
Monday, May 28, 2012

Saturday in New York

On Saturday, I went to New York. I didn't tell you in advance because it's never a good idea to publicize online that you will be out of town. I had a blast, although I'm still recovering physically from the long, active day. Yesterday, I spent the better part of my day resting.

I went for two reasons. There was a party at MiN New York in honor of Sergio Momo, who was visiting from Italy. Sergio is "Mr. Xerjoff" (shown above delivering his presentation to the group). The party was attended by many members of a fragrance Facebook group to which I belong. One came from as far away as Germany! Another came from Montreal. I also wanted to meet my friend Gaia from The Non-Blonde. Although we've become fast friends, we had never visited in person. I was really looking forward to the day. I took Amtrak up and back.

The ride up was fast and uneventful. I was able to take the Acela, which shaves about a half hour off the trip. My train pulled into New York a few minutes before noon, and I hopped in a taxi for Barneys New York, Gaia's and my planned meeting place. She arrived while I was buying Bryedo fragrance! Then we had a blast shopping just about everything on the beauty floor. I fell in love with a new-to-me brand, Claudio Riaz. Within minutes, I had selected about eight things I wanted. Others must like this brand too because they had only one of the eight items in stock - just one! I'll show it to you this week, and I'll be waiting for the call from Barneys telling me they have restocked.

We visited the Frederic Malle counter where we learned that he is launching a hair mist in Carnal Flower. I need that like a third arm, but I'll probably buy it. I also want one of the room sprays, but I held off on spending too much. I knew the day would get costly.

We spent a fair amount of time at the Koh Gen Do counter. Both of us purchased an Aqua Foundation. Kate inspired me on Friday. I'll let you know what I think after I have a few days of wear time. I like the line! They loaded us up with samples, and I suspect it's in my future as a regular.

I needed a chance to recharge, so we went to the restaurant in Barneys to save time at lunch. Very good food and service, but the prices were ridiculous. I had forgotten how much it costs to eat in New York - unless you do the food truck routine.

From Barneys, we walked over to Bergdorf Goodman, where I had hoped to say hello to Dustin at Le Métier de Beauté. I was totally bummed that he wasn't working on Saturday. I found the Tom Ford counter uninspiring. We only had time to do a quick run through Bergdorfs, but Gaia made sure I stopped at Jar. There was no time for the "Jar experience," but I was able to leave with a dab of Jarling on my wrist. I need to go back.

After a quick concealer and blush touch-up at the Chantecaille counter, we were off in a taxi for MiN New York in SoHo. The party started at 3:00, and when we arrived - just a few minutes after that - it was in full swing. Gaia's other half, Ori, met us there. He has been doing his own shopping while we did beauty departments. I think "The Blonde" and "The Non-Blonde" are a darling couple.

The party? Wow! With plenty to eat and drink, great online friends, and a presentation by Sergio (but maybe not enough air conditioning to suit Southerners in 85+, humid weather), it was a great party. Chad Murawczyk and Mindy Yang and the entire MiN team were fabulous hosts. I was there for three hours, and it still seems like one.

I never made it through the entire group to say hello to everyone, but I did take a few moments to meet with the "Tango king" on the couch. I stole this photo from a dear Facebook friend to show you.

I had to sample fragrances! I brought home a few - all of which I'll describe later. Naturally, my spending money was concentrated on Xerjoff, a dynamic line that has something for everyone. Sergio Momo is a sweet, knowledgeable, and, I think, somewhat shy man who has created some of the most amazing fragrances I've purchased this year. With oil concentrations at 25%, they last on my skin forever. You will love the line, which you can find at MiN and Luckyscent.

Just after 6:00, I left in a taxi for Penn Station to catch the 7:00 train back to DC. No Acela, unfortunately, so the trip took 3.5 hours. By the time I got back to my house, it was about 11:00, and I was worn out. After apologizing to Charlie and Savannah for the late dinner - and a quick Facebook check-in - I crashed.

Now, of course, I want to go back more often. I hadn't been to New York in two years - way too long, but there was that knee replacement. I wish now I could have a spine replacement. If I could trade in mine for one that's new, I'd be off to New York way too often.

