get photos. I'm not sure about today's outlook. While our plants needed the rain, I need some sun to show you the latest best things in beauty!

See the comments for the latest on Mom.

Photos by Best Things in Beauty


  1. I need some sleep, but I've got to get ready and go to work. I just returned from the ER. Mom fell in the middle of the night - she got up without calling for help - and her nose was broken (pretty obvious, but they did CT scans to ensure there is nothing else broken and no subdural bleeding). She looks like she was in a bar brawl. Black eye, swollen face, and a nose that looks painful. Poor Mom. She didn't need this on top of everything else.

  2. Quite possibly the ugliest display of colors I have ever seen. Wouldn't wear them to take out the trash.

  3. I received this with my order of On the Coast as well but haven't worn it yet. I couldn't help but notice the label on the back. It says the palette contains 14 grams of product. I'm near certain this must be an error because a LMBD single only has 3.5 and an entire kaleidoscope contains the same 14. I'm guessing this was a case of re-using a label template from a kaleidoscope. Do you have any other of these mini palettes that state a gram weight of something different?

    Sorry to hear about your mother. I hope she makes a full and speedy recovery.

  4. Dear CG, I am really sorry to hear about your mom's fall. I hope she gets better soon, especially with Mothers' Day around the weekend. Like the sun after the rain, I am sure everything will be better for you and your mom soon!:-)

  5. So sorry to hear about your mother, hope she makes a speedy recovery and feels better soon. Have you explored taking photos indoor with a bright light source? That's how I usually take photos for my blog and it works out quite well. I don't use a light box.

  6. I have mixed feelings about this palette. While I have a hard time calling anything Le Metier does pedestrian, I think they've done better. Either way, I like your ideas about blending.

    I'm sorry to hear about your mother. My mother lives with my family, and no matter how much I urge her to call out for help, she's a very independent woman.

  7. CG, I'm sorry your Mom fell. Geez, the old say, "When it rains, it pours" really seems to apply here. You're way overdue for things to settle down. When you said you needed sleep, I thought, "No, what Charleston Girl needs is a week on a tropical beach!"


  8. old sayING


  9. Oh my goodness! I hope she heals quickly and easily. My mom had a terrible fall like that...but she tripped over a small bar in the sidewalk in Athens and fell on a motorcycle (what are the chances, I know!). She came off the plane also looking like she'd been in a major bar fight too.

    Have to take care of our moms and keep them as safe as we can and insist they ask for help!

  10. Your poor mom! It is so hard to except dependency on other's! Hope cloudy skies get you in a mood for a nice nap! Hope sun comes out soon and enables you to take nice pictures!

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom: I do hope she'll make a full recovery quickly: she badly needs it and you too!!! all my best thoughts and prayers go to you:-)

  12. So sorry to hear about your mom. It's tough to sleep or to go to work when you're worried about someone you love. Prayers for both of you!

    You know, I think the palette is one of those that I would love upon opening and seeing it, and then discover, like you did, that it brought out all of the red in my eyes. Too bad. But the gold is gorgeous!

  13. Oh my gosh, CG--I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. It seems like it's just been piling up for you. I will definitely keep your mom in my thoughts and prayers.

    As far as the eyeshadow goes--it's pretty...on your arm. I'm not sure how good it would look on my eyes. I wouldn't try and spend the specified amount to try and get this--but hey, if it's free I'll take it!

  14. Hi, I'm back. Quite a day! Thank you to everyone for your caring thoughts and wishes. Mom looks absolutely scary, but at least it was her nose, not her hip!

  15. Nemo, your comment gave me a chuckle when I saw it. :) That's a pretty harsh reaction.

  16. Hi Haru,

    I've experimented with all kinds of indoor lighting. I just don't like the results. Still depending on Mother Nature until I can afford a real in-home studio. :)

  17. I agree, Laetitia. I did have to work pretty hard to make it work for me.

  18. Rosemary, I need a week propped up with my heating pad and few responsibilities!

  19. Hi Evelyn,

    We had to let Mom have Ambien the last few nights because she was so sleep-deprived. The Ambien caused it, I am sure!

  20. Lena, I would KILL for a nap right now.

  21. Thank you, Clarisse! Love back your way.

  22. MamaVal,

    I don't know why makeup companies love those shades. Ever since Bobbi told me to shun them, I've looked a lot better. :)

  23. Hi Yesplease,

    Agreed, but why not make a GWP that's really cool?


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