
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Chantecaille Celebrates World Ocean Day with Petition Drive, Expanded Donations, and a Gift with Purchase

Chantecaille will be celebrating World Ocean Day with a very special gift with purchase, doubled donations to a worthy cause, and a petition drive. I'm so there!  Three offers, three things I'm asking you to consider - and at least one to do.

Starting tomorrow night, June 6 - you'll probably see it posted on Chantecaille's Web site by 9:00 pm, Chantecaille will offer you a complimentary La Baleine Palette, as shown in the photo above, with any $200 purchase. The GWP will be available until Monday, or until supplies run out.

It's time to buy your back-up (or my third for my makeup museum) of the Coral Reefs Palette. If you haven't purchased this must-have palette, now's the time. For every Coral Reefs Palette sold on World Ocean Day, June 8, Chantecaille will double its donation to the Marine Conservation Institute. That's significant!

With the Coral Reefs Palette, Chantecaille continued its generous tradition of offering must-have makeup with an environmental benefit. Chantecaille has proudly joined the Marine Conservation Institute in their efforts to protect 10% of the world’s oceans by 2020. The oceans cover 71% of the earth, providing 80% of our oxygen and food for 3.5 billion people; yet less than one half of one percent of our oceans are protected. The health of the ocean is vital, and coral reefs are the alert system. Today three quarter’s of the world’s coral reefs are at risk due to over-fishing, pollution, and global warming. Maintaining 10% of the ocean’s ecosystems as “no-take marine protected areas” is the best chance for coral’s survival. Five percent of the proceeds from the Coral Reefs Palette will be donated to the Marine Conservation Institute to help meet our goals (not their goals, our goals). On World Ocean Day, 10% of the proceeds will be donated.

If that weren't enough, please make your voice heard - now - by signing Chantecaille's petition to help save the Coral Reefs. If you love beauty and environmental diversity (environmental gems), you'll want to see the endangered coral reefs protected. Signing the petition is the least we can do. You can find the petition at this link. They have a signature goal of 5,000 signatures. Right now, the count is 2,323. Best Things in Beauty readers could put them over the top in one day. Let's do it! Can I count on you? Please let me know in the comments.

With the beautiful GWP, wouldn't it be a good time to stock up on your favorites - or purchase Chantecaille's new introductions, like that gorgeous Radiance Gel Bronzer? I think this will be my third order in the last two weeks. That's how much I love Chantecaille.

Photo courtesy of Chantecaille


  1. Hi CG, I was number 2325! Thanks for the great information!

  2. Thanks for the heads up, Charlestongirl. Great cause, beautiful palette and GWP. I have my eye on that new bronzer ...

  3. Leigh, I adore it. Hope you'll sign the petition.

  4. Done! I might receive it to sign again, since it's with the Petition Site and I'm registered there:-)
    Anyway I'm a convinced one: it's a vital cause since so many don't respect the world's oceans and consider them as their "dustbin"...but every little thing does help! Thank you for giving us the information, Charlestongirl:-)

  5. Done! There were 8,687 after I signed. I wonder how many of those were BTiB readers? :D

  6. Done! Thanks for sharing this link. I am for all causes environmental and animal.

  7. Thank you, everyone!

    Yesplease, I checked this morning, but I didn't see that over 8K had signed. I wonder how that happened.


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