Stay tuned for my new makeup and fragrance features. I hope you are having a wonderful Memorial Day!

Photos by Best Things in Beauty and courtesy of a Facebook friend I finally got to hug


  1. What a wonderful, exciting, exhilarating, and exhausting day! Whew! I needed a nap just reading about it! LOL
    I'm so glad you were able to get away and enjoy a day of exploring beautiful things with fun and charming people. And, lucky for all your BTiB readers, we'll get to learn all about your new goodies in the weeks ahead.

    Enjoy the rest (pun intended :-) ) of your holiday weekend.

  2. Waow what a day! Sounds all exciting terrific ...but no wonder your were exhausted, such a whirlwind!
    However it made you happy and you needed that elation, good for you:-) Now you need to rest as much as you can before starting telling us about your treasures! I'm looking forward to it since I've never heard about Claudio Riaz, Koh Gen Do, Jar, Sergio Momo...a lot to be introduced to you see?
    By the way, drop me line about the Frederic Malle room sprays you are after! We are still waiting for his lily of the valley fragrance which was due in March?!?

  3. lol I was wandering the Met and Central Park while you were shopping! I think you had the better time; half of our group really wasn't interested in art but just wandering along aimlessly.

    I'm going to make sure, now that I have more free time, to go to MiN and explore. After I set my spending budget that is! lol

  4. Hi Eileen, for me, it was exhausting. Totally. Yesterday, I had an ice pack on my neck and a hot pad on my lumbar spine. I feel like a geezer.

    I know you are going to love Claudio Riaz. It's "our kind of makeup." Odd, but I found the Sunday Riley counter boring. Then turned around and saw a makeup display to faint over at CR.

  5. It was fun, Clarisse!

    I've also been waiting for the new Frederic Malle lily of the valley perfume. I think it must be a tiny bit delayed.

    My favorite spray was 1ER Mai Perfume Gun. I just can't justify $145 for something so ephemeral. I've never found a room fragrance that really stuck around for a decent amount to time. It's stunning when sprayed.

    Let us know when the Malle muguet comes out there! I can't wait to smell it!

  6. Evelyn, you must go to MiN! Let me know before you go, and I'll "introduce" you to Mindy. You will love them! The shop is a fragrance lover's paradise.

    It was way too hot to wander Central Park! Geez, it was "close" Saturday. Then it rained, and I got drenched catching a cab to go back. For half the train ride back to DC, my hair was wet. :) By then, I didn't care.

  7. How fun! I took the train up with my husband and sister in law recently, about 5 hours from here. We shopped at Saks, saw Phantom of the Opera, and did tons of walking. It was great, and we are planning to go back in the fall.

  8. Martha, wasn't Phantom awesome? I totally loved that show - and the music.

  9. I am SO glad you went. If anyone deserved to be there, it was you. You've been so busy lately, life so hectic, I'm glad you had a fragrant getaway, albeit a wild one.

    That pic of you stunning. Frameworthy!!

    Hopefully your next NYC adventure will include another Montrealer, whose name shall not be mentioned here :-) <3

  10. Sounds like such fun...I'm glad you got to go enjoy...much deserved!

  11. Hi Lovethescents, I think all our Canadian friends need to travel together and attend the next MiN party. It was a blast!

  12. Oh I definitely will :) Thank you! Right now I'm being distracted by La Chasse Aux Papillons that I sprayed myself with earlier. So pretty!

  13. Sounds like a fun day. I was invited to the party as well and was going to go but Henri Bendls has a sale on all make up, skincare, EVERYTHING, 25% OFF. Now that's a sale No One can pass up. They've redecorated, reorganized their Beauty Department , adding lots of new beauty and skincare lines and it looks fabulous. I've been using a skincare line only they sell called Immupure and it is the best. I think I've tried almost every line but IMMUPURE is made from Colostrom and I kid you not, within a week, you'll see a difference in your skin. I've been using it for about 8 months and I don't think I have a line on my face. The owner of the company and everyone who works at the Immupure counter is so friendly , accommodating and wonderful. I can't recommend this line any more than I am. Once you start using it, you'll never try anything else. They also added a champagne Bar and they're now making their own line of champagne. But the 25% off on everything in the store INCLUDING BEAUTY AND SKINCARE is something you can't miss. I have NEVER seen a sale like that in any department store, no less BENDEL's. I've met Dustin at Le Metier and he is a wonderful man, very sweet. I've made Bendels my second home and love everyone in the beauty department, the manager, assistant managers, just one big family so It's very personalized service and smaller than Bergdorffs but they don't have a Chantecaille or Le Metier counter. So I'll probably stop by Bergdorfs this week to pick up some of your Chantecaille recommendations and say hello to Dustin. I'll try to talk him into doing one of Le Metier's make over nights, my absolute favorite. They have the best make up artists, great champagne, food and of course their products. Hope everyone enjoyed this wonderful weekend and don't forget to check out Bendel's for your 25% off. These sales are few and far between so if you're running low on products, now's the time to get them.


  14. Hi Charlestongirl,

    I was just re-reading your delightful post and had a good look (with my glasses on ;-) ) of you snuggled up with the hunk. Your ring is gorgeous! There you are all neutral and then this big pop of blue. So pretty!

  15. Hi CG - Glad you finally took a much deserved trip to NYC! I had the exact same reaction to Claudio Riaz. I loved the products so much that I took photos to refer to later when Barneys runs sales. The palettes are on my list! I did buy to eye shadows, one to use as a cheek highlighter while I was there, and made myself pass on the brushes. I quit wishing for a Tom Ford counter here after the visiting those at Saks and Bergdorfs. I've read that the blushes are to die for, but I still have several to use up, so I passed on those. Couldn't resist that eye brown pencil, of course! I'm looking forward to your reviews.

  16. Oh CG I am so happy for you. Sounds like you had a great time. The picture of you is beautiful and I can't help but notice the big shopping bag next to you! I can't wait to hear about all your goodies. And Dlori I am so jealous 25% off - I'd go crazy!

  17. Wow. I love New York! The photo of you is terrific and I'll look forward to reading about all your purchases! x

  18. Wow, what a glorious way to spend a Saturday. I haven't been to NYC in a few years. Claudio Riaz is a new name for me, too. Did any of his brushes intrigue you? Do you happen to know where his products are manufactured? Can't wait to see how you like his makeup! Have a wonderful week ahead, Charlestongirl!

  19. Evelyn, that is such a pretty fragrance!

  20. Hi Dlori!

    I haven't been to Bendel for awhile. Gaia and I had wanted to swing by, but we ran out of time.

    I love sales! Wish I could go back. Their Web site is so incomplete, it's hard to shop online.

  21. Thanks, Eileen. That's my tanzanite - the first big gem investment I ever made. It remains one of my favorites.

  22. Ava, Gaia bought a beautiful blush from TF Saturday. She - the brush expert - isn't particularly fond of the CR brushes. Said they aren't soft enough.

    Supposedly, we will get that TF counter here some day, but now I'm not quite as eager. :)

  23. Thanks, Jo. It was a nice change of pace!

  24. Thanks, Moxie Reviews! Had so much fun!

  25. That's a good question, Walls. I'll try to find out. Barneys almost obliterated the box with their sticky label, but I don't see anywhere the origin is identified.

  26. Hi Charlestongirl,

    That does sound like a whirlwind trip! I remember when I went to the beauty floor at Bergdorf for the first time almost 2 years ago. I was totally overwhelmed and probably needed 8 additional hours down there!

    I am SO glad you got the Aqua foundation. I think you are going to like it. I am eager to hear your thoughts.

    You look so lovely in your picture! I absolutely love your blouse and ring. You are such a stylish and classy lady.

    Thanks for sharing your experiences!


  27. Thank you, Kate! That jacket is my only piece of Roberto Cavalli, and I love it.

    I could stay at BG all day long! So much more exciting than its sister Neiman Marcus!

  28. It was a fabulous day, and was very happy to finally meet you.

  29. Hi, my darlin' Carlos! It was terrific that I finally got a hug! :)


